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5-meo-dmt scraps

i'm not going to do it without a scale. i have too much respect for psychedelics to mess around with them. If as you say the crystals aren't uniform in size then i'll just wait till i have some £££ to scale it up. unless there's someone in london who fancies a 5meo trip for free in exchange for use of their scale ;)
Just a quick personal note that I will probably get slammed for, but I don't use a scale for 5-meo. I don't just eyeball it either. Since all of the 5meo that I use is from the same batch and is the same grainsize, I use a small calibrated scoop. I made the scoop such that one scoop is 5mg of this substance. I can't stress enough though that I only feel comfortable doing this because I know the density of my material and have LOTS of experience with it. I don't use this method with other chemicals and would definately recalibrate my scoope for a different batch of 5-meo. I'm not at all recommending that anyone not use a scale, just that there are other ways of measuring out powders once a standard is established... but get a scale, its a wise investment (I almost learned the hardway, but thats a different story).
I agree with Meo_dmster. And if you don't agree --> shamans also don't have a scale, so it is possible to work without a scale, but that requires a lot of respect and patients.
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Shamans doen't work with pure 5-MeO-DMT powder either. They work with snuffs with maybe 3% tryptamines.
That is also true. But what I wanted to make clear is that if you have enough experience with any kind of substance you can determine your dose without a scale. If you don't have a lot experience with the substance I wouldn't recommend this way of determining your dose. You can start with little amounts each time, each first hit, and then work your way up. A scale would be saver, but it isn't necessary.
In my experience, 5-MeO-DMT was the death, and DMT was the bliss. But I enjoyed both substances quite a bit. The weird thing is that the 5-MeO-DMT triggered everything that a DMT experience was supposed to, just like the DMT did. The only exception was the lack of hyperspace. Is this a normal thing with 5-MeO-DMT???

EDIT: And no, I'm not being retarded, just lazy. I don't feel I can add anything else to the conversation so I wanted to propose some questions. And I don't feel like typing right now.
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I have been doing 5-meo-dmt almost everyday now for the past week and have a few questions. I have varied the dose from extremely small and barely being able to feel it, to doing more than I needed and just wanting it to end. But every time I do it I get absolutely no visuals. I don't get any trails and colors don't look more intense. I have had about 4 of my friends try it and none of them got any either. Is this normal? I also never left my body or went into another realm or felt connected with the universe or god, which is what I really was looking forward to when I purchased it. The only thing that seems to change while im on it is my perception of time. Anyways has anyone else had visuals or something else?
You need a "break through" dose. I doubt that you are doing enough. I know that this has been covered previously in this thread, but I'll repeat the general idea. Low and moderate doses have no visuals and sever body load. Break though doses immediatly put you into the void as it is called, many times it happens so fast that you don't even notice the come up. There is also a good chance that you aren't smoking it correctly. Again, there are many good suggestions regarding this above. Give it a break for a while and good luck.
I am not talking about 5-meodmt, but in general I can remember things from the very old past (in a relative sense) in my life since I use psychedelics.
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I don't really like this substance anymore. My last two times doing it have been terrible. I just ended up in the bathroom feeling very nauseous with my head about to explode. It felt like I just did circles and was falling off a cliff but unable to stop, not a fun feeling. I still haven't experienced any visuals or anything. Somone here said I probably didn't do enough for a breakthrough dose so this weekend I made sure I had enough and still the same result. I've smoked this out of a lightbulb, tinfoil, and snorted it. Maybe I just have a shitty product I don't know. If anyone is interested in trying this I wouldn't recommend it. I think this would be good if you could "breakthrough" and experience and learn different aspects of yourself that have never been revealed before but the outcome is always the same for me, just a very intense and uncomfortable high.
ive done like... 20 mg bumps - 30 mg bumps... to me, this drug is easilly eyeballed. if you need to morning glory delete my post but, its like ive done very small doses to big. but to me smoking it is the best way... snorting isnt as great i had to snort alot to hit the peak like... 2 25 mg bumps..
It felt like I just did circles and was falling off a cliff but unable to stop, not a fun feeling. I still haven't experienced any visuals or anything.

^^^ Unable to stop, were you trying to fight the experience? I have not had a breakthrough experience yet, I think because I just did not have a proper pipe for it. As for the what i would call 'moderate' experiences, I felt it so easy to just, experience it, not think at all, actually I notice my normal thinking in my head seems to stop and I just sort of experience whatever it is. Not expecting anything. I find taking deep breaths, almost forced breathing (not sure if you have to be worried about this, if you enter 'the void'?) feels good. I've never gotten visuals any more than maybe slight color enhancement and slight tracers (and things like letters i see clearly but may lose 'meaning', same thing with spoken language), but, there's an unexplainable change in vision, like a feeling of my eyes being opened up more or something. After a 'moderate' hit, I would set the pipe down and just sit, breathe, and experience it, and there's never been any fear at all with me at least. Its only 'beautiful'. I also notice, rather than time slowing down, it actually seems to 'speed up'! I dont understand the 'body load' others talk about, because, after the short time where I know i should just sit there and experience it (and it feels great), when I feel it wearing off, I usually feel like getting up and dancing, and I feel very "fluid" just like MDMA. I notice while moving around I can multitask like crazy, let my mind take a rest in a way and let my arms, hands, feet, whatever, just 'let them go' and i feel like i'm "in the groove" or something.

I have tried snorting it, but I found, that putting the same dose, under my tongue, seems to have the same effect. It comes on just as fast, and after 5 minutes or so i can tell its been absorbed, because the taste kind of just disappears. It wasn't all that impressive although, since i do like the lower doses, a little under the tongue and then dancing to some music for a while is fun for me.
Yeah, it sounds to me like you are trying to fight it. This is not one that you push off to the side when it doesn't feel right. You have to let it take hold and go with it. Fighting it only makes it worse, if you feel you need to empty your stomach, do so. Don't force it, just let it happen. For some reason not everyone has this nausea reaction to 5-meo-dmt, but for some it is an integral part of the experience. This purging will often mark a turning point; the sweats stop, the nausea immediatly goes away and everything becomes very peacefull. If you decide to try it again, just let it do what it will with you.
this is the first of heard of people actually puking on 5-meo-dmt? how often does this occur? i know nausea is a likely aspect of the body load, but to the point of puking?
Well, I have only thrown up from smoking it once, but I have the urge to almost everytime, it just never gets that bad. About 1/3 of the people that I introduce to it puke. I make it very clear before hand that this is a strong possibilty. It isn't a body size thing, I've seen 200 lb guys through up from the same dose that a girl half that size handled just fine. In the extreme case the person passes out and is unaware that they have thrown up. This is where an sitter is extremely important for both the tripper sake and the furniture. Oddly enough, these are generally the people who take the most away from the experience.

I know that this may sound odd and even disturbing to some people, but I have introduced several people to tripping via 5-meo-dmt. I do so for two main reasons. First of all it is a short experience so if things were to go bad, it wouldn't be hours of misery. I have also found that people with no tripping experience at all have an easyier time handling it. I think this stems from not having any real expectations about what a drug can/will do. They simply surrender to it. I was rather experienced with hallucingens when I first tried 5-meo-dmt and had no idea that a drug could hit that hard and that fast. As a result I panicked which only made it worse. I very quickly learned to let the drug do what it will.

For people who get this severe body load from 5-meo-dmt, the puking often marks the dying part of a death/rebirth cycle. Feel like you are dying>puke>slip out>come back to refreshed. Oral 5-meo-dmt with syrian rue is the ultimate in this death/rebirth cycle, although I don't recommend this to anyone. Many people have a distinct feeling that they really fucked up as the drug hits. It really feels like you are dying. Again, not everyone has this reaction and seasoned trippers seem more prone to it. Some are fortunate enough to just pass into the void. Others have to earn it.
treefingers49 said:
this is the first of heard of people actually puking on 5-meo-dmt? how often does this occur? i know nausea is a likely aspect of the body load, but to the point of puking?

Vomiting is not a common thing with 5-MeO-DMT, but it is also not unheard of. In my experiences, it seems that sometimes extreme psychological pain (the type that may arise in a "bad" 5-MeO-DMT experience when people tend to face aspects that often they are not prepared for, or did not realize they would have to contend with. Thiscan cause a person to empty their stomach's contents. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Also, I've noticed some stomach discomfort with threshold dosages of this incredible molecule. 5-MeO-DMT also shares a property with both ketamine and Sailvia divinorum in that if you don't get enough, it simply doesn't do anything very interesting (in my opinion) and you are likely for focus of the body issues.
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I've only thrown up once from it. But just the other day some girl came over and wanted to try it, and ended up puking a lot. I'm really not fighting the experience when I do it. I'm always very relaxed and don't freak out. I just try to enjoy the experience, which seems to happen about every other time I do it. I don't see how I can't be doing enough to not breakthrough though. On erowid it says a strong dose is 10 - 25mg so I don't know whats up. I may try this again this weekend and see if anything changes.
As for the time I insufflated it, I actually had not expected any effect, however, in about 30 minutes, I was at a +++. There where interesting trains of throught and very noticeable tracers/trailers

I have also had good luck insufflating it - I get very good visuals every time I do it that way. As long as I keep the dosage between 10 - 20mg (NO MORE THAN 20mg) I have a really good experience, nice visuals and a good, short trip that can be done on a weeknight, as you are down within an hour or so. If I go over 20mg however, I usually end up laying on the floor fighting off puking, as it makes me VERY nuaseas when I go over 20mg. If I stick below that I have a great time, and don't experience any nuasea at all. The burn in the nose from sniffing the powder is really insignificant in my opinion, as 15mg of powder is not that much powder, although it does burn slightly.
For anyone that's thinking of trying insufflating it, just be careful and DON'T over do it.
I just did about 5mg , smoked . I don't think ill do more than that . This is very strong . The guy was saying 2meodmt is no joke , hes right .
I think that most people that have body problems on 5-meo-dmt are due to mental issues. My friend and I both did dosages ranging from 3-10mg, I had a wonderful time, and actually thought that the drug felt good and at home in me. my friend, however, had an awful time and thought he was going to puke on a couple occasions. I haven't talked to him about it, but I believe that he was trying to fight the experience and it's intensity frightened him.