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7mg clonazepam, 1mg xanax, 3 beers

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Sep 15, 2012
So over 6 hours I popped 7mg of klonopin, on my last kpin I also took 1mg of xanax been drinking 3 coronas and smoked some bud. I'm faded, but definitely not risking OD people exaggerate this combo just sayin, I only have a slight tolerance to benzos by the way
Eh...it's all about individual brain chemistry. A LOT of people would be passed out or blacked out at the point that you're at.

I would be blacked-out by the point you're at.

Also, let's see how you feel tomorrow- benzos tend to make the intoxicated user think that they're not nearly as 'fucked up' as they actually are.

Speaking of brain chemistry, I never found benzos to be 'abuseable' or enjoyable beyond their prescribed purpose. For their prescribed purpose they've helped me over the years, but I never actually sought out benzoes for recreational use. I'd just fall asleep on them - not nod, actual deep sound sleep.
I legit anxiety issues, GAD but I'm definitely benzo'd out right now the beers have helped too
So over 6 hours I popped 7mg of klonopin, on my last kpin I also took 1mg of xanax been drinking 3 coronas and smoked some bud. I'm faded, but definitely not risking OD people exaggerate this combo just sayin, I only have a slight tolerance to benzos by the way

They may exaggerate it, but that's also not alot of alcohol coronas like what 5%? With alcohol and benzos, the blackout risk is high, but the death risk is way higher with say i.v. heroin and benzos.
Well at 9mg klonopin and 1mg xanax spread out through 8 hours with 3 beers
the xanax is out of your system by now...well the effects anyways.

Tomorrow you may wake up next ot a really ugly bed partner...possibly married, and that ugly bed partner may be in jail with you.

Don't tempt fate because sometimes it grabs you buy the short and curlies.
to OD on benzos is hard to achieve
when people share horror stories its not because of OD potential but because of the blackouts and the stupid shit you can do and not remember
almost as if you roofie yourself
mixing that much benzos and beer isnt a good idea thats a high risk for a blackout
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