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60 Minutes: ICE - 09/07/06

It's interesting how these current affairs shows always go to the accident and emergency wards of our hospitals and show us the "worst case scenarios" Steve Canane, JJJ, recently did a great piece on emergency wards where he spent an evening at St Vincents in Sydney and the drug that was causing most of the presentations was surprise surprise alcohol. Yes there are presentations of other drug related problems but alcohol will always set the benchmark.
in regards to the very first original post (intro) i wonder, if Heroin where more widely available, would there be less meth-addicts.....

No suprise there... I wonder which ACA's, show will expose it first :p


Government makes too much tax from Alcohol and Ciggarettes. Too many people in high places make too much money from the Drug Cartel monopolies that fund their political campaigns in exchange for prosecution protection!

frog_e said:
in regards to the very first original post (intro) i wonder, if Heroin where more widely available, would there be less meth-addicts.....

I doubt it, Most meth addicts are- anti I.V and Pro-Smoking. You will find that most meth addicts are against the more HARDER drugs, but because meth is more socially accepted yet *AS HARD* as Heroin, you find it does their social status wonders within their circle. 8)

Most Meth addicts I have known over the years are as been suggested time again- FUCK I.V, That shit's fucked up- Yo could you grab that pipe for us, would ya!

Did anyone catch ages ago, Oprah did a similar sensationalist story on Meth and interviewed addicts (both recovered and current)?

I felt after catching that and Sunday nights 60 Minutes that it followed in the footsteps of her story.. just interviewed addicts in the midst of their regret and pain in order to scare the public, without any REAL educational content or new revelations.

I have no intentions of doing Meth and never have, but it just really makes me sad that all these stories on commercial television (with the exclusion of SBS & ABC) are so biased and dont educate anyone by exploring both sides of the story. I have heaps of friends and friend's parents who are highly influenced by stories like this and believe it all word for word (much like the rest of you would have) which makes some small minded and negative, and unwilling to consider any other information..

Not that id try to sway anyones opinion, but after sensationalist articles such as this, it just makes people less open to even listen to the other side of the story, like someone mentioned before, about pharmaceutical companies trying to control the levels of pseudo-ephedrine being manufactured for their own greedy purposes, and the Cutting Edge and ABC insights into ICE before this.
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I'm thinking of writing in to 60 Minutes and expressing my opinion, however i just got home from work and am really tired.. reckon they'd show it?
Prince Planet said:
It's interesting how these current affairs shows always go to the accident and emergency wards of our hospitals and show us the "worst case scenarios" Steve Canane, JJJ, recently did a great piece on emergency wards where he spent an evening at St Vincents in Sydney and the drug that was causing most of the presentations was surprise surprise alcohol. Yes there are presentations of other drug related problems but alcohol will always set the benchmark.

One thought that crossed my mind when I was watching was whether the doctors and nurses at St Vincent's were sick to death of journalists doing meth pieces in their corridors with cameras and what not.

It seems there have been a few there recently.

Yes the lack of focus on alcohol-related injuries crossed my mind too, and contrasting that with Steve Canane's piece just shows how the media presents the argument it wants to by selecting which parts of a story to focus on or to leave out.

In this case they wanted to portray the drug in the worst possible light and raise as much "moral panic" as possible.

Which leads me to my other observation... if you need any more proof of the journalist's intent with this piece. The girl who was asked about her meth habit, that she'd beaten, was drawn to explain how she had slept with men to get meth.

Journalists know that nothing upsets parents more than the thought that their child will prostitute themselves one day, and you can't develop a good scare-mongering piece about the evils of drugs without reference to it.

I have to admit, not watching much television, I thought the standard at 60 Minutes was a little better than this. :\
Special-T.B.K said:
I doubt it, Most meth addicts are- anti I.V and Pro-Smoking. You will find that most meth addicts are against the more HARDER drugs, but because meth is more socially accepted yet *AS HARD* as Heroin, you find it does their social status wonders within their circle. 8)

Most Meth addicts I have known over the years are as been suggested time again- FUCK I.V, That shit's fucked up- Yo could you grab that pipe for us, would ya!

Heroin doesn't have to be IV'ed, I only smoke mine. The stigma just mainly comes from the media, I believe.
IMO, if every meth addict was a Heroin addict instead, they would be alot more functional and pleasant to be around.
ultru-light said:
its funny how no matter what drug they show its allways the most deadliest one out. its like come on make your fucking mind up

Diacetylus said:
Heroin doesn't have to be IV'ed, I only smoke mine. The stigma just mainly comes from the media, I believe.
IMO, if every meth addict was a Heroin addict instead, they would be alot more functional and pleasant to be around.

I know Heroin doesn't have to be IV'd. But 80% of users AT LEAST, would I.V Heroin. May I ask, why do you only smoke your Heroin?

AFOM has used Heroin on a couple of occasions Via- I.V and Smoking an said he found that smoking to be alot better than I.V.

hmm... smoking H better than I.Ving it?? well... thats kinda unlikely... but heres my 2 cents-
H varies widely..in layman's terms : some are better for smoking and some for injecting. once i got these rather yellowish rocks.. the dealer said they were trash. my friend smoked it and took many many shots to get high. au contraire, i shot up, and i was blazing from 0.07g. when youre really high, on a good high, you get all itchy and scratchy- exactly where i was.

then again, i got white rocks of H another time. my friend smoked 3 shots and said she was feeling real good- i put it 0.125g and shot up. basically a train called the 'Dopamine Express' ran over me, my vision was swimming, my pupils like pinpoints in the dark and i was so high i couldnt sleep.

that being said- i seem to only have good experiences when i shoot up or snort... smoking it just doesnt do the job for me. =D.
Who know's? like I said, it was a friend of mine. It was 2 seperate occasions, so the gear was probably completely different also!

yeah snorting meth is the way for me. i dont think i would ever dang up though. i say that now but id say in about 3 months or so me and a couple of mates would have some needle marks in our arms
I didnt watch it, but I watched something on 60 minutes the other night and they had hundreds of kilos of smack, opium and hash and omg it looked sooo good, I would do just about anything to be in a room with unlimited smack/op/hash, I doubt Id be alive for very long though :p

back to the meth show, hopefully it made people around here realise that base, meth and ice are the same thing and they will start getting shards or at least something smokeable instead of this feral goo.

I would either smoke or snort heroin, I think all MOA's bar IV are kinda equal and if your gonna smoke it you gotta smoke it right, though, its harder to dose therefore easier to OD when you snort it and I find snorting is alot more sedating versus the slight stimulation when smoking. IV heroin is the king, stay away if you want to live a peaceful life without a monkey(possibly an elephant) on your back.
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the_ketaman said:
hopefully it made people around here realise that base, meth and ice are the same thing and they will start getting shards or at least something smokeable instead of this feral goo.

Uhhh, No they're not! :\ - Ice, being 4-MAR and Meth being Methylamphetamines.

I assume, you're trying to point out that Crystal Meth and Speed are the same, just that purity is UP with Crystal and DOWN with speed?

Speed is over-cut Meth, and Crystal Meth is I spose PURE Methylamphetamines, within reason.

But I must ask, what does any of what you said have to do with this thread?

I went to the 60 minutes chat room after this report to talk to the self proclaimed ex-meth addict guest they had. I was going to get the chat logs and post them here but he didn't have one decent thing to say. I asked this question to see what he would reply with:

'If Methamphetamine is ‘quite possibly the most destructive drug yet’ and ‘the drug that fries your brain', then why is pure Methamphetamine hydrochloride in tablet form sometimes prescribed by physicians for treatment of ADD, ADHD & narcolepsy?

but instead i was told by an administrator that my question was innapropriate and would not be answered.

instead questions like, 'what are the affects of ice', 'how do i know if my child is using ice', 'what makes somebody want to try using such a deadly drug, is it peer pressure?'.. were asked and answered with responses similar to those that could've been found with a simple search in google or a browse of wikipedia.

After waiting 5 minutes for a simple 3 sentence responce to these shit questions i suggested in the chat room that perhaps the guest should have some ice to help him channel his energy and speed up his responces. and i also managed to get something out along the lines of 'this report was just sensationalised hyped up propaganda and unbalanced reporting used to create fear and get ratings off uneducated fearful drones that the goverment has brainwashed.' to this i was kicked out and banned by an administrator. lol.

on a side note: a few weeks ago there was a pretty good report on Triple J's Hack about ice. it was quality reporting and still managed to communicate the dangers of ice and psychosis e.t.c without using the sensationalised scare tactic bullshit approach. If only programs like 60minutes reported like Triple J's Hack does. an informative balanced report on ice would only serve to educate people and would probably reduce the number of users.

its the crap goverment propaganda bullshit like this 60minutes report that confuses people and leads to higher usage. those people that fall through the cracks and arent to scared to touch the shit are the victims. they have the facts based on what they see, hear, experience e.t.c, and then they have the 60 minutes and government sensationalised facts.. they both seem to contradict each other.. so instead they assume they must both be lies. then they fall into a false sense of security about the drug disregarding the dangers reported for nothing but lies.
Thought I'd post this piece about the meth situation in America and how societies perceptions of a situation can be skewed by law enforcement and media, much like the media barrage here in Australia. Can be sourced at:

Is Meth America's No 1 Drug Problem?
July 19, 2006
Maia Szalavitz
Survey of county law enforcement officials skews data for political ends, raises puzzling questions; but media succumbs to press-release "journalism."

The National Association of Counties (NACo) has come out with its latest methamphetamine report and, once again, most of the media has responded unskeptically.

Dozens of headlines around the country announced that meth is "still [the] No. 1 problem drug, "in the country, based on a survey of county law enforcement officials across 44 states. But how reliable was the primary data? What were law enforcement officials basing their responses on?

These questions have particular relevance given that treatment centers and surveys of drug use in the population do not find meth to be the biggest drug problem. Only seven percent of treatment admissions are related to methamphetamine, for example, while cocaine admissions account for double that and heroin and related drugs make up nearly 18 percent. Alcohol accounts for 40 percent.

Moreover, the Sentencing Project only just released a study claiming that “methamphetamine is among the least commonly used drugs” (only 0.2 percent of Americans are regular users) and that the rates of methamphetamine use have remained stable since 1999.

Also, how was it that a survey could find that half of county law enforcement officials believe meth to be a larger problem (more than the amount reporting cocaine, heroin and marijuana as their biggest problem combined) when many of the country's population centers (New York, for example), report than none of the people they arrest test positive for the drug.

Unfortunately, most news organizations didn’t find these questions interesting – nor did they note that the survey was a lobbying document, sponsored by the group in aid of its efforts to get more funding for methamphetamine anti-drug task forces.

The Associated Press account, which many news organizations, including the New York Times published, didn’t mention that both liberal and conservative groups have opposed further funding for such task forces due to poor oversight and efficacy, which has led to numerous debacles like one in Tulia, Texas. There, a corrupt agent's false claims resulted in the arrest of some 10 percent of the African-American population.

Meth is undoubtedly the number one problem in many rural areas and it clearly is more prevalent in the West than the East. But in order to drive national crime statistics the way crack cocaine did, it would need to pick up more numbers than the rural areas alone can provide and the trends just don't seem to point in the direction of its doing so (for example, the youth surveys which show declining use).

Kudos to the San Jose Mercury News, however, for its use of McClatchy-Tribune wire copy in some editions (though others curiously seemed to cut these grafs). The fuller story included the following:

“While conducted scientifically, the survey is also a political document intended to rally support for additional federal spending. In some cases, the statistics are skewed to make a point.

County officials, for instance, noted that "100 percent" of counties in California and Arizona reported that meth is the No. 1 drug problem.

Buried on the back of the report is the fact that only three counties in California and one county in Arizona were part of the survey. The report also fails to note that more counties identified meth as the No. 1 drug problem last year - 58 percent of those surveyed, compared with 48 percent this year.

The meth-fighting grants that county officials favor have come under fire from federal auditors. Many appear misdirected because of political pressure, a Justice Department Office of Inspector General auditor warned earlier this year.”

As that old journalistic saw goes, “follow the money.” But if you can’t follow the money, why not, at least, read the actual study, as the reporter for McClatchy-Tribune did? And from there, it wouldn't be such a stretch to do a google search for some context, would it? If press releases were reliable summaries of infallible studies, we wouldn’t need reporters to transcribe them for publication.
Special-T.B.K said:
Uhhh, No they're not! : - Ice, being 4-MAR and Meth being Methylamphetamines.

I assume, you're trying to point out that Crystal Meth and Speed are the same, just that purity is UP with Crystal and DOWN with speed?

Speed is over-cut Meth, and Crystal Meth is I spose PURE Methylamphetamines, within reason.

But I must ask, what does any of what you said have to do with this thread?


I think what he was trying to say was to nearly everyone on the street, Ice = Meth = Speed.

Of course you are correct, in that Ice is technically 4-MAR, Meth is Methamphetamine.

However, technically 'speed' is not referring to methamphetamine, it is referring to amphetamine.

On the street but, nearly all the time its the same stuff. What is referred to as 'speed' is usually just over cut meth, and 'ice' and 'meth' is meth that still has a glassy, crystal sort of form.

Of course, there will be some people who order Ice that is really 4-MAR (from browsing this forum, it seems to be very rare in Australia generally) and speed that really is amphetamine.

No wonder there is so much confusion!