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a poem, read it. ponder it.


Jun 8, 2000
a poem i wrote. i forget when i wrote it. i just found it among some other shit i have written and it is written in my writing. so i have come to the conclusion that i wrote it and i decided to post it to see what people think. i also decided to call it "My Best Friend"
I am caged,
locked in a cell
i have lost my arms
they were bitten
bitten off by a purple dog
a purple dog with wings
i have no arms
no legs, but one
i lost it by being hungry
i ate my leg off
i started just above the knee
we taste like chicken
a green chicken is here
here in the cell with me
the chicken taught me some languages
i am fluent in all
the chicken said,"Devin, you are a great man"
it is a good life
with a green chicken
my best friend
if the crane cant lift the beam, tell the 2000 pound lady to get off. this is a solo ride
hmm interesting. creative. though a bit confusing, i liked it.
Tear your wings off at the spine and tape them to the back of mine
After this night of shrooming, I can relate.
"I don't know what's real, but I really do know, don't I????"