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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(6-apb/4 pellets over 24 hour period) First time: Continuous head zaps


Nov 23, 2010
Hi i took about 4 of these green pellets over the course of 24hrs, too many I know but I found them quite dissapointing and was looking for that amzing high I have read about in so many other reports.

Im a 6ft, healthy 15 stone male, work out regulary. Previous drug experiences include:
Ecstasy (very experienced)
MDMA (very experienced)
Coke (fairly experienced)
Cannabis (very experienced)
Speed (very experienced)
LSD (done 4 times)
Magic mushroom (quite a few times, loved em!)
Mephedrone (ridiculously experienced!)
MDPV (a few times, wasn’t impressed, but did “bang” the mrs non stop for 48hrs ha!)
Methelone (once or twice)
NRG1 (once and that was once too many times, a tiny allergy test kept me up for over 24hrs!!)
Salvia (moderate experience, enjoyable)
Kratom (once, it was ok)

In the last year or so I have been almost drug free. I have tried the horrendous fake white powder sold as benzo fury and the 200mg of the tanned powder but was quite under-whelmed by it. It never really seemed to peak and was definitely not one to go out partying on.

As I said I took 4 of these spread out over 24hrs or so. The initial comeup was nice and there was an hour where it felt the same as a decent pill or good mdma. Then unlike mdma where that good feeling lasts it just got messy and the whole experience bypassed me. I lost hours of the day, not really sure what I was doing but remembered it wasn't anything amazing.

I took the other 3 pellets at about 6 hour intervals hoping to get that good feeling back but it never really had it. At one point I had the worst headache ever and threw up which is something I rarely do.

The session started at about 12am one day and fished at 12pm the next. I slept fine that night and the next day felt surprisingly well, I heard the comedown of these wasn't too harsh. Unfortunately, the following day I started to get the brain zaps (similar to the meph ones but not as powerful but a lot more frequent). These zaps would occur every 20-30secs, and left me constantly disorientated. That night I went to bed and had continual sleep paralysis episodes literally one after the other. It was very bizarre as soon as I fell asleep, bang, I was paralysed and things started to turn nasty as they do with sleep paralysis. I probably had in the region of 20 of these sp episodes every night.

This continued all night preventing any real form of sleep for almost the entire week following, coupled by the continuous brain zaps. I think both were connected because I have suffered with sleep paralysis badly in the past and so prone to it and the brain zaps probably would wake my brain up as I fell asleep at night causing the relentless sp.

All in all the up was no where worth the down, I don't think one pellet in my opinion is enough for a good high and taking more just added to the negative effects (obviously!). Now I know I took too many but thats just what I do, hence why I avoid drugs such amt and others that require really small doses because I can't trust myself. So no need for anyone to tell me I took too much I just felt a more balanced report was needed as I've read ones about it being amazing and "better than sex" which are kinda why I tried it.

6-apb is definitely not a mephedrone replacement if thats what your looking for. And as mentioned I know I took too many and I also know my brain is very sensititve to certain substances but I think long term use of this drug could have real nasty side effects. A week of horrendous nightmares and brain zaps had been pretty draining. I won't be trying it again, gonna stick with the old faithfulls like mdma as I never had brain zaps or sp while using large amounts of that.

Anyway, bit of a downbeat report, sorry about that, would love to have said it was amazing but in my opinion it wasn't. sorry to all the benzo lovers out there I guess its one of those things thats not for everyone.
Hope this report is useful for anyone considering trying 6-apb.:)
yeah i was the same, thats why i wrote this report. I just don't think it's worth it, even without all the nagative stuff that happened, it just wasn't that great.
maybe the powder, which is supposedly pure, will be better.

i heard that they put extra other drugs in the pellets which puts me off them entirely. i dont trust this whole pellet thing.
I'm in the UK - had many Official Pellets and had Unofficial powder from a confirmed good source and the speedy / stim thats added to the pellets IMO makes it better than the powder.

But tollerance is a big issue with this stuff. Even after a 2 week break - I got an hour of half decent buzz of 125mg's of powder then it just lost the high.

The first time I took a pellet I had easily 4 / 5 hours of tingles and superb music appreciation and euphoria.
My few trials with 6-APB were all positive but I have had a friend take it a few months ago and he experienced massive side effects. Please be careful when trying out these new RC's read as much information you can before making any decisions.
I should mention that pretty well everytime I've used it I've had experienced frequent bowl movements - it feels like its blasting everything out, almost in a good sort of cleansing way, but probably not so good.
Another thing I forgot to mention is the state of your face while on this stuff. Even after a bucket load of pills my face had never looked so contorted. Ha I was bright red, eyes the size of saucers, chewing my face off and generally looking weird! Definitely glad I didn't take any while I was out!
Just something to bear in mind for people thinking of trying it for the first time on a night out!:)
essentially 6apb is structurally more similar to mda than mdma. mda has varying effects in people from euphoria and causing energetic rushes to being very sedating and hallucinogenic (sometimes scary). it isn't always an experience people want to repeat, and its not always THAT euphoric. i have seen people have leg cramps that were severe on mda and very excessive gurning, side effects are much worse than mdma.

6apb has a wide variation in how people react to it and therefore tread with caution. mda was known for being harsh on the body and supposedly more neurotoxic than mdma.

i dont think anyone should be wishing for "the next mephedrone", as meph was one of the roughest most addictive nasty drugs around
on the bowel evacuation front that's just an effect of being a strong serotonin releaser. in the words of tom jones, it's not unusual.
on the bowel evacuation front that's just an effect of being a strong serotonin releaser. in the words of tom jones, it's not unusual.

had two mdma binges in one week, when i initially came up on both of them i had to do a dodgy shit
At one point I had the worst headache ever and threw up which is something I rarely do.


I think 6-apb s active on the kidneys. If you drink lot´s of water during the trip you´ll use the bathroom a lot more and the leaks always look crystal clear(even if you donµt drink that much). When you go after the trip has ended it´s a completely different leak, brown and smelly(lasts for a day or more too).

Looks like 6-apb works out every milliliter of fluid through your kidneys when you´re on it. I haven´t found a way to succesfully re-hydrate yet while on it.
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^^Yes I found my piss was a nice green colour for days after taken these pellets, i was wondering if it was anything to do with the dye in them cos i am guessing they are not naturally that colour.

Still not sure about these pellets, maybe having one after a few beers may work better (I found most street drugs pretty rubbish when your sober!). But if this stuff is active on the kidneys then you may get more problems.
my expereince of it is that it is a euphoric rushy drug that can trip you out quickly and leave you in a bit of a trance at the peak.

less of a comedown than mdma, less empathy

overall expensive but good. then again i never did under 150mg either time i took it
But if this stuff is active on the kidneys then you may get more problems.

Idd. I read something about the benzofuran ring causing kidney problems in ADD.
Or maybe it was another component of the mollecule not sure tbh, chemicalnoob me.
my expereince of it is that it is a euphoric rushy drug that can trip you out quickly and leave you in a bit of a trance at the peak.

less of a comedown than mdma, less empathy

overall expensive but good. then again i never did under 150mg either time i took it

This is the problem i have with it I think. You take it, wait 2hrs for the effects, the half hour come up is nice, you enjoy it for 20 mins or so and then nothing. You loose 3 to 4 hrs of your life, they're completely gone, you then come back to reality with a head ache and generally feeling a bit crap and totally clueless to what happened previously.
Kinda hard to enjoy the experience!
This is the problem i have with it I think. You take it, wait 2hrs for the effects, the half hour come up is nice, you enjoy it for 20 mins or so and then nothing. You loose 3 to 4 hrs of your life, they're completely gone, you then come back to reality with a head ache and generally feeling a bit crap and totally clueless to what happened previously.
Kinda hard to enjoy the experience!

did you wait for each pellet to wear off before having the next one? or did you drop them all at once.

my feeling is that the pellets are weak individually compared to 100mg of 6APB powder
I agree with the weakness assessment. they may I suppose contain 100mg of actives of some sort, but certainly they don't have 100mg of 6-apb in them. Last time I had the pellets I double dropped and the 2 still felt less than 100mg of powder. had there been 200mgs of 6-apb total in them I'd have been in a mess, whereas I barely felt anything at all, and seemed reasonably coherent. with 200mg of powder speaking, let alone coherently, would be a challenge.
did you wait for each pellet to wear off before having the next one? or did you drop them all at once.

my feeling is that the pellets are weak individually compared to 100mg of 6APB powder

I took the second pellet when i was still feeling the effects of the first bit took the rest when the effects had worn off at 4 hour intervals. I've had the official powder too and wasn't impressed either but the comdown was much easier (no head zaps) and i slept quite well the same night after 200mg.