• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

9 Survival Tips for College Freshman

college frosh. i went to class the majority of the time but always would hit McDs b4 psych. heh, a lil late but the teacher was cool but damn, i started class knowing more then most people in class then over time being late i was on par with everyone else with a few exceptions. I took this semester off though, so i could enjoy being 17. Planning on returning next semester, Turning 18 tomarrow. eep.

Oh, also DONT skip the final EVER for too see spiderman three.(or any movie in fact) Its just not worth it in the long run. When someone asks you your grades saying something along the lines of "i would have gotten a B+ but i got a C+ because i just had to smoke a blunt and see spider man 3" Is not a kool thing to say, EVER. In fact, its something most people dread having to say to my understanding.

excellent thread btw
qwe said:
i skip tons of classes and do fine

the lectures are basically outlines of what is in the book, but with less depth because they only have 50 minutes to talk

so, EITHER go to class OR read the book

most people hate reading the books so if you are one of those people, go to class i guess

Yea, it's like that for a lot of my subjects. I find reading the material for myself more enlightening anyway.
#8 Figure out housing for the next year

Yea I really fucked that one up... had to commute for a semester while on waitlist. Commuting really bites, it's the worst part of school and summer put together - total 100% lack of social life with the 100% dedication to studying and classes. No social interaction or girls for a whole semester because all your summer friends are at school and all your college friends are on campus.

Yea go to class, that's a big one.

Heres a big one, always do the assigned reading and homework, even if it is ungraded/unchecked. The reason is because studying can be hard to do well - sometimes you don't know what to study exactly, sometimes you just don't get to studying. If you just do the assigned readings and understand what you read/do, you'll be good and won't have to set much time aside, if any at all, for studying. You'll be on top of that.

#2 Organize Study Groups! - One of the biggest tips I'd go with on that list. It's a great way to socialize and meet cute girls. I always ask cute girls in my class to study sessions. Studying with another person or few will make sure you study everything you need to study, is alot quicker and convenient, motivates you, and gets your ass up and moving on something you may be inclined to procrastinate on. Plus, chatting with a pretty face makes a dull textbook that much easier.
Top things you would recommend taking to halls..

I'd say:

  • Door wedge
  • Sound system/Speakers and/or Playstation/Xbox.
  • Neodymium Magnets
  • 2 or 3 Man Dome Tent
  • Alphabet Letters Fridge Magnets
  • Magnadoodle
  • Blue Tac
  • Ball Pit Balls
  • Water Bombs
  • Police Tape
  • Rope
  • Supersoaker Water Pistol
  • flat screen TV (no room for old school TVs)
  • Your personal mug and pint glass
  • Swiss army knife (mainly for bottle opener)
  • Incense, for if your room is all clammy from being closed all summer
  • Condoms
  • A mattress protector (to protect you from the mattress)

For those of you wondering why a tent is a must:
Wiggler said:
The tent? came in useful when i gambled away all my university owned possesions... eg my bed lol; i lost it in a drunken game of poker... Hell i didnt wanna lose something i owned and paid for. Was a fun night i spent sleeping in the tent. Altho I ended up failing the monthly room inspection the next day due to missing bed... the accomodation office where miffed at where it disappeared to...


my flatmate alex in my tent

ooo and my house mate toby... decided to buy a swing for his room:


The balls just hav plenty of uses really..

Wiggler said:
Police tape was useful during freshers week... me and my flat mate who's now one of my best friends at uni, met and bonded and created a crime scene around 2 or 3am...




Took some of these from another forum.. what will you add?
A lot of those seem kind of superfluous. My must-have list:
Sound system
Ear plugs (depends how thick your walls are)
Food (generally food service sucks; you're going to want stuff healthy stuff with protein, like nuts and beans, granola, etc.)
Mattress pad (yep, the mattresses SUCK)
Condoms (maybe not necessary if you go to an engineering school... -_-)
Your hobbies

I think that covers the basics, all else is optional. I try to be as minimalist as possible, because there's a huge lack of space in a dorm room. I had to rent a garage to keep all my shit in. Your hobbies are especially important. I have lots of great friends here at uni, but we spend the vast majority of our time doing absolutely nothing, so it's good to have stuff to do.
The one thing that I really wish I would have realized sooner:

A good, little safe

If you're a BLer I assume you use some sort of drug, which is good to keep locked up (with maids and nosy roommates snooping around). Also with prescription meds that can be abused that you don't want people stealing. For the first couple months of school I had my bottle of Xanax sitting right on top of my dresser along with my toiletries. I walked in to find my roommate sitting at his desk with his friend standing there holding my bottle of Xanax, open, checking out the pills inside. I kicked him out, checked to make sure he didn't steal much, and bought a safe the next day.
if you and your roomie can, get an L-shaped loft... that way, you'll have more space.

and a mini-refrigerator ... mmmmmh

don't get one of those obvious safes, tho... that just screams Target-For-Drunken-Shens...
physix said:
don't get one of those obvious safes, tho... that just screams Target-For-Drunken-Shens...
Which is why I keep mine in my top cabinet under a folded-up blanket, as to make it as inconspicuous as possible.
this is my first and only year in the dorms... and i came ill prepared to say the least.

these are my aditions

-ez mac
-stash of drugs
-xbox (video game console of some sort)
-sound system
-cash money
-minifridge/microwave (if yours doesn't include one)
-matress pad
-at least 2 pillows
BurnOneDown said:
For the pot head, a vaporizer is a necessity.
It's nice to have, but not necessary. I just open my windows all the way, cover up the smoke alarm with a shower cap, and put duct tape along the seam of my door.
Geist89 said:
It's nice to have, but not necessary. I just open my windows all the way, cover up the smoke alarm with a shower cap, and put duct tape along the seam of my door.

It really depends on the school. Smoke detectors at my school are super sensitive (they often go off due to blow dryers or popcorn. The cops say that if they are covered it sets off an alarm.. I'm not sure if this is true and to my knowledge nobody has tried it. I also go to a state school where they really crack down on marijuana use, so it's not worth the risk.

My friend goes to a private university. It's common practice to take bong rips and just waft the smoke out the door. People also smoke joints, blunts and hukkhas in the quads without being hassled... It's just a more liberal atmosphere.
im going to be a freshman next year =]
obvious everyday toiletries
house slippers heheh
and my hollow hairspray can for you-know-whats :D
I would say you don't need any of that shite especially not the TV, you'll not be wanting to watch the TV when there's much more fun to be having and partying to be doing.

Seriously I wouldn't bother with it. You'll just end up with everyone invading your room all the time wanting to watch all sorts of shite even though you can't be arsed with them. The one guy who got a TV in our hall will vouch for that.

We did have loads of fun with water balloons though. We used to chuck them out the window at people getting out their cars to go to uni. We made a particular point of hitting the girls that lived down stairs until they got really pissed off with it, then we phoned them pretending to be the security guards and said we needed to speak to them about the water balloon incident. When they made their way over the the building we water bombed them. :D

Just turn up with an open mind and a crate of beer / bottle of vodka and you'll be sorted.
I second Spade's suggestion, bring a lot of booze and dish it out on the first night. The danger is that if you are in halls and everyone is partying round your flat/room the first night it could end up being the designated party venue for the rest of the year. This happened to our flat.

Don't bother about condoms you can get them free from uni.

Umm what else, ....bring some drugs with you. It can be difficult to score right away and most dealers will scam you to shit as the majority of students are clueless.

Bring a beer fridge, like those Stella/Carlsberg ones you can buy with the glass door. Means your food will not get rinsed and you have cold beers to hand. As you are in halls you don't have to worry about electricity bills for keeping it running.
TheSpade said:
I would say you don't need any of that shite especially not the TV, you'll not be wanting to watch the TV when there's much more fun to be having and partying to be doing.

Seriously I wouldn't bother with it. You'll just end up with everyone invading your room all the time wanting to watch all sorts of shite even though you can't be arsed with them. The one guy who got a TV in our hall will vouch for that.

We did have loads of fun with water balloons though. We used to chuck them out the window at people getting out their cars to go to uni. We made a particular point of hitting the girls that lived down stairs until they got really pissed off with it, then we phoned them pretending to be the security guards and said we needed to speak to them about the water balloon incident. When they made their way over the the building we water bombed them. :D

Just turn up with an open mind and a crate of beer / bottle of vodka and you'll be sorted.
i find the tv to be needed

there arent parties going on at 3 in the afternoon on a tuesday(usually)

everyone has tvs at my school.
Enough drugs to last a semester (Thats a lot of drugs)
Wii or XBOX 360
Comfy Chairs
Ear Plugs
Matress Pad
Three or more pillows
A nice heavy comforter
Alarm Clock!