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A day in the park


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I just stumbled upon this comic strip and enjoyed it, maybe some of you will too

















Yeah, I liked that. Thanks for sharing it. :)

I think its an important idea; that the possible lack of objective meaning (answers) may be the defining quality of freedom. There are no wrong or right answers; you decide. That sort of power can be frightening though. But it needn't be; again, you can reject your freedom; or you can choose otherwise. The infinity of choice and possibility gives me hope when I feel trapped. I've come to realise that, no matter what, I cannot go wrong.
Yeh that was nice. I laughed when the old man/fish laughed.. that expression :D
Very nice comic OP

And I also like what you said willow, about this freedom being scary. I know sometimes I have felt like this.
Me too.

I like that part when he says 'you need answers to base your decisions on. Decision that lead to actions.'

Indeed, very interesting.
I love the drawings. The best part for me was the end--where he actually gains one of his favorite new additions to his collection from the old man.
Very nice comic OP

And I also like what you said willow, about this freedom being scary. I know sometimes I have felt like this.

See, the fear is based on freedom; so many choices! But you can't make the wrong one, which is a relief.
See, the fear is based on freedom; so many choices! But you can't make the wrong one, which is a relief.

Yes I feel that way as well. :)

I'm not sure I agree. In my experience, I was more likely to make the wrong choices than the right ones. Everything is so well-disguised, we rarely suspect that people in front of us are lying.

Wrong to whom? As long as you know what´s best for you that´s all it matters imho. I agree that we live in a world where sometimes things are not what they appear to be. With time I believe we start to spot on situations like those you described.
Loved it. Great post. Kept wondering to myself which character I identified most with.
See, the fear is based on freedom; so many choices! But you can't make the wrong one, which is a relief.
Erikman said:
Wrong to whom? As long as you know what´s best for you that´s all it matters imho.

Do you mean you can't ask the wrong question
(aka"the only stupid question is the one not asked"),
or that you can't make a wrong choice?
Surely not the latter.........

I like a heavy box of concrete truths ☺