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A sad yet happy, humbling experience


Jul 4, 2016
Just wanted to share what happened.

So I had a mini breakdown at work yesterday. I was in the photo lab & this elderly woman came in to get some copies off a scanner but didn't know how to work the machines, so I helped her & took care of it. If anyone knows me, they know I love taking care of the elderly & definitely have a soft spot for them. Well, I finished the order in a few minutes & packaged her pictures for her & she was at the counter ready to pay. Before she paid, I asked her to take a look at them first to make sure they came out right & that she is happy with the way they turned out. She took em out, looked at them & immediately started crying. She put her hand over her mouth & just stood there, crying. Immediately, it made me tear up looking at her. Her husband recently passed away & they were pictures of them together. I came around the counter & just hugged her, both of us bawling at this point. Without even thinking, I told her to just take them, no charge. She goes "really? You're not making me pay for them?" crying even harder. I just said "No, take them. I'm glad you like them." with a smile & tears still running down my face. We hugged again & she thanked me, then left still crying. I went to the back where no one can see me & got myself together. Then I realized I can't just have an order that wasn't paid for. Sooo.. I took her order & paid for it myself. Idk man, that whole situation just really touched me & made me so sad yet so happy I could help her in such a rough time. It's not much, but no matter how 'bad' I thought my day was, it didn't even compare to hers & it just put me in a much better, humbling mood knowing I can't really help her but at least I did what I could to try to make her day a little better. Little things like that is what makes me soo happy & grateful.

EDIT: She came back to tell my boss about her experience! That makes me so happy. I was off that day so I wasn't there to talk to her. However, she came back - didn't buy a thing... just to talk to my boss. When I came in for my next shift, there was a note on the board that stated:

"A customer came back to the store to tell us how wonderful, kind, and compassionate Kayla was yesterday when getting a family picture printed. The customer was having a rough day and Kayla gave her a hug and really turned it into a better day."

���� I'm so happy I could cheer her up at least a little!!
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You did a wonderful thing and that gave that woman a little comfort in her grief. People like you give me such hope.
Thank you, guys! Kindness is like a domino effect. Hopefully (I'm sure she did & will), will do something for another person in rough time