9th Issue Heroin Discussion v. quit drooling on yo keyboard

When do you smoke cigarettes?

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you would have to change your sheets like you do your underwear cause they would prolly soak the sheets in sweat and the smell would be disgusting

theres definetly no way im goin down either, you need to pull back flaps of skin to get where your goin and her getting on top?

you would need a crazy big dick to even make in cause theres just so much mass that you cant reach it..

and again im not goin after a girl who doesnt eat and when shes naked you can count the bones stickin out,im a bigger dude im 6'1 220 i used to weigh 250... i like my girls with a little meat, girls who will sit down and eat a cheeseburger with you..just not ones who will eat 3burgers and then finish off your fries with the extra large pop even though theres free refills

Aw, guys...painting pretty pictures there for me, huh? Lol. Chinky you and nowdub had a pretty fucking funny conversation there btw. Interesting. I have to say I agree with ya both though, I'm not attracted to sweaty big girls either...I like em petite, but with a big appetite...everyone has their preferences though but I highly doubt sweaty fat chicks rank high on anyone's list of "must do"...haha. I love gettin inside guys' minds and seeing what you guys are really thinking about us women.

On the topic of how long it takes to cop, I have a pretty shitty round trip since I usually take public transportation to get to the city. So it's a full hour and then another 10 on the el. My guy is really prompt though, he really doesn't operate on bpt like most of the others I've dealt with. Depending on what I'm doing I can be done with that part in minutes, then the trip back home doesn't suck cuz I usually just nod the fuck off the whole way back. That's the nice part about not driving, I don't have to do anything but close my eyes and enjoy my buzz. But no, no home deliveries here. One time he offered to drive out to my house, but it wasn't really to bring me dope as much as he was wanting to get laid and I wasn't coming up there. Course I live with my mom and dad now so home deliveries wouldn't really work, I think my parents would be more than a little suspicious of him showing up at my house. Hell my parents' neighborhood rarely sees a black guy. It's so fucked up over here. I kinda hate stayin here, but I am not ready to be living alone after Jon's death I really like waking up and knowing that someone else is in the house, even if it's just my mom...
yeah i think we where takin it to the extreme with that convo..tryin to figure out how black dudes like big girls

like you said though, i need a chick that will order a steak for dinner, not a salad with the dressing on the side

i dont know if i believe in love at first site cause personality is huge but today at the store this girl i talked to had eyes that seriously would make your mind go blank, she was workin and i went up to ask her opinion on the shirt i was buying and i stuttered like a fool cause i wasnt expecting her to have killer crystal blue eyes, she literally made me have to think about what i was gonna ask even though i had the shirt in my hand cause when she looked at me all i could think about was "wow your eyes are amazing
"..im talkin eyes that you would want to marry
Course I live with my mom and dad now so home deliveries wouldn't really work, I think my parents would be more than a little suspicious of him showing up at my house. Hell my parents' neighborhood rarely sees a black guy. It's so fucked up over here. I kinda hate stayin here, but I am not ready to be living alone after Jon's death I really like waking up and knowing that someone else is in the house, even if it's just my mom...
I hate having to sneak out for a minute to make the deal when my whole family is home. Since I grew up with my current dealers, my family knows that they are junkies so I can't be seen with them, and also, my parents know what I am doing when I run out for 5 minutes and then come right back, and 20 minutes later I'm acting weird. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I just copped. I've been pretty good at going out my basement exit, then going out the side gate, but they have still seen me doing that a few times so I had to make up an excuse. My dealers know to hit me up when they are 5 mins away so I can leave my house and start walking away from it, but a few times they were in a hurry and I just made it out of my house when they pulled up trying to do a window deal. Fuck that, not right in front of my house, so I hopped it and got back out down the block.

As for when I had black dealers deliver, it was usually in the summer and I live down the block from the beach so I had a lot of traffic on my block anyway. My town is somewhat diverse, so it's not uncommon to have black people driving on my block, but again, if they are trying to do window deals in front of my house, they've got another thing coming. My parents caught me doing that once, and they thought that I was doing the dealing because I used to go everywhere with my xanax script, and they checked the count on them and it was short, but that was just from me eating extra the day it was filled. The story is actually a lot worse than that, but without going into too much detail, just picture me running down the block because my parents saw me walking up to the car with the dealers so they ran outside before I was able to do the deal, so I spent the next 15 minutes trying to meet the dealer on a block that my parents weren't on as both my dealer and my parents were driving around looking for me. My phone going off every 2 minutes with me talking in code, then grabbing something out of my jacket and heading for the door right when an SUV with a few black dudes in it rolled up was quite the giveaway to my parents haha.

Normally I would just say I'm going to the store and leave my house to meet that dealer somewhere else, but with BPT I could be walking around for hours. After that I just started chilling down the block on the beach until he came through, since I only really dealt with him over the summer. But yea, I don't deal with him anymore and my current dealer/friend is very good with time so I just have to slip out of my house for 5 mins.
I know, Tommyboy, it's tough havin to work shit around your family isn't it? My parents know I "used to" do dope, but they think that I quit last year. So now all my activities have to be all secretive, and I have to construct elaborate lies when I'm going to cop, sayin I'm hanging out with other friends and shit...jesus it makes me feel like I'm a teenager again, sneaking around!! My parents are def. the type to ignore it even if it's right underneath their nose, though...they're all about appearances and me being a junkie doesn't fit in with the "perfect family" image they like to project...so no matter how suspicious they may be right now, they're gonna ignore it unless they absolutely cannot.

That's funny how you said with bpt you could be walking around for hours...oh, so true, huh? It is nice to finally be dealing with someone who doesn't operate on bpt. It's pretty much a first!

Chinky, I don't believe in love at first sight cuz like you said, personality is really important to me too. A great personality really makes a guy look nine million times better in my eyes. Like, Jon was kinda a dirty hippie, but to me he was the hottest thing in the damn world cuz I loved him so much! But although I don't believe in that, I do believe in the magical first kiss/touch...I've had a few times when I first kissed a guy, or even brushed hands, when I literally felt like a jolt of electricity. Like a serious "spark"...oooh, I love that so much, cuz once that happens I know it's something kinda special and whatever comes next is gonna be good no doubt...you guys ever had that, when you kiss/touch someone and you literally feel the spark? That is some good shit! :)
i feel that first kiss stuff girls tend to put more feeling into it..guys on the otherhand if we really like the girl, are more worried and thinking about when the right time is to do it and what type of kiss is it should be.. girls on the other hand are always sitting there waiting for it to happen, almost testing us by giving us the sign and seeing if we pick up on it and if we do that might ge you excited..if we really like the girl, you dont want to rush in and be all sloppy with it, it something you kinda plan out and overthink and thats why i think we dont get those first kiss sparks, we just want it to go smooth and hoping shes leans into it too

so its our overthinking and analyzing of the situation that benefits the girls cause if we played our cards right and we made the move at the spot we feel was the best..then for the girl its like one of those kisses you talked about

i dont know if any of that made sense..i mean it makes sense to me in my head, what i said but ive never had to type it out and also i dont know if everydude thinks like that, it could just be me the hopeless romantic
i take it your from someplace that has tar?

i dont see why else you would smoke anything..i say snort it cause it hasa better BA then takin it sublingual

yep, Arizona baby right by the border of mexico but now in Phoenix can't find a pisa but I guess I should just quit but I wana get my nod on!!
yeah i think we where takin it to the extreme with that convo..tryin to figure out how black dudes like big girls

Re: Transportation. That sucks to everyone who has to drive down to their spot and then waste time just sitting there and waiting for the guy to show up too. I used to have a guy like that who was always really flaky, I would call him let him know I was about an hour out, so he would be ready, but then I would still wind up sitting in the hood for like 45 minutes waiting for him. So, I just found a few good spots, that now if my phone connect isn't ready right away, I just head to one of those spots.
Yeah, the homeboys are always changing their phones.

In other news there is a user with the name Buge Hoobs.
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i feel that first kiss stuff girls tend to put more feeling into it..guys on the otherhand if we really like the girl, are more worried and thinking about when the right time is to do it and what type of kiss is it should be.. girls on the other hand are always sitting there waiting for it to happen, almost testing us by giving us the sign and seeing if we pick up on it and if we do that might ge you excited..if we really like the girl, you dont want to rush in and be all sloppy with it, it something you kinda plan out and overthink and thats why i think we dont get those first kiss sparks, we just want it to go smooth and hoping shes leans into it too

so its our overthinking and analyzing of the situation that benefits the girls cause if we played our cards right and we made the move at the spot we feel was the best..then for the girl its like one of those kisses you talked about

i dont know if any of that made sense..i mean it makes sense to me in my head, what i said but ive never had to type it out and also i dont know if everydude thinks like that, it could just be me the hopeless romantic

Great post, I totally agree.

In other news there is a user with the name Buge Hoobs.

Hahaha thats awesome. Have you ever heard of the EDM producer Mord Fustang? His project before that was Com Truise lol.

Re Transportation: If i'm at my parents house in the NW burbs It can take up to an hour each way depending on traffic. If i'm at my apt on the North side of Chicago it will only take about 15-20 mins driving...only problem is I don't keep my car in the city so I go when my other friends are going. I don't think its the greatest idea to take the L or the bus as I am a tall white boy so I haven't tried that yet lol. I think about it really hard when I'm about to withdrawal and I can't find a ride.
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i saw Mord a couple weeks ago, funny that you mention him. he kicks ass live
I saw some 30's for the first time in about 90 days yesterday. My will power didnt hold and i bought 2 and got fucked up and smoked the last of my chronic. :( Now i gotta buy more oh well i had fun and first opiates in almost 3 months man. Im proud honestly dont care what any haters say 3 months is a long time.
I saw some 30's for the first time in about 90 days yesterday. My will power didnt hold and i bought 2 and got fucked up and smoked the last of my chronic. :( Now i gotta buy more oh well i had fun and first opiates in almost 3 months man. Im proud honestly dont care what any haters say 3 months is a long time.

Three months is defiantly something to be proud of bro, don't sell yourself short. Shit, I bet theres a lot of people in this thread that wish they could quit for half of that time. I've even been having a hard time quitting for a week or two lol.

On the other hand, Got some great LA confidential and purple skunk from my friend with a green card that came home for the holidays and got some great bags to go along with it. Its gonna be a good weekend.
yeah i said i was gonna take the next week off and sure enough i couldnt take the chills today, sure i had subs but i also ha a pocket full of cash..im sure you know who won that

now im sitting here watchin the bulls game

team nod assemble
Finally was able to cop. I think Monday or Tuesday was the last time I had anything (1 bag) and since then my friend has been really busy but was supposed to finally cop Thursday. Well his source was dry, so I had to wait until tonight, and traffic into NYC is always shitty so it took forever. Definitely some solid dope, and the count is solid as well. They are so much bigger than any other dealers I know, but I'm used to this dealers fat count, so I just compare his stuff to other stuff he has had. So even though these are just alright in size from him, they are still almost double the size of anybody elses bags, other than the other legit delivery services in the city.

I don't bother with anybody else now, so since I hadn't been able to get bags from him until tonight, I saved up cash to get enough to cover myself over the weekend.
not a bad night. got free FIRE coke, bought a stamp off someone new to try out , bottle of jameson, and the live stream of swedish house mafia @ MSG. not a big SHM fan (too trance-like for my tastes.), but i still give 'em credit.

stamp is really good compared to what i've had lately. the kid is from jersey and goes back and forth every other weekend, lol. really fat, really strong, and the kid is pretty cool (and doing the same music program im in next semester). he only offered it because i showed up with the last of my weed and was complaining about my friend not sharing the roxy he had.
I sniffed 1 bag, and most of a second bag. I should have waited longer between lines on that second bag, because I'm higher than I would like to be. I know that's not a bad problem considering I'm not too high in a dangerous sense of the word, but rather past the point of being able to concentrate on anything since things are fuzzy. I was starting to think that this stuff was a little below average (for this dealers standards, but it still beats the hell out of my other connects stuff) but it turns out I just hadn't peaked yet.

Jeebis, I've been seeing so many FB status' about SHM all week. People asking about extra tickets, after-party info, etc... Get a good amount in those bags? The bags I got today were smaller than they usually are from this guy, but like I said they would be considered big if they were from my other connects.

Usually this guys bags are completely full to the first fold, so when they are taped/folded and held up to the light like in this pic, you wouldn't see any empty space. There isn't that much space open on these, but I was wondering how these compare size wise to what's around you or anyone else getting stamps. I don't know how valid it is, but I have heard that the size of bags has fallen off a lot in most places compared to years ago. The size of the bag in my pic was the norm in 2006-2008, but now it seems like these are considered big in most places, other than the delivery services in NYC. I can definitely confirm that these are bigger than the stuff that is bagged up locally, but that's because some gangs started mills in the burbs to take advantage of the "heroin epidemic," so since they are bagging it instead of getting it already bagged from the city, they have control over size, whereas size of city bags hasn't really changed.

One more thing... I love being able to break up these bags into a bunch of lines. So much better than the one or two lines I would get out of most other dealers bags.
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i feel bad for SHM. the crowd last night looked horrible....like a bunch of people going just because they heard the song "one" before. too many people standing still for my tastes.

and the bag i grabbed was pretty fat by the local standards. the bag would be completely opaque up until half the word "full" on your pic. it was some biohazard stamp (blueish green). ive been used to the unstoppable and young money bags around here. they're skimpy as hell but they sure as hell pack a punch.
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Anyone wanna give me a heads up on what to expect from Boston? Packaging, count, quality, etc.
Anyone wanna give me a heads up on what to expect from Boston? Packaging, count, quality, etc.

from a friend who just graduated BU, he said he never ran into stamps. only expensive powder by the weight from the asians (he says it was fire, but they'll routinely fuck you on weight) or tar. unless you have a good connect he recommended to just stick to pills. i guess boston has averaged priced roxis and cheap ass opana.

luckily my neck of the woods has cheap dilaudid (the purdue 8mgs) and stupidly cheap op's....although im still broke, so i rely on the kindness of friends/the trade value of weed sessions, lol.
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