a holiday story (everyone contribute)

"man what the fuck are you doing talking to us?" so you say "well who are you three little guys?"and they say " we're Snap Crackle and Pop, the three cartoon characters on the box of your Rice Bubbles. man, are you still off your nut from last night because if you can see and speak to us you must really be gone! You better get back to your dream before you sober up." So you...
"man what the fuck are you doing talking to us?" so you say "well who are you three little guys?"and they say " we're Snap Crackle and Pop, the three cartoon characters on the box of your Rice Bubbles. man, are you still off your nut from last night because if you can see and speak to us you must really be gone! You better get back to your dream before you sober up." So you...
so your worried about sobering up, so you decide to pop in another pill, this time a green love and then out of the blue you see the gummy bears bouncing here and there and everywhere and they say to you take some of our magic juice, it will blow you up. so you take a couple shots of it when....
Your head starts spinning and the visuals are now "off the hook" you start to see things that you never thought were possible
all of a sudden you here this music but you
can't figure out where its coming from.It sounds familar so you turn and realize______
we are adventurer zoey and adventurer elmo and we are in the land of lu lu putty, searching for the lost gagoogaflitz (if any one watches Sesame St. with their kids, this will be funniest to you). We just finished climbing Mount Snuffaluffagus, and we were frozen by the cold winds of lu lu putty. We now need the yellow bird of lu lu putty to sing us a song about sunny days so that we can thaw... up walks Big Bird, but rather than breaking into a verse of sunny days, he turns on his boom box, and blasts some good hard jungle, when suddenly ______________
Oscar the grouch jumps up turns down the music and says_________
...dude, I don't wanna listen to that shit. Check out this kick ass drum and bass set! Oh, by the way, if you see that big ass Santa Clause, send him my way. He's supposed to be making a pick up for me. You look questionably at the fuzzy green guy and then he proceeds to tell you how he is a chemist. Quickly, without hesitation, you jump into the garbage can and fall into his basement. You see smoke all over the place, but you can tell he is making something...something good. You look over and see a jar of pills that says "Majik Beans" on it. All of a sudden, Oscar puts his hand on your shoulder. You then _______
...dude, I don't wanna listen to that shit. Check out this kick ass drum and bass set! Oh, by the way, if you see that big ass Santa Clause, send him my way. He's supposed to be making a pick up for me. You look questionably at the fuzzy green guy and then he proceeds to tell you how he is a chemist. Quickly, without hesitation, you jump into the garbage can and fall into his basement. You see smoke all over the place, but you can tell he is making something...something good. You look over and see a jar of pills that says "Majik Beans" on it. All of a sudden, Oscar puts his hand on your shoulder. You then _______
...dude, I don't wanna listen to that shit. Check out this kick ass drum and bass set! Oh, by the way, if you see that big ass Santa Clause, send him my way. He's supposed to be making a pick up for me. You look questionably at the fuzzy green guy and then he proceeds to tell you how he is a chemist. Quickly, without hesitation, you jump into the garbage can and fall into his basement. You see smoke all over the place, but you can tell he is making something...something good. You look over and see a jar of pills that says "Majik Beans" on it. All of a sudden, Oscar puts his hand on your shoulder. You then _______
grab that jar of beans and thank oscar then
you turn and_________
start to distribute those magic beans to all
of your friends when you notice something over in the corner you do a double take and
think to yourself "this cant be for real" so
you start to walk to the corner and realize_______
that it's really, really true! There is a HUGE NITROUS TANK in the corner...you run over to it and grab the most colorful balloon you could find and begin your journey. Just as you were about to inhale you__________
Ya Never Know Til U Tried....But One Thang Iz Clear...Ur Gonna Get Fucked Up!!!1
You kind of stopped in your tracks, and looked around you in wonder, realising that the track the DJ at the Christmas rave was busting was STILL THE SAME SONG, even though it seemed like a billion light years had passed lost in music. "Whoa, I am FUCKED UP," you think, "these bean are mean". "Come on, fucknut," shouts She-ra across the bass, "lets go get some water!", so you start moving through the crowd, and....
that there is a HUGE nitrous tank sitting all by itself in the corner. Being the friendly person that you are, you decide to grab the biggest and brightest balloon and head on over to Mr. Nitrous to say a little hello. As you are about to fill your balloon you suddenly hear a loud crashing noise. You turn around and all of a sudden_______
you think to yourself, am i trippin? is it the nitrous, you don't care, you having the time of your life so you decide to fill up one more ballon, you take it in. you are floating all around and you hear the wahwahwahwah(noise you hear from nitrous, i think you all know, lol) then you best friend flys up next to you and passes this fat ass joint full of kind budz, so you take a couple drags and after that......