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A question for Nordic smokers

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark.

Ok, I might have the geographical terms mixed up slightly, but I was wondering if any smokers from these countries have heard of something called smorgastarta. I found out about this 2-3 weeks ago from an extended family member, and think that it sounds like an absolutely fantastic food to eat while high. I don't quite fancy the work to make one though.

Basically it's a 3 or 4 layer fancy sandwich cake. The layers can be cream cheese, pickles, tuna salad, egg salad, cold cuts, shrimp, etc. The top/surfacces tend to be elaborate abd decorated with radish rosettes, carrot 'flowers', cold shrimp and sometimes caviar. In between the layers are buttered rye bread with the edges cut off.

It's served cold (?) straight from the fridge or barely warmed up (I think).

No one at work knew what the hell I was talking about.



I simply wonder if there ARE any weed smokers from most of these countries (minus Denmark being so close to Amsterdam).

I'd imagine it would be hard as FUCK to find weed in places like Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden but maybe I'm wrong.
I simply wonder if there ARE any weed smokers from most of these countries (minus Denmark being so close to Amsterdam).

I'd imagine it would be hard as FUCK to find weed in places like Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden but maybe I'm wrong.

There's a freetown in Denmark where you can legally purchase cannabis, it's been that way since 2004. It's a little exlcuded society with their own values.

And for OP, the dish you're talking about originate from from Sweden, it's called smörgåstårta. I tend to think the flavor is really distinct, but not necessarily bad.

Hope it helped.
Im from Denmark, but never heard about that sandwich thing.


You cant purchase cannabis legally ANYWHERE in Denmark, not even for medicinal use as doctors arent allowed to prescribe it.
You can buy weed in Christiania (as most other places really) but the cops are going after the buyers outside Christiania and people get tickets (which are extremely high btw) everyday.
And buying weed in Christiania was never legal either, not in 2004 or any other time for that matter.
I simply wonder if there ARE any weed smokers from most of these countries (minus Denmark being so close to Amsterdam).

I'd imagine it would be hard as FUCK to find weed in places like Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden but maybe I'm wrong.

Finland is full of weedsmokers. So is Sweden and Norway. There are many growers. Smörgåstårta tastes good.
Im from Denmark, but never heard about that sandwich thing.


You cant purchase cannabis legally ANYWHERE in Denmark, not even for medicinal use as doctors arent allowed to prescribe it.
You can buy weed in Christiania (as most other places really) but the cops are going after the buyers outside Christiania and people get tickets (which are extremely high btw) everyday.
And buying weed in Christiania was never legal either, not in 2004 or any other time for that matter.

Allow me to point out that I say legal as in no law enforcers have the privilege to frisk or arrest you within the boundaries of the freetown. If you exceed the boundaries or leave, the cops have full authority to arrest/fine you for drug possession. The beauty of anarchism.
Im from Denmark, but never heard about that sandwich thing.


You cant purchase cannabis legally ANYWHERE in Denmark, not even for medicinal use as doctors arent allowed to prescribe it.
You can buy weed in Christiania (as most other places really) but the cops are going after the buyers outside Christiania and people get tickets (which are extremely high btw) everyday.
And buying weed in Christiania was never legal either, not in 2004 or any other time for that matter.

That was my understanding when I first read about this place with such bittersweet history several years back. The drug trade may be tolerated within Christiana, but it's officially still illegal. Kind of like Amsterdam's coffee shops, or the individual states in the USA legalizing cannabis while it remains a crime at the federal level.

People get away with it, but there's always the possibility that they won't.
I've recently moved to Sweden with my gf who goes to University and I had to start smoking hash because I could not find any green. I'm not complaining though because I'm very lucky to have even found that. I think it would be easy to find in Stockholm but not so easy further up north.
The further north you go the more expensive it gets and the harder it is to find. You have to know people in the right circles (stoners). I bet you there is a shitload of good bud in Stockholm or anywhere in Sweden. Or Finland for that matter. A lot of people without connects use those darknet markets too to get the good bud.