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5 pills first time... will the "magic" be gone next time?

Everything that has been said here is good advice. Mashead is right about the fact that 5 pills doesnt necesarily have a ridiculous dose of mdma in it. I try to research each pill I get before deciding how many will suffice. If everyone is raving about them and they ez-test well, I'll start with one and keep another to do in halves just in case the roll doesn't hit me like my friends say it should. Some of my friends' favorite pills are my least favorite pills. There are some pills that I can get in my area if nothing else is around at the time that are very mediocre. They seem like very clean pills, not a bunch of speed or anything else in them, very clean comedown, but they aren't very strong. I would be willing to bet that there is only around 40 to 50 mg of mdma in them. When I get em, I start with 2 and take another about 2 hours later. That gets me goin about like 1 good pill does. I have taken 6 of them in a night (spaced over about 10 hours), but that is really only equal to about 2 or 3 really good pills.
What I'm trying to get at with all this rambling is that you should invest as much time and effort as you can educating yourself on the specific pill you are going to take before taking it. It will help you better gauge your dosage, and could possibly save your life.
The "magic" won't be gone next time unless the next time is tonight, lol. I would recomend waiting at least 2 months (preferably more) to help prevent permanent damage.
I would say that after 5 pills in one session there probably is a little damage, but not a significant amount. You won't be able to notice it, but that doesnt mean it hasnt happened. Keeping yourself to a lower doseage, keeping your rolls months apart, and always pre and post-loading will all but eliminate any longterm damage being done.
I also agree that your pills could have had some K in them. I've heard of those symptoms coming from overdoing the mdma/K combo. Your description of the roll also makes me think they could have been mda rolls instead of mdma. Mda can fry the ole noodle a lil quicker than mdma if I am not mistaken, so there is another reason to cut back the dosage.
I think that's enough rambling for this post. PLUR
LOL 5 pills is A LOT for a first time.
You are fine though.
The "magic" will still be there, in fact it will be a lot better next time as you'll know more about the drug!
Sound like a bit of an ordeal...
If you would like to read some more on dosages, go here:
Very good and informative website. It will pretty much answer all of your questions.
I also read somewhere that after you take a pill, the serotonin depleated will return to its normal level. Although some studies found when overdosing, perminant damage occurs and the serotonin can take op to a year to getting anywhere near normal levels. Something like that, but if you take the time to read the whole site you'll know more than me. Good Luck
For me, the first couple of times sucked now is when the e experiences are awesome. I know so much about the drug and I could honestly do almost anything while on the drug and have had so many diffrent atmospheres. For example; rolling at the park, at the beach day and night, at parties, at a club, at friends pool and sauna, my room, santa enchanted forest, at a carnival. I love new and exiciting experiences on e. The magic (after doing it countless times) is still not over.
You can definitely have a bad trip on MDMA. Have you ever seen someone have a panic attack on MDMA, obviously not.
Thats what I was scared of the first time i took ecstasy. But then my dealer told me that it was basically not possible. I belived him because we used to go out and I knew he wouldnt try and get me to do something that I would have a bd trip on. So I took it and I was fine.