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A Scream In A Tea Cup


Bluelight Crew
Jun 17, 2005
A Scream In A Teacup

Every waking moment, hours seem to fly,
I regret nothing, and order vast more time,
Spoken like a saint, a visionary impaired,
Rocking and revolving around a lifeless corpse,
So dead.

I'm hanging on to the wrong side of here,
Dismissing the fiction of a state beyond my control,
An empty feeling that permeates throughout,
The distant feeling of a launching rocket,
Gone now, all gone.

Gathering storm clouds paint a pretty picture,
Whilst people stagger and fall down,
There is nothing left to pursue here,
Too many broken promises, broken memories.

I think I died this night,
When I caught the morbid strike,
Of lightning that cooked my soul,
Delivered by you, my friend,
A disabling blow,

You took a weapon of large size,
And treated it like a scalpel,
Cutting my heart out with lies,
Wordless lies have darkened the skies,
Lost without a home,

No you anymore, gone you have become,
Floating in this misery,
I think I now understand,
Your mission, your task on one hand,
A tattoo of evil on you,

You've pelted me with stones,
I'm buried within my own self,
Trapped and surely handcuffed,
I need a way out, to fresh air,
This pain isn't going anywhere,
Eternal pain for certain,
As long as I still breathe,
You will never stop haunting me,

I hope, chinese whispers diluted,
What it was I heard,
It sounds unlikely, purely absurd,
You would never do that to me,
I'm certain I know you wouldn't,
But maybe I never knew you,
Maybe you lived a lie,
Whilst we shared a life, you and I,
Perhaps I have been taken,
For a fool who just deserved,
To be beaten and broken and,
Left out for the birds.

A. <3