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the best bikkie around

what an amazing pill. only had half and it blew my head off for 5hours. it was the lexus one with the V with a score bevelled edges 8mm x 4mm and dark brown dirty looking with specs. i have some more left but 4 of them are alot lighter, sort of beige with light brown specs i wondered if they might be a different strength. does anyone know? got them from the central coast 1 hour north of sydney if you didn't know where it was.=D
people have been known to repress if the batch is too inconsistent across the board.
These are still around in brisbane - I plugged one saturday night and one sunday night (I threw up several times after plugging it - its really really intense), both with weed and me and my friends were just sitting around having conversations with each other but without talking - It was like we were all on the same level, but it got paranoid at times...

Anyway my jaw has been permanantly lodged to the side since saturday night - I cant open my mouth properly.. I'm thinking of seeing a dentist
evandar said:
Anyway my jaw has been permanantly lodged to the side since saturday night - I cant open my mouth properly.. I'm thinking of seeing a dentist

Try taking some Magnesium supplements before a big night next time.

If the body is low in magnesium, it is forced to take it from the muscles, and without sufficient magnesium muscles stiffen up or contract at liberty. The result may be painful cramps, irritability, twitching or even tremors. Magnesium supplementation may also be of assistance for the temporary relief of symptoms of back pain and muscular strain.

From here.

They can be picked up from your local pharmacy, are very cheap, and will save a lot of pain and discomfort.
I have had all three varieties of these. To me they all seem to go pretty hard. No real noticeable difference.
Re: I got a piccie too!

Immune said:
Ive got a piccie to add to the collection.

The reason why I would like to share mine is because ones we got look really really dodgy. Kinda like a back yard jobbie or something. You can barely see the A and they are really crumbly.

But its a case of "dont judge a book by its cover" They pack a pretty powerful punch!!!

The blue zorro's of last year looked dodgy aswell it looked like the Z had been carved in with a knife but ended up being a great clean mdma pill.................wat where the A's u had like no doubt they were great but did they "smack" you out so to say and how long did they last
^ Try reading the reports on the first few pages of this thread, and check pillreports as there are many many user reports on these... your questions are already answered.

BT :)
I was wondering how strong a half an A would be compared to say a whole white lips..
would it be similar in strength, or what?
I havent tried these As yet and i'm trying to decide how to dose this weekend when i get hold of them.
How strong is half an A compared to a whole white lips? *LOL* Sorry to make light of your question, but people have enough disputes comparing one pill to another pill, let alone comparing fractions of pills to each other. There are way too many variables involved in the subjective 'strength' of a dose of MDMA to break it down this much in my opinion.

In regards to your question, I'd suggest starting with a half of any new pill batch. That way if it IS ridiculously strong, then you'll probably be fine. If you're really worried, since these have a huge rep, then try a quarter of the pill and then another quarter say half an hour or so later... that way if it's way stronger than pills you usually have, you'll be less likely to chuck up.

BigTrancer :)
atti said:
I was wondering how strong a half an A would be compared to say a whole white lips..

If reading this thread still has you wondering how strong they are(?)
you can safely say a half of these is EASILY as strong as whole standard pill, but half would probably be not quite as strong as a whole lips which are fairly strong pills themselves. But there is no question..... the A's and the V's are by far the strongest on the current market
I have to say these are magnificent... :) i'd vouch for the half is a whole argument - i love it as one does me easily for a whole night and i found them so smooth on comedown..

regardless it's like a 2 for the price of one deal!!! ;)
Can someone compare the strengths of the Beige A's and Blue 007's of December last year as i was fine having a full 007 and aren't sure if i should take the whole A to start up with
If it's ur fisrt time (on the A's), definitely only take half. The blue 007's were good but nowhere near the punch of the A's.
well i had a 3 full 007's over the course of the nite, and i was very sick, but i think this was due to the empty stomach, i had 3 biege a's the other nite, was a lil nausaus by the third, but again i think it was not having enough food before them, just have a good meal before it, running the chance of throwing up n shit isnt worth rolling harder
If you're at the point where you need three of these in a night, maybe it's time for a break.

One half was all i needed.
Agreed! Just one full one keeps me rockin for the whole night. Three of these would probably kill me.