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    Australian & Asian
    Drug Discussion

    Welcome Guest!
    Posting Rules Bluelight Rules
  • AADD Moderators: swilow | Vagabond696

a/s/l everyone?

31 (yeah grandpa loves everything illicit!)
Did I farkin' ask for fries?
we of the collective samadhi are...
23/girly/brisneyland who is very much taken with and by the other half of samadhi....28/male/brisvegas
buckdee/23/sydney/very muchly head over feet over head (hey! how'd that head get there?)taken by the funkiest dancer in the world who's taken her gorgeous perm to europe over summer while i sit here and wallow in come-downs, paranoia, and 2-minute noodles that have been cooked for 2 minutes too long.

that's the good ole comedown for ya!
(i think)
here i'm allowed
everything all of the time.
26/yes please(sorry F)/Sunny Melb/ Single )-:
[This message has been edited by Dmac (edited 02 January 2001).]
wow... everyone's... so.... old... and stuff...
"Where oh where oh where is shad-ow"
Age - 58 + 66 - 95 + 31 then take off the last number and put 1 at before theleftover number and u get my age!
Sex - dood... altho i have been mistaken for a girl b4
Goddamn drunks at chapel st. fest!!!
Location - Melbourne... where it's fukken hot one minute then pissin' down wif rain the next! *GO MELBOURNE WEATHER*
*pop* "once you pop... you can't stop" PRINGLES
legal/ok/not there
uh.. er..
i hope at the end of this thread someone will:
- calculate the average age and age range of aust/nz/asia BL'ers
- calculate the male/female BL'ers ratio
- rank the cities with most to least BL'ers
of course the statistics can't be so accurate as there would be heaps of lurkers out there, but hey, still, that will make a pretty good BL trivia.
KompleX here
im young, im fun and im full of cum
and im male and in melb
happy new years guys
and all u lurkers should stop lurking and post in this thread, u got nuthin to b afraid of, go on, u know u want to.
If ure a lurker and u dont post u are gay. (no ofence to homosexual people its just a saying)
OK - I'll do the calculations on averages etc on Wednesday 10th Jan sometime (or maybe later - at least not sooner). So if you haven't already posted on this thread please do so before the end of Wednesday...
Remember though:
72% of all statistics are incorrect and
Just under half the population is below average.

"Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child."
27 (just...eeeck!!!)
...and head over heels in luurve
...well for this week anyway :p
...nah...love the weirdo to bits...though I think I'm setting myself up for a nasty fall.
Damn these come downs

ok... um happily joint at the hip to Decimal Dan

Lead me not into temptation..... I can find my own way!
Damn you people for bulk posting while I was away at Earthcore having the time of my life
There's a little thread over here which has everyone's a/s/l ... or at least it will if people bothered with it.
Anyways... 21/m/melb/bulk single - unless Blue Kitten moves down to Melbourne and I won't take no for an answer alright Carnie?

...and one of the reasons I hate IRC is because that is just about always the first thing someone asks, and one of the least important...
But not wanting to end on a downer, I just want to add that I'm a sexy body-builder who drives a VN with a pumping stereo system, if you wanna come for a cruise up and down chapel st sometime, just let me know...
{half heartedly insert winking smiley face}
{vainly attempt to hide sarcasm}
Petey and all those looking for love
- The Unofficial Bluelight Dating Service is over here...
Lilly - Guys will always outnumber girls where computers are concerned until more girls realise that they could get a lot more use out of, and possibly be more proficient with computers than guys, if only they'd give them a chance...
[This message has been edited by Tarsarlan (edited 04 January 2001).]
Good post! I will have to read for possible sex gods!
"Always give a stranger a chance, because if you don't they will always remain a stranger."