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a couple shots of alcohol okay with some beans?

I have always found alcohol to be counter condusive to the effects of E. Why calm down your amp? I have had a few vodka and red bulls at the end of the night just to get myself for the evening.

To be truthful I have never found alcohol to be good with any drug.
I certainly hope so. I crush up pills and drop them into my shot all the time.
phillyx2000 said:
i know it's dumb but if i got vodka around and i'm coming down like 4 1/2 - 5 hours after popping it i normally take like 4 - 5 shots normally makes me feel a little better

dunno if u can call that dumb in the same way of drinking ALOT of beer.. I think it has in some way with the amount :) And 5 shots isnt that much ? like one beer or smth
i like candy said:
im used to drinking a lot when i go with mates anyway. so i find that if i go out on the pills its no different. ill usually get prtty drunk before dropping. but i have found there have been times when the alcohol seemed to dull the effects of the pills. has anyone else had this happen to them?

The alcohol didnt dull the effects.. but neither do i remember em(the peaks) if im pretty wasted :D
I believe a few years back there was actually a study showing that drinking alcohol while you roll actually increases the effects to a certain degree. I can definately agree with this, as when I rolled I always drank, especially after the comedown.

My only warning, is do NOT go overboard with it when you come down. I developed a serious problem with drinking when I rolled, making it necessary for me to stop rolling all together. At points, once I came down, I would drink non stop. Vodka would taste like water to me and I'd usually end up drinking at least a 1/5 everytime I rolled. Towards the end I would drink 1.75 liters of vodka or whiskey in the matter of a few hours. This provided me with some serious cases of alcohol poisoning, life threatening levels of dehydration, and a beat to shit liver and stomach. I am so glad I quit rolling.

Alcohol + MDMA is very very very hard on your liver as well, so don't do it often and try not to go overboard.
F1reball said:
The alcohol didnt dull the effects.. but neither do i remember em(the peaks) if im pretty wasted :D

yeah i get that too. but off some good pills i cant remember anything either. all i can remember is that a good nite, cant remember specifics :)
i like candy said:
yeah i get that too. but off some good pills i cant remember anything either. all i can remember is that a good nite, cant remember specifics :)

Idd... A good nite.. but what the fuck happend.. I just remember the morning when i redose.. and wtf.. i have already redosed earlier.. :D
To be honest.. this happend very often!
just as a caution that im sure most know about but im sure we all forget sometimes... after 12 beers at the pub i have found that a bikky is not always ( never ) the best alternative.. i without fail end up munted, sweating in the corner with my mates making fun of me.....

anyone else always have this happen to them?
i reckon its what youre used to. (although 12 beers then dropping would probably be pushing the limit for me too.)