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A european tasting american meth

Im not in anyway giving meth addicts an excuse for their habit but people need to realize there is a vital and highly reasonable explanation for how and/or why their habit developed from a single hit.unfortunately controlling meth use is highly improbable compared to any drug put next to it, which is well-known BUT what the media has failed to inform is not necessarily THAT dopamine is released into the pleasure pathways(duh?)BUT HOW MUCH is released. Studies now confirm that Meth can release almost 10x the amount as the former "dopamine king"-heroin and 20x that of cocaine SO in other wards when one does meth you feel REALLY FUCKIN GOOD and can have un-canning euphoria compared to other chemicals

My wife and I have been using Meth occasionally for years. I mean 2-day bouts of use every 2-6 months or so. For a while I used meth two days a week, every week, for at least 2 months... I personally do not experience any addictiveness with this drug.
Im not in anyway giving meth addicts an excuse for their habit but people need to realize there is a vital and highly reasonable explanation for how and/or why their habit developed from a single hit.unfortunately controlling meth use is highly improbable compared to any drug put next to it, which is well-known BUT what the media has failed to inform is not necessarily THAT dopamine is released into the pleasure pathways(duh?)BUT HOW MUCH is released. Studies now confirm that Meth can release almost 10x the amount as the former "dopamine king"-heroin and 20x that of cocaine SO in other wards when one does meth you feel REALLY FUCKIN GOOD and can have un-canning euphoria compared to other chemicals
Only 10% of meth users become addicts, and addiction doesn't happen at the first hit. It sneaks up on you gradually. More dopamine release in-vitro doesn't necessary mean more addictive or euphoric. I personally find cocaine more euphoric, though I know many like meth better, particularly IV.
beautifullytweaked said:
im confused as to why there's not crystal meth labs in europe
In Europe P2P and a certain solvent are more common, so the leuckart became more common. It's good for making large amounts of amphetamine or even MDMA, not so good for meth. In the US P2P is harder to get, so the aluminum method became common at first, which is good for meth, not good for amphetamine. But then ephedrine methods replaced the P2P methods when P2P and it's precursors became harder to get in North America. In europe most countries use norephedrine more instead of (pseudo)ephedrine, whereas the US uses (pseudo)ephedrine more. I don't think norephedrine is used for amphetamine, ephedrine methods aren't as effective for it. So it comes down to cook culture and availability of precursors.
Only 10% of meth users become addicts, and addiction doesn't happen at the first hit. It sneaks up on you gradually.

I don't know about that stat, or any others that say what percentage of users get addicted to a particular drug. I'm a drug user, and I've never been asked to do a poll. What I'm getting at is who do they ask these questions to? I'm sure that anti-drug campaigns will be biased and show a lot higher addiction rate for certain drugs, and other sources that may be more "pro-drug" will be biased and have a lot lower number.

So who exactly are they asking these question to? If they ask it in an area where meth is readily available then the percentage would likely be higher, and vice versa.
Believe it or not the 10% number comes from SAMHSA . It seems that for any drug, alcohol, stimulants, depressants, even opiates about 10 percent of users are addicts at any give time. It's pretty unpredictable whether someone will become an addict or not, though the more abusers/addicts you have in your family or social circle, if you take it in an abusive manner, and the younger you use the more likely you are to become an addict.

You might say,"well everyone I've seen do meth is a tweaker," that's because the ones who do it all the time and lose control can't or don't hid it.They are visible.They hang out with other addicts. With 90% of users it's a once in a while thing, maybe one or two times a month tops.They aren't really into the scene.They don't go around saying,"oh, yeah I like to smoke dope, but only occasionally". It's a very taboo thing for the straight public.

I do agree that the surveys done by the government leave much to be desired. It seems to be self-reported, and since they don't count prisoners, mental patients, and the homeless, drug addiction and alcoholism could be under reported.
Believe it or not the 10% number comes from SAMHSA . It seems that for any drug, alcohol, stimulants, depressants, even opiates about 10 percent of users are addicts at any give time. It's pretty unpredictable whether someone will become an addict or not, though the more abusers/addicts you have in your family or social circle, if you take it in an abusive manner, and the younger you use the more likely you are to become an addict.

You might say,"well everyone I've seen do meth is a tweaker," that's because the ones who do it all the time and lose control can't or don't hid it.They are visible.They hang out with other addicts. With 90% of users it's a once in a while thing, maybe one or two times a month tops.They aren't really into the scene.They don't go around saying,"oh, yeah I like to smoke dope, but only occasionally". It's a very taboo thing for the straight public.

I do agree that the surveys done by the government leave much to be desired. It seems to be self-reported, and since they don't count prisoners, mental patients, and the homeless, drug addiction and alcoholism could be under reported.

I can't access that thing you linked to and I'm dying to read it. My browser says something about "unknown character encoding" or somesuch... Can you tell me exactly what to search for in the SAHMSA search field in order to see it? Please! ;)
It's here http://oas.samhsa.gov/2k5/meth/meth.htm from 2004. There were 12 million who've used meth at least once in there lives, 1.4 million people who used meth that year, 600,000 used in the past month, 346,000 were addicted to or abused one or more of any drug(not sure if they counted weed), and 130,000 were abusing or addicted to stimulants. 130,000/1,400,000=.093 rounded up. So the vast majority of people who've used meth are not addicts. Meth addiction is serious, and relapse is common like with any drug or alcohol. But it's not like one hit and you clunk your shit and look like faces of meth, nor is meth addiction uniquely hard to treat compared to say cocaine.
not to be a jerk but shouldn't it be 130,000/12,000,000 because if you are looking for addiction statistics you are also looking for the people who have used at anytime. 12 million have used and 130,000 are addicted. those are the facts and thats how it should be presented. if you go by those numbers then approximately 1% of people who try meth are addicted at any point. not that i necessarily believe that to be fact
not to be a jerk but shouldn't it be 130,000/12,000,000 because if you are looking for addiction statistics you are also looking for the people who have used at anytime. 12 million have used and 130,000 are addicted. those are the facts and thats how it should be presented. if you go by those numbers then approximately 1% of people who try meth are addicted at any point. not that i necessarily believe that to be fact

It's as close to a pure fact as you are going to get, considering its sources.
Goddamnit these threads are dn annoying. I've been tweaking on and off for 4 years . binges of no more than 5 days and . And i feel fine after lots of exercise , full vitamin pills with lots of magnesium , porn annd htp5 ( i stay the fuck away from ltyrosonshit makes pissed all the time). OP its stupid threads like this that make most BL usera beleive stupid shit meth propaganda stop making us responsible people look bad for your failure to be responsible and control ure dosage u knew this was ICE this fuking 2012 have you been living under a rock ? You don't smoke ice like its fkin cannabis man *facepalm*
I love it crazy p you're fucking awesome
glad to hear you had a blast with the
"American Meth" Nice!!!
let me know if you ever plan on comming
to hawaii8)