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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

5-EAPB - 200mg - Call Me Alan


Jul 3, 2012
5-EAPB/ 200mg - Pioneering - The names Shepard, Alan Shepard.

5-EAPB, 200mg in water. Oral consumption.
Feel free to skip top paragraphs, TL;DR - no tolerance, no supplements, no medication. The rest is thorough description.
Info: Very soluble, 100mg dissolved in a couple of drops of water immediately. Clumps take a tiny bit of shaking to break up.
Fine very white powder, little bit clumpy. Whitest drug I've ever seen.
"No significant impurity peaks are observed in the sample" - can only assume very pure. NMR released, watermarked by vendor.
Only found one other trip report of this since it's release 10 days ago. Was released the very same day the APBs, APDBs, ITs & NBOMes were announced 'temporarily' banned in the UK. It was clearly put back ready for this ban.

Weight: 60-65kg, 14% BF
Resting HR: 60 bpm (wow, it was 52 this time last year)
Tolerance: None to anything. Last session was April, 3 lots of aMT & 'acid' which I'm 90% certain was 25C-NBOMe. No stimulants since Boxing day 2012.
Last Ate: 7am, small bowl of cereal.
Mindset: Freedom and impatience, got a lot of fun activities in the next 4 weeks and minimal work. Just finished a very stressful exam period with revision getting close to 60h/week including the 25~ hours I work each weekend.
Setting: In the English countryside and a small national trust area with rows of planted trees which is our natural crack den for when we're doing drugs around my place. Going without the standard ginger/ magnesium route, just for researchs sake. I rarely need the ginger, but like to take it just in case. I'm not much of a gurner, but like to chew lips rather than grate my teeth and magnesium occasionally helps with this. No medication for over a year, nothing psychological either. So it's just me vs 5-EAPB.

Previous Experience: DXM, MXE, 4-fa, 6-apb, amt, 'acid', codeine, methylone, MDMA (minimal, I was drunk), 5-meo-dalt, extensive nitrous, some marijuana, etizolam, and probably some more insignificant RCs.

A lot of what I write below is what i recorded on my phone, or on a piece of paper. I remember a lot of thoughts that I wanted to write down, but cannot find them anywhere. Have added these comments in the times I think are appropriate. T(xx:xx) means the time after consumption.

I will add now that I struggle to put thoughts into words eloquently, but will try my best. I actually cannot stand creative writing, nor writing in general really but am posting this Trip Report to educate on new drugs recently released.

Date: 19/06/13
T(00:00) - 12:40pm Feeling a little apprehensive & rather hungry.
Down the ml of water holding 200mg of 5-eapb. Has that odd metally methylone taste to it. Filth. Washed down with water.

T(00:08.) - First rush, hearty feeling. Tongue is numb and almost feels burnt.

T(00:40) - Rush was just that, nothing came of it. There's a hint of something but not really anything worthwhile. Not going to eat until at least another hour. If still nothing by then, I'm calling it a day and going pub.

T(01:20) - 80bpm, burps. About to move places & go on a little walk, really hoping something kicks in soon or i'm calling bunk. Ate a small pack of maltesers, got jaw tension, dryish mouth & maltesers weren't their usual amazing. Minimal effect, no pupil dilation.

T(01:25) - Restless tongue, heavy eyes, hunger gone. Now I am walking, i could walk forever

T(01:40) - Walking has brought this on, oh my it forces the comeup to start taking effect. Massively increased sociability, just though that gollum is essentially an MDMA addict - he's smily, huge eyes, very skinny, schizo. Gurning like a mad man now, want to be with my friends who i just had a call from but they are down the pub.

T(02:00) - HR just over 80bpm, "grin grin grin"

T(03:00) - Very strong stimulant, cannot piss. Time dilation & time constriction effects, some minutes will go for hours and some hours for minutes. odd. I read 15:40 on the clock but it is irrelevant to me, it means nothing.
Personally think this is a stay at home drug. While writing the above sentences, I flew off to dreamland in the vertical foetus position, face on floor ass in the air. It was comfy. I wouldn't go near this dosage again to be honest, please don't just jump in and assume you'll be okay. There's music appreciation, everything sounds good and you want to listen to everything but it doesn't sound like that awesome sound you get on weed/'acid' etc. I also couldn't remember where I was exactly, very disorientating. All of this and i'm still loving it, the euphoria is intense and very little body load, tensing muscles feels normal - unlike on say amt, where clenching buttcheeks and tensing the quads is like oh my. Got poor balance, don't know if this is to do with the intense eye wiggles or a direct effect. The ground is fairly steady for the countryside. Off for another walk. (Doing laps of this country lane which is constantly in the sun and no one ever goes down. Has plenty of gates overlooking beautiful fields, which I enjoy stopping and looking at.

T(3:30) - Feels amazing, got some awesome effects and one seriously noticable one - my mind becomes overstimulated and just shuts down - nothing in, nothing out. It's kind of like 'holing' or severe daydreaming. Got far too much energy and head is constantly bobbing in time to music, don't have control. Still bobbing when no music, but in time to the previous song. Kind of feels like what I imagine Parkinsons to be like. Hands are relatively steady though. Must find something to do or head goes down for some crazy confused weird stuff inside. Fuck me this is dysphoric euphoria, I guess this is what brain zaps are - nothing comes out no matter how hard you try.

T(04:00) While watching over this lovely field covered in buttercups, I tried stopping head from bouncing, eyes from wiggling and told myself I'm sober. It absolutely killed the trip. I then thought, damn I hope that isn't that and tried to go back to drugland. It worked. Interesting I can do that, might be useful if you have to get into conversation or emergencies or something. Probably could have helf the soberness as well. Only 4 hours after dosing and about 2 from it coming up! Wow!
BPM - 90. Friends called to go pub to celebrate a friends birthday - i like him, but he's annoying - I feel trying to be sober actually set off the comedown. We'll see! Nausea here in the form of milky burps? Odd taste in mouth, gone off milk? Only had water and small amount of chocolate. The bowl of cereal was chocker with milk though? "Feels like I've actually hurt my head" - This was written to the side of the 4hr report, not sure if it was then when it happened though. The headache was a strong pain just above the spine basically in line with my eyes but on the back of my head, right on the bottom. Felt quite heavy, could have something to do with the hours of head bopping.

T(05:00) - Pretty much down I think, definitely off the peak. Still have immeasurable eye wiggles and gurning. Dry mouth and still cannot piss. Might head home soon, managed a conversation on the phone fairly well. It kind of feels like a strong stimulant and high dosage of mxe thrown in at random times - there's a lot of confusion and forgetfulness. 200mg is far too much imo. Nystagmus, trisma, dry mouth. The only muscle tension there is is in the jaw. Time is only dilated now. Not really any pupil dilation, but it is a really bright day - i have blue eyes and normally on stims there is essentially no blue, and the outline of the iris (black circle around) goes really thick. Hallucinations. Definitely have stimdick. Again, music doesn't sound better but you just have to listen and i suppose you understand it more? Definitely recommend you do something on the comeup, I sat and drew and nothing came of it. Get moving and test the comeup! Very chatty, want to socialise. I wrote I have empathy and inner peace, but I don't really remember the empathy. There was probably some though. I have minor CEVs - moving changing colours of grids, kitchen floors, (squares with diamonds at the corners), mathsbook paper kind of thing (tons of squares which form diagonal lines and go fuzzy?), complex but 2D and very faint. Massive amounts of headfuckery, disorientating and some OEVs reminiscent of what I've MDAs are like - discuss below.

T (06:00) - Jaw is feeling awful, got trisma a little and sociability is up. 110~BPM which is odd that it's rose now, might be to do with being home around parents/brothers.

T(12:00) - Fatigued to the point of sleeping but nope not happening. Got to the floored lethargy point of amt. Cannot stop salivating and swallowing, food is impossible.

1mg Etizolam knocks me out 100% of the time on a comedown (interestingly not when going out + drinking though? Another discussion.)

T(19:00) - Forced to wake up at 7:30, very tired, woke to turn off alarms but went back to sleep - probably all etizolams effects, has happened before. Foods easy to get down, go to work for 8 (get in at 8:30 oopsy)

T(20:00) - Headache, neurotoxic feeling in head. Headache still here. Gurning, jaw tension etc. Exercise = a lot of sweating and rapid heart rate. Doesn't help that it's like 25C in the hotel and freezing outside. A friend from school who works with me (never seen me high or on comedown, but has been herself) asks me if i'm on/been on drugs. Say no obviously, she reckons pupils dilated and eyes are dark. Reckons I went out last night... on a wednesday? Don't feel too bad, bit tired, hungry and constantly thirsty. I usually piss 24/7 when drinking - tiny bladder - but I'm back to normal? Don't need to go to the toilet like 2-3 times an hour.

T(24:00) - All effects have pretty much gone. Bit of jaw biting etc. I reckon this stuff has a long half life in terms of residual effects.

T(30:00) - Dry throat, thirsty still. Daydreamy, but had a 12h30 shift constantly moving so kind of expected. Heart rate is 64 which I would consider baseline considering i've just got out of shower and got home. Wouldn't call this any sort of hangover or comedown but to be fair i may still be in the kind of honeymoon period, not yet really had a comedown thank god - i might just be good at dealing with them though, i am with hangovers normally. Sociability is increased with those i'm comfortable with but not those i'm not. Comfortable with customers which is ideal.

T(48:00) - Absolutely fine. Slept for like 8hours, pretty standard. Consuming 15mg (+5mg maybe?) 4-AcO-DMT so might confuse results a little but I doubt it since I'm not feeling anything.

OEVs - was in woods, and to be fair they can misguide your brain and look like other things, but I saw actual maintenance men working. One time when I was coatching under a tree, some light went through the leaves and created this small patch of light on the brown ground - I instantly thought it was a celebrations sweet in gold wrapper like on of those huge teacakes. I tried picking it up multiple times and wondered why it would disappear as i caused a shadow over that part of the ground. Didn't really notice any kind of warping or tracers, but i don't notice these things anyway.

Might try again at like 150mg, 200mg is far too much. Not a quality drug really imo, definitely not a replacement for the recently banned APBs. Never tried 5MAPB, nor 5-APB. Probably trying the 5-APB in like 2 weeks. Will try to compare after that. Didn't really compare to any drug I've done yet except the huge dose of stimulating MXE.
Hmm, sounds like more of a mephedrone-style stimulant than a methylone/APB euphoriant. Am I correct in reading this into your post?

Thanks a ton for the report dude, always important to get out the info about new shit when it pops up, and these days said new shit pops up practically weekly!
I think I would probably say little empathy, certainly not a huggy drug either. It's kind of like having a psychedelic stimulant, add some speed and remove any feelings other than happy - no empathy, no love.

This drug isn't a touch on the other APBs imo.

200mg is too much, and judging from other reports 125mg is too little. This seems to have a tight dose range for it's potency. I wuld suggest 150mg, or maybe take it like mxe - low dose but frequent. This could have problems though, especially with the studies on redosing mdma.
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thank you for this trip report. 5-APB and 6-APB are very similar to MDMA and I was hoping 5-EAPb would be too.
Me and my gf took aprox. 120mg parachuting and 30mg nasally 5-EAPB at 4pm. Come up is very long, effects are still increasing. This comes in waves, 20minutes or so the first one, 40-60min and we stated that this is no placebo. Warm feeling, chattering, concentration comes and goes. Hard to stand still, gf is walking around the room and talking constantly. Love this stuff, almost identical to MDMA but more dopamine like. The biggest rush is still coming. Clock is now 7.30pm. WEEEEEH! We are wondering how many hours the come up really is and when comes the peak? And how long is the total duration?
We dosed more at 10pm, maybe 30mg nasally. It gave more duration and effects increaced more. At 3am we were almost sober, eyes were still huge. Duration was only 12h or so, little disappoinment. We slept 7hours and now head feels a bit fried. 250mg 5-HTP capsule down to throat, 2mg clonazepine and 225mg pregabalin along with strong coffee and feeling is mostly normal.
Quasi-hallusinogenic? We didint have any visuals, not even morphing or "8-bit"-textures. What kind of texture yours have? Our batch was almost brick-like colour and had tiny clumps in it. Burnt little when used intranasally. It really felt like more stimulant/MDMA than hallusinogenic. And yes, maybe we were lucky that it only lasted 12hours, I can only imagine the fried-head if duration would be 24hours.