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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

A trip down memory lane


Mar 7, 2014
A Trip Down Memory Lane .....December 1999

While I was in High School I had a rather strange experience. A few friends and I decided to hang out after class, being it was the last day of school before winter break. We ventured out into the city in search of some marijuana. One of my friends suggested we go to her
. . We then headed to the Lower East Side. That's when we come across two dudes, who were friends with this girl. They explained to us how they just got back from Washington Heights. And they just happened to purchase some "puday" and they were willing to sell us a bag or two.
. . So we purchased the trees and walked to my friends building. We rolled up and proceeded to smoke in her stair case. What I first noticed was the smell of the weed, it reminded me of incense. It also had a very unappealing odd taste to it. I paid it no mind and just kept on smoking. . . I automatically felt high as f### within a couple of minutes. A high that I have never felt from marijuana before. When I stood up to leave it hit me real hard. And right away I could notice that I wasn't the only one trippin out. One of my friends was really feeling it I could tell without her having to say a word.
. But before We headed out to the hall and became totally speechless. Since it was Christmas time somebody had decorated the entire hall with wrapping paper and other decorations. We were in awe about what was going on before our eyes. Everything from snowmen to snowflakes. Flashing Lights and candy canes galore. I felt like I was in a winter wonder land. The decorations came to life and Santa Clause was laughing at me and he wouldn't stop he was so jolly lol. We walked over to the end of the hallway, somebody had made a fake fireplace. And when we all stared to stare at it we become obsessed with how real it appeared. I truly believed that it was a real it's appearance was so alluring as if it was a full blown fire.
. . I didn't mind until we got outside. This is when my heart started pounding through my chest. I was confused and I kept walking into things. My friends were also going through the same experience. We were like WTF did we just smoke. . . . The pounding of my heart was out of control, my mind was foggy yet still alert. I could concentrate on any part of my body and it would instantly become numb. I would concentrate on my lungs for example and I could instantly feel them working. I could feel the blood flow through my veins, and I knew exactly what path it was taking. . . . My entire body was hyper sensitive. From my head to my toes. And my vision was out of whack. I was able to see objects moving that definitely were not. I could hear people talking that were as far as across the busy street. As if they were standing right in front of me.
. . Other than the major anxiety attack I had experienced from this "puday", it was totally awesome. I have never again experienced this overwhelming high. The closest I have come to these affects has been with mushrooms. . . I have no idea if the weed was just really good or if it may have been laced?
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Interesting story :) I'd recommend breaking it up into paragraphs though, as it was a little difficult to read as it is now.

While we shouldn't speculate as to whether your weed was laces or not, that certainly sounds a bit more like the effects of a legal high I once tried. Wasn't particularly enjoyable. Certainly sounds pretty whack for just weed, ime