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A Short Story: "Angelica"


May 23, 2000
"Excuse me," the girl whispered.
"Oh, I'm quite sorry. You'll have to forgive me, miss."
When the sparkling blue eyes of that slight, pale girl met with his own, David knew he was in love. Not puppy love or that feeling in the pit of his stomach that he had felt before, but a feeling of completeness. He had just met his other half.
The girl, Angelica, was a bit younger than David but seemed older. He thought he sensed an air of wisdom about her, what some would call an "old soul." She was tall and thin, but not enough to make her awkward. She was, in fact, quite attractive. Her eyes were the brightest of blues, and they seemed to explode with light when she smiled. Her mouth opened only slightly when she talked, as if beckoning David closer to her. At the same time her slightly sealed mouth suggested that she was keeping a secret. She spoke slowly, but her words had the speed of someone who was going somewhere.
"I didn't see you," David said apologetically. "I'm on my way downtown. I'm starting my new job at a bakery this morning. Would you care to be my first customer?"
This was unlike David. He was being very forward, and his question shocked him even more than it surprised the girl. He was the "nice guy." He had many friends and got along with people well, but he was no Casanova. He knew he was attractive, yet he always seemed to get passed over for someone a little more attractive, a little more successful.
"I was meaning to go uptown today, because I have a good deal of shopping to do-it's so close to Christmas. Maybe one day, if I decide I'd like to come, I will stop by. What is the address of this bakery?"
He told her, and they went in their opposite directions. He had been unsuccessful, she wouldn't come to see him, and that was that.
Miraculously, he was incorrect. One day several weeks later Angelica descended upon the bakery. It was snowing outside, and the tiny flakes dusted her overcoat. She came in and ordered a hot chocolate. She gazed directly at David, but her blue eyes failed to see him.
"Angelica, right?" he implored.
"Yes. Do I know you?"
"We bumped into each other several weeks ago on the day I started working here. You said you might stop in. Remember?"
"Oh, yes, I do. I did say that, didn't I? How have you been?"
A tall, olive-skinned man walked in. He was dressed in a long, extravagant fur coat. David's eyes were drawn to the large diamond ring that dominated the man's right hand.
"Hello, my darling," the stranger said to Angelica. She responded instantly to his words, and David felt a ripple work its way down his spine.
"I'll be there in a moment, Stanley," she replied. "Sit and wait for me."
David handed her the steaming cup, and she thanked him for it. In that brief moment, however, they touched, and a connection was made. She knew it now also.
She strode over to the small corner table where Stanley was sitting. For fifteen minutes they conversed, while she emptied her cup. Then they stood, exchanged a few words, and Angelica approached David.
"I'd like to see you tonight. Meet me at the Tropicana at nine."
The Tropicana was a very exclusive nightclub. David figured that Angelica was able to get in by way of her relationship with Stanley. That turned out to be true, but Stanley was not there that night. Angelica and David met up and danced the night away.
Not long after this night Angelica had become involved with David, now in addition to Stanley. She enjoyed David's company and thought he had a great personality, but she loved Stanley's lavishness and riches. To love Stanley for his money was wrong, she knew, but she could not help herself.
David continued his job at the bakery, and oddly enough it became a frequent meeting place for Stanley and Angelica. David liked this arrangement, because he could see Angelica all the time, but he found himself developing a friendship with Stanley as well. He and Stanley discussed news, sports, and the like, whenever Stanley was waiting for Angelica.
Early into March David was behind the counter, when Angelica walked in. Although he had thought about what he was about to do, he was still unsure.
"Angelica, I can't do this anymore. You can't continue on with Stanley and me."
"Is that right? Give me a second to think this over."
She sat down at her table and looked to be deep in her shallow thought. Stanley barged through the door, nodded in David's direction, and sat down next to Angelica. A customer obstructed David's view, but he thought he saw Stanley pull a small square box from his pocket. Followed by Stanley, Angelica moved excitedly out the large, oak door.
"I don't have a choice," David thought he heard her say, as she passed by.
David didn't see Angelica ever again, nor did he see anyone else.
Copyright 1999
[This message has been edited by FunGuy (edited 02 June 2000).]