• NMI Moderators: Madness

A newbie hello from Phx!


May 6, 2010
Hello Bluelight!
My name is Tom, and I actually first heard about this site in REHAB of all places, but discovered it online sometime last year. I occasionally read a posting, and have decided to join as I do believe I have a lot to share, and even more to learn.

Anyway, as the subject indicates, I live in the Phoenix AZ area. I am trying to figure out how to get back into school and more importantly what I want to study, as absolutely everything interests me.

I have considerable experience with both recreational and medical use of a variety of pharmaceuticals, and believe that neither fear nor prohibition can end the use of these substances.

I also FIRMLY believe that any individual who would choose to experiment with or use these substances should be able to fully educate him or herself without fear. I once saw a documentary about drug culture and one of the stories told was of the rumor that milk was an effective antidote to a heroin overdose. A young woman had been injected with milk following an overdose, and obviously, did not make it.

Keeping the topic of drug use taboo does nothing but endanger those whose natural curiosity has brought them together with a powerful substance.

WOW... I did not intend to get on the soapbox, but now that I have, I guess its a good time to step down and conclude my intro.

I look forward to learning and chatting!
That was a good read, I think you will like Bluelight :)
