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5 pills first time... will the "magic" be gone next time?


Jul 12, 2002
Hi everyone. My boyfriend and I took E for the first time on July 4. We set up his apartment very dark, with lighting, tactile toys, candies to suck on, gum, water and such. We took our first pill around 3pm, and took four more, one each at about 5pm, 7pm, 9pm and 12am. We had read about E but had believed that taking more would prolong the effects, and didn't really read (until after the experience) that one pill was enough for the night, otherwise more would increase bad side effects. He is about 280 pounds and I am about 160, so as you can imagine, the effects hit me about twice as much as they did him, and we both took five each over the course of that time, for a total of 10 between us for the night.
At first, I was scared and disoriented as the first pill took effect since I didn't know what to expect. Then I calmed down and enjoyed the lights and visuals, seeing extremely clearly and just touching each other. Our sexual feelings were basically deadened, I am not sure if this is normal or not, any normally sexual part of our body was basically numb. Every other part of our body though of course was heightened and very sensual and extremely enjoyable.
For me the enjoyableness probably lasted until about 11 or 12, when I started just feeling hyper. Around 2am, my stomach started to feel sick even though I hadn't eaten anything. I was getting chills. I had jitters in my arms and legs, and extreme jaw clenching. I felt almost like I had Parkinson's with my limbs shaking a lot. My hearing sometimes tunnelled. I wasn't feeling good. When I got up sometimes I felt dizzy. As well, I got up to go to the bathroom, and at one point when I was standing against the counter, my legs felt like weights, I couldn't stand up, and I just slid down, my boyfriend had to help me to stand. He was helping me to the living room when again my legs gave out, and he held me up for almost five minutes, during which point I apparently left, as in my eyes were open, but I wasn't there. My boyfriend said my eyes were empty, even though they were open, no response, like I wasn't there. I don't remember any of this. He said it scared him a lot, and he was afraid for my safety. He said I was "gone" for a couple of minutes only, even though it seemed like forever. The next thing I remember, I was laying on the floor in the hallway, and he had kissed my forehead and lay with me. I opened my eyes, and hallucinated a bit, thinking I saw mice running up the door frame. I knew it wasn't real though so I wasn't afraid. I was then able to get up. I felt a bit dizzy but it wasn't too bad. I sat down on the couch and felt relatively normal. About 3am I got up to go to the bathroom, and while standing up I noticed the same feelings of my legs becoming heavy. I was afraid all of that was going to happen again, that my legs were going to give out. I rested on the toilet and was able to make it back, and my boyfriend was there had I needed help. The being "gone" and my legs giving out were the worst parts that night.
Over the next two days, we were unable to sleep at all. My boyfriend's vision was somewhat altered, but becoming more normal. I didn't feel hungry, but I felt extremely tired. Even lifting my arms above my head was a chore and tired me out. Two or three nights later, I became afraid of the dark, convinced something was going to jump out at me even though I knew there was nothing there. My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, and so it was even worse when I came home on July 8 and was without him. The night of July 8, my thoughts were going on in circles, staying on worries in my mind, spinning around them, and I was going crazy with them. Since July 8, when it was the worst, it's slowly become better, and the dark is becoming normal to me again. Today, July 13, is almost normal again.
My boyfriend on the other hand, did not notice many bad side effects at all. He's had a bit of paranoia of the dark as well for the few nights I have, but it's gotten better for him. Aside from that, I seem to be the only one that had the bad effects.
Now I have a few questions, hope you didn't get bored of me recounting my experience...
Did I have a bad trip, considering the limb shaking, chills, sinking to the ground, slight hallucinations, and being "gone"?
When I was "gone", was it possible that I could have died, since my eyes were open, but I didn't see anything, didn't respond, and I wasn't even there?
Has anyone ever blacked out like I did even though their eyes were open?
Can I avoid these bad effects, or most of them, by taking a smaller dosage?
I noticed enhanced vision, wanting to dance, big sound, and my sense of touch and feeling was extremely heightened. I am not sure if I noticed a large urge to talk openly and freely as I'd heard of E, though perhaps it was due to the darkness and music that may have inhibited this. Is this normal, to not notice talking a lot more? Is it normal to not talk a lot more or be a lot more open when on E?
Is it possible this was not E at all but something else, since I didn't notice this effect?
I have done a lot more research this weekend since taking E on July 4. A lot of what people say is to treasure the first couple of trips because it will never be the same, the "magic" disappears. I am afraid that because I took so much the first time I ever took it, 5 pills at once, that if I ever do it again, there will be no magic, no feeling of closeness or profound love, no heightened vision and touch sensations that make E. If I ever do E again, I would only plan to do one, perhaps 1.5 pills, and I would take at least 3-6 months between trips.
Does anyone think the taking 5 pills to begin with, this first time, will ruin my subsequent E trips?
Has anyone had the experience of the "magic" dying?
Is the first trip always the most special?
Does taking a few months in between trips reduce tolerance and make each trip as special and amazing as the last?
Is there a such thing as each trip increasing tolerance over a lifetime, even though you may wait many months in between trips?
I regret now taking 5 pills at once, even though it was spread over 10 hours roughly. Does anyone think that I will never have a good, true E trip, because of this?
Are my chances of having a true E trip, the heightened touch, openness, loving up, gone because I took so much the first time?
I know these are a lot of questions, but this being my first time, and I believe that it was a less than positive time, I have a lot. I do hope you all can answer my questions, and I appreciate any insight you can offer, or extra information. Thanks!
Sorry for posting again, but as an addendum to noticing not being very talkative, I didn't notice a lot of the empathic qualities I hear about. Again, it might have been the atmosphere with my boyfriend, dark and a lot of music, like our own rave. Normally we are very open and empathic towards each other, not on E.
Should I be concerned that we didn't seem to be as open and empathic as other people's experiences seem to have been?
Does anyone think that we could have this experience after having done so many the first time, if we only did one E if we try it again?
Did the 5 pills ruin the empathic qualities, and can I ever get them back?
Thanks again!
Uhh i'd take a long break.
5 pills on your first time? I dont know how anyone could drop 5 *good* pills (I emphasize *good*) - that's a shit load - after about the third, chances are you wont feel anything anyway.
I'd write more about how retarded this post actually is but I'll leave that for the other flamers :) happy flaming!
Originally posted by PhireXZ:
Uhh i'd take a long break.
5 pills on your first time? I dont know how anyone could drop 5 *good* pills (I emphasize *good*) - that's a shit load - after about the third, chances are you wont feel anything anyway.
I'd write more about how retarded this post actually is but I'll leave that for the other flamers :) happy flaming!

Excuse me, I came here looking for help and answers from users more experienced than I and my boyfriend. I was misinformed about how much I should take, so I did my research afterwards, which includes asking questions of more experienced people.
I do not appreciate in the least calling my post retarded, or flaming me. I found this forum and was happy to find a place to get some answers to my questions. If people are going to be like you, maybe I shouldn't have come here in the first place!
First of all, five pills was way too much, and very dangerous. Take more precautions with your drug intake, read up on them before you ingest them, not after. This way you will be prepared for the trip to follow, and have an idea of what to expect.
Did I have a bad trip, considering the limb shaking, chills, sinking to the ground, slight hallucinations, and being "gone"?
I dont think that you had a bad trip, I'm not even very sure you can have a bad trip on ecstasy, but I know that shaking, chills, and slight hallucinations are normal. Last nite when I rolled I had the same kind of experience as you, being "gone". I didnt really think about until now, but my experience was that I know i blocked everyone out of my head and was concentrating on something I was thinking, then I stopped thinking a few minutes later, and totally forgot what I was thinking about, doing etc.
Can I avoid these bad effects, or most of them, by taking a smaller dosage?
YES!!! You can definatly not have as extreme chills, and limb shaking. You may have cold sweats, which makes you kind of uncomfortable. I have noticed that with my only taking one pill I seem to have a 30 second memory span. I can only imagine how yours was.
Is this normal, to not notice talking a lot more?
Yes its normal not to notice talking alot more. The first time I took ecstasy, I sat there with my eyes rolling in my head not wanting to talk or move at all. This could have been the kind of roll you were having.
Is it normal to not talk a lot more or be a lot more open when on E?
Again it depends on the kind of high you have. One night you may be a chatterbox, and another night you may just sit there listening to everyone around you. Its nothing to worry about.
Is it possible this was not E at all but something else, since I didn't notice this effect?
From your explanations of the drug you took it does sound like ecstasy, but you also have to remember chemical drugs dont hit everyone the exact same way.
Does anyone think the taking 5 pills to begin with, this first time, will ruin my subsequent E trips?
Right away, yes it will. But if you wait a long time, maybe a few months, then it should be alright. You should be able to roll off one pill like alot of us.
Is the first trip always the most special?
I like my first trip the best. I felt awsome, I loved everyone, and just had an awsome time. I also relized alot about myself that night. I relized how much I love my family, and how much I love myself and how proud of myself I am for changing my life around. I think that this was the best time I have ever rolled just for relizing all of this about myself and because of the effects.
For the questions I didnt answer I didn't know the answers, but I answered these as best as I could and I hope they're helpful.
Corona's post isn't retarded :( . Kudos to her for wanting to educate herself on the matter I say.
In fact it's a really well thought out and structured post IMO.
I certainly hope nobody flames you - if I had 5 pills around my first time, and nobody had told me not to, I would have kept eating them too...who wouldn't? You got a great answer ^^^ above, so I just wanna put in 2cents worth. I think you DID have a bad trip, to a certain extent. High doses of MDMA are certainly neurotoxic to some extent, and blackouts are a good sign that some damage is being done. Should you want to try again, wait a few months and make sure you have no more than, say, 4 (or even just 2) pills around the house. It's unbelievably easy to convince yourself to take more when you're rolling. The side effects should be signifigantly less.
didja test the pills?
imnsho, after about 3 decent MDMA doses, especialy the first time, your body would let you know not to take more.
the effects and durationof of the 5 pills combined you describe, sound like an amphetamine + K combo, stimulation, no empathogenic qualities, disassociation, followed by a mild case of amph psychosis.
there once was a guy from Satori
who wanted to know the fx of playing Russian roulette
but i'm sure you've all heard of his story...
Thank you so much for your replies! I really appreciate them, and hope they will keep coming in, I'm learning a lot. Here's my reply to some though, I may have additional comments or questions...
*PoRn*sTaR*... thanks for your thoughtful answers to my questions, it's very appreciated. I do know now that five pills was way too much, just wish I did all of my research before as you'd said. I did do some first, but I agree I should have done it all. I do indeed plan on waiting to take any more E, if I do again. The first trip kinda scared me. If I did it wouldn't be at least for another six months or more, and I'd wait a few months before trips in between. I'm glad when people can realize good things and keep in in their daily lives. Actually, with my boyfriend, I looked at a picture of me, he's always told me how beautiful I am, and I actually thought I was when looking at that picture. Unfortunately, I don't think that way as much now in daily life as I did on that trip. :(
Macksta... thanks for your support. I came here looking for answers from more experienced users, and I appreciate all the positive posts I am getting. I am trying to ignore negative ones like the first one I received.
djfriendly... You're right no one told me not to, although it's my fault for not researching more soundly beforehand. I just hope I don't regret it now. You say that MDMA is neurotoxic and higher levels and the blackouts are a good sign that some damage is being done. That kinda scares me.
*Can you tell me what damage could I have possibly done?
*If it is done, is it permanent? I definitely plan on doing no more than 1 or 2 again. *Considering the 5 to start with, do you think 1 or 2 would even cause no more damage?
*Are there any signs I should look for for damage?
Thanks, hope you can try to shed some insight, I'm now rather worried. Nothing seems out of place, my mind is okay right now except for a bit of being scared of the dark, aside from that everything seems pretty much normal.
frqntflyr... no I didn't test the pills. My boyfriend has known the person he's gotten them from for a long time and trusts him. I didn't even know you could test them before I took them. Again, I found out after I did more research afterwards. I'm not sure exactly what was in them, which is why I asked if what I experienced was normal. True, I didn't have the empathogenic qualities, at least not that I noticed.
*Is it not true that tests do not tell the exact purity or strength of MDMA?
*I also thought that tests would not exactly tell you that MDMA is in it, only something from the MD+ family (such as MDA)?
*Are there any good tests you recommend? Thanks!
Again, thanks for everyone's constructive input. I will come back later to see any other posts that people may have posted. Like I said now, I'm even more paranoid now about damage that maybe was done, and it rather scares me, and if it will ever affect me or show up. I look forward to everyone's posts.
A question of tolerance
There are alot of long term side effects that have not been noted with Ecstasy. However, seeing that MDMA relies on Serotonin release; I would conjecture if you take months off between rolls, long term side effects would be dimished to nil. There is a new study out by the University of Georgia (I believe it was quoted in the last issue of the Libertarian) of something called Serotonin dithering. It basically theorizes Serotonin levels after something like MDMA uses are diminished and incresing usage can atrophy the brains ability to make it. Of course this is just a theory and may be regarded as negative drug propaganda. Then again, I sould be full of shit. But I hope this helps.
A personal note (sorry I forgot to add)
I experience the magic of dying. We called it transporting because of what happened to me. Being pretty experienced I still did a dumb thing. I was impatient at the effect time (2 plus hours) and added three pills to a total of five. Well, of course about three minutes later I began to feel effects and "Oh shitted" myself. Things we're fine until around hour 4, when my friends noticed that if I stopped and closed my eyes it seemed I was gone and another person was in my place. During this time "I" believed I was on a very peaceful plain of conciousness. What my friend saw was an idiot yelling about directing a movie. I'm a one pill person now thanks to that experience. Just be careful.
[ 14 July 2002: Message edited by: MilesTeg ]
5 pills is excessive use.
I used to top out at two.
3 would leave me with a hangover that was not emotionally pleasant.
Corona, I think you have done very little or no damage at all, provided it was a one-off type of thing... Many times I have ingested 5 or more pills in one night and have not noticed any damage...I have since cut my usage to 2 or 3 pills a night, well spread out over a month or so...You should not worry.
THis is by no means an encouragement to do that again, it is stupid to consume anything more than 2 or 3 pills in one night, it just takes a temporary toll in your body (tiredness, headaches, lack os sleep, etc.).
You should test your pills because, while doing so will not tell you the amount of mdma, it will tell you if a MDxx class component is present and alert you to the presence of other stuff, like PMA, DXM, ephedrine. You can buy an EZ test, EZ test extreme or dancesafe, check out the pillreports site for more info.
I agree with someone above, my first roll was the best ever but there is no reason for you not to enjoy that if you lay off the pills for a while and follow some pre-loading rules, like ingesting Vitamin C, E and magnesium. Post-loading with the same vitamins and 5-htp (you can get it at health stores) will greatly minimize the chances of harming yourself.
Hope this helps you.
[ 14 July 2002: Message edited by: NSU ]
You can definitely have a bad trip on MDMA. Have you ever seen someone have a panic attack on MDMA, obviously not.
Red Arrow, Noodle... I too believe that I took way too much, and if I do trip again, will only be with my boyfriend and we agreed to take much less. I believe now my limit will be 1-1.5.
MilesTeg... I am indeed planning on taking months off to keep it special, if that is possible still after taking the 5 to begin with. I do not plan on taking it again any time soon, if I do at all, as I'd said higher, the first experience kinda scared me. I am indeed worried about long term effects, not only side effects, which hopefully would be gone after months of not using it (ie. I would hope that I wouldn't build tolerance to it, and I can still have a special experience). However, as I'd mentioned before, I am most concerned about long-term damage, whether it is permanent, and whether lifetime usage increases tolerance regardless of how long off you have in between trips. I haven't noticed anything out of place now, 1.5 weeks later, except for a still slight fear of the dark. I do hope this goes away soon as well, since I haven't been afraid of the dark since I was 10. Interesting experience you had as well, except when I was "gone", I have no idea where I was, and I only know what happened to me because of what my boyfriend told me. It was strange, because even though I don't remember it, from before I was gone to after, when I guess I woke up, when I woke up it felt as if a very long time had gone by, even though it was only a minute or two.
NSU... thanks for your input as well. I do hope I didn't do much if any damage, that's what I'm most concerned about. 5 pills was definitely a one-time thing, borne of ignorance, which will never happen again. Like I said my limit, if I ever do E again, is 1-1.5 pills, and my boyfriend and I agreed to only do it together ever, or if we are in a group, we still have to be together. As well, if we do do it again, it will be many months down the road... and many months in between if we have subsequent trips, both for the experience to remain special, as well as to hopefully not build tolerance and reduce chances of damage. I do hope that a subsequent experience would be more special as well, since I had somewhat of a scary experience the first time, I'm hoping to actually get a full, proper, good experience next time, if done, as I will know more of what to expect and not to take more than 1-1.5 pills. I'm thinking that even though most people have a very special time their first, since mine was kind of scary, perhaps my second will seem like my first should have been, provided the original 5 did not ruin my chances of having a true "first" experience, as I hope it didn't ruin that. Thank you for your pre- and post-loading advice, I didn't do any of that, and I will indeed take it into consideration for next time. Testing is also the way to go as well. Next time, my boyfriend and I will definitely be much more prepared for everything, and responsible as well. Thank you so much for your input!
C21H23NO5... I might not have had a really bad trip, but it was certainly a relatively scary one, at least later on into it as I'd mentioned. I think I had a worse experience on the weed I'd smoked a couple of nights later, it pretty much f'd me up for almost three hours, two hits were too much for me. I'm obviously a lightweight, and that's fine with me. Again my boyfriend was there with me, to help me, and I'm very glad as I wouldn't ever do anything like this without him. Again, we still both don't know if we'll ever even do this again, as he and I were scared of my reaction, it's something we have to talk about, but if we do, we will be more informed and responsible, and take less pills, and take more time in between, months.
Anyways, thanks again for all your replies, it's all very helpful. I look forward to more. My boyfriend has done his research too, but since he has been out all weekend he hasn't seen this post, and I believe when he does he will find it helpful as I have. Thanks!
Also, in the weeks afterwards, I would recomend taking a daily dosage of 5htp. Around 100mg a day should be fine. (Preferably some 5 that has some B-6 in with it.)
This can only help your brain recover easier. :)
I personally always pre-load with some 5htp. usually around 200-300mg about 30-45 min before I eat a pill. I highly recomend this!! Remember, when on MDMA, you're putting your brain througha HELL of a lot....so do what you can to make that as easy on your brain as possible.
Does anyone think the taking 5 pills to begin with, this first time, will ruin my subsequent E trips?
No, I dont think it will have too much of a difference although I would say taking 5 on the first time is a bit excessive, if I was to advise anyone I would say start with half, although actually taking 5 doesnt neccessarily mean you got a large amount.
5 pills could easily have the same contents as even 1 pill. 5 pills could really have as little as 20mg in each or even less meaning you still might only have done 100mg in total which isnt a large amount, although it could have been as much as 750mg which is a large amount but seeing as 150mg of mdma pills are rare these days we could say it was probably around 350mg which again isnt considered an excessive dose although for a first time would be high.
I found when I started I could take a 1/4 and come up and one pill would do me fine and I managed to stay like this for quite a while until one night I decided to see what more would be like and since then I havent really been able to go back to 1 pill even after some reasonable length breaks.
I hope it doesnt affect your next few times and that you wait a while before trying again with less, it could be different because you are experiencing more than 1 so maybe a good break before trying it again is a good idea.
Has anyone had the experience of the "magic" dying?
I find losing the magic to be something you can control much the same as taking pills, I think if you beleive you will never lose the magic and dont think about losing it, it will never disappear, many people say it goes after their first few times but from my own experience I have managed to keep it after a few hundred pills and I dont think of myself as ever losing it.
If you think you will lose the magic then I think it will happen, if you tell yourself it wont go and believe in that then it might just stay forever.
Is the first trip always the most special?
Not always, many people do enjoy their first a lot but that isnt to say experiences after that wont be as good, you might get better pills or just have a better mind set which can play a big part on the experience.
Does taking a few months in between trips reduce tolerance and make each trip as special and amazing as the last?
Technically the longer you leave it the better it will be, although as I mentioned previously many other factors play a big part in your experience so its always hard to guarantee. I have if I take a break my first time back is not that good, which is probably due to increased expectations and then it doesnt meet the expectations, best to approach every time with an open mind.
Is there a such thing as each trip increasing tolerance over a lifetime, even though you may wait many months in between trips?
Again tolerance can build if you think it will although taking it very frequently doesnt give your serotonin a chance to come back so you wont feel the effects as hard and the come downs will get worse.
Tolerance might develope after you have done it a few times because you are simply used to the effects and the novelty has worn off. Although if you wait you should have a better experience leaving more time inbetween doing it.
since you didnt test them, you really dont know what you got. the next time you roll, it could be a totally different wonderful experience. my first roll was 2 1/2 *really* good pills, and my 2nd was just 1 mild pill. both times i rolled hard and had fun. 5 pills is alot for your first time, but it in no way has ruined your chances to roll again. lots of people plow down 5 pills a night. its definatly not a good idea, but i wouldnt be too concerned with anything long term. i feel if you space out your rolls, and make it a special occasion every time (not "im bored at home watching tv.. i think ill pop a pill") i think you can keep the magic. after 70+ pills over 30-40 rolls, i had the BEST experience on ecstacy just a few rolls ago, so happy rollings and forget about this "losing the magic" thing :)
Five pills in one go is a lot, as most people have said. Will it ruin the magic for next time? I'd say no, but take a decent break - at least a month, ideally more like two.
Will it mess you up long-term? Doubtful. There's no doubt that using E at high doses like that, over long periods of time, will mess you up in a big way. As a once off, it's still not ideal, but you should be OK.
The side effects are probably due to the dosage you took being so high. (Although it could be that you got another substance). You'll minimise such effects by taking less next time ;)
As for the emotional openness: I usually experience this, but probably not everytime. Sometimes I just sit there, feeling relaxed and introverted, other times I dance like a madman. So although its a normal effect of E, you may not experience it every time.
If it hasn't been said already, get some 5-HTP from a health shop, and try to get a testing kit as well, so you know what's in your pills (www.ez-test.com).
A mate of mine has been idiotic with his E use. He met a new girl, half his age and from the start she was necking half a dozen in a night, keeping pace with him. Some nights it was almost painful trying to have a conversation as she was delirious and didn't make sense. He did nothing to educate her and seemed quite happy poisoning her with his ludicrous drug use levels. After a few months she changed. She became more and more moody and irritable, she developed paranoia and began to hate me and my girlfriemd coz we'd already known this guy 14 years when she met him. Eventually she started accusing us of all sorts of shit including secretly planning a partner swapping session (complete bollox) and finally rang the Police and falsely accused us of harrassment, which we thought utterly hilarious. She was trying to get rid of us so she could be the only thing in his life that he cared about. Now she spends most of her time keeping my long-time mate locked away in his home, he never gets to go proper clubbing and has pretty much had the brakes put on all he used to love in life. We ain't seen him for 4 years, and I blame the foolish poring of drugs down this obviously already unstable young lady's neck.
So for Gods sake be careful with these chemicals and educate yourself BEFORE you choose to experiment or you might do permanent harm to you psyche if not your brain itself.