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900mg DXM Good Movies to watch (TRIPPY)


Mar 8, 2014
Hey guys im looking for some good visual entertaining movies basically generically the idea of what a trippy movie looks like to me is the movie "Enter the void" just to get an idea, also any semi trippy movies with a good plot/story, or maybe even something a little twisted, btw this is my first time doing 900mg of dxm wish me luck!!!
Hahaha man i was thinking that would be perfect. Well, shit, then.
thanks anyway man much appreciated, any other suggestions, im looking for something more generic because im sure im going to be out of it, so just something flashy or just outright outrageous lol
Ever watched Requiem for a Dream?

Oh my god, what an amazing movie, but SUPER intense, I've seen it 3 times and it impacts me more every time. It's definitely very tragic, but hauntingly beautiful.
At higher doses on DXM what ever movie you put on isn't going to matter, you're not going to be able to watch anything.

For me 900 is a very high 3rd plaeau/very low 4th and at that range it's better to just have music.
I used to love watching horror movies while on moderate doses of dxm. A Scanner Darkly and Being John Malkovich also go great with dxm,. there's hundreds more that I can't seem to think of.
I disagree Rabbit. My best movie experiences have been on third plat DXM.. it starts off with memento and before you know it you're stuck in a time loop and you've walked to the kitchen and then back to your room 20 times.

I like mindfuck stuff on DXM. There's an anime called Serial Experiments: Lain which is great on DXM if you like it sober. Inception is another good one. Last Year at Marienbad is my favourite but it's French and if you can still read subtitles you're not high enough ;)

The -qatsi series is pretty cool, and baraka/samsara if you're into cinematography/imagery. Pink Floyd's The Wall.

Music is where it's at as far as DXM goes, though..
its not a movie but id vote rick and morty

3 women (directed by altman) is a movie i think would work on dxm, its very dream-statey
I disagree Rabbit. My best movie experiences have been on third plat DXM.. it starts off with memento and before you know it you're stuck in a time loop and you've walked to the kitchen and then back to your room 20 times.

I've never had any luck watching anything on 3rd + doses. Maybe it's just me, but as soon as it starts peaking then the idea of 'watching' disappears/is overtaken by 'experiencing'.

Watched The Wall the day following a 4th plateau (while still in high 2nd) and loved it though.
At higher doses on DXM what ever movie you put on isn't going to matter, you're not going to be able to watch anything.

For me 900 is a very high 3rd plaeau/very low 4th and at that range it's better to just have music.

Yeah i sort of ignored the high dosage but for me that would be exactly that, high 3 maybe low 4, and my sensory input is rendered completely useless at that point.
As another poster said Waking Life is the ultimate tripping movie. I actually had to turn it off the first time I saw it on LSD thought my eyes where bleeding