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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(4aco-dmt/21 mg)+(THH/25 mg) Experienced: Vulcan Mind Meld


Feb 12, 2011
A while back I posted a report about combining/potentiating 4aco-dmt with ayahuasca (white caapi). The results were a really smooth, insightful journey through a colorful mental landscape, and were fascinating enough to plan for the next, functionally related, journey: a combination of THH and 4aco-dmt. The latter, of course, is perfectly active on its own, so any special effects of this combo should be related to the "potentiation" of the tryptamine by the harmala, as well as to whatever might develop in a mixture of two, active-on-their-own substances. The concentrated harmala would also presumably introduce little or even no nausea to the trip, compared to what caapi brew would do (and that is precisely what happened).

So at this writing I've got two such journeys to report on. The first was with 21mg of liquid THH taken sublingually 30 minutes prior to orally ingesting 35mg of 4aco-dmt. The second was with 60mg THH powder taken orally 5 minutes prior to 25mg 4aco-dmt. Yes, this is the new, improved THH...having never experienced the "old" THH, I can make no comparisons. But, as indicated below, it was very, very ... nice. The sublingual THH journey was more energetic and spiritually awesome (as well as a higher level of tryptamine), while the powdered version was quite a bit dreamier and more relaxed feeling.

The two versions of this journey shared a couple of things that really stand out. One, the colors. It's one thing to say the colors were heightened, or objects were surrounded by colorful auras. That gets about the first .001% of what happened....every cubic millimeter of space was packed with the most intense hues, all illuminated from within ... as if the redness of an apple, for example, bled into the space around it that was 1000 times larger than itself, in 3D yet. At the peak, it was difficult to pay attention to objects themselves because of the overwhelming competition from these vibrant color fields.

The second thing that stands out in the two journeys was - particularly on the 3 hour mellow comedown/afterglow period - the sense of not being any different than the "world"...which at 2am on cold, rainy nights consisted of my living room and bedroom. The effect was a slowing down or turning off of the sense of "I" so that there was a merger between the space I was in with myself. It's a state I aim for while meditating (and not all that successfully). But here it was just there for the taking. It was just beautiful walking around the house, or simply lying in bed, and not having the constant mental chatter going on. That switch had been shut off, pure awareness is left.

However, the sublingual THH journey, which again had more tryptamine in it, stood out for a couple of overpowering reasons that I will never be able to forget. One, just as the peak was hitting, my wife got home from work and came in the front door. I was not "so far gone" that I couldn't realize what was going on, and was happy to go and meet her at the door. But it wasn't exactly who I expected. I would have to call the person the entered the house a goddess, or a dakini: she was glowing with gold radiance I could actually see, and her skin was made of tiny blue, gold and green jewels. She was smaller than in real life, as if she'd dropped a few inches and 40 pounds. At first it was almost too much to look at her, until I got used to it maybe 20 minutes later, when I realized, "well, this is who my wife really is, I'm grateful to be able to see her this way". It reminds me in retrospect of pictures you might see in Indian or Tibetan art. (I did spend some time during the next week studying the concept of the dakini ... time well spent). It was beautiful to be next to her for the reminder of the evening.

She has a way of dropping off to sleep really quick, and when she did I was content to just lie in bed and look at the ceiling, or semi-meditate. What happened next was unforgettable. There were a couple of entities physically present in the room with me, entities from what struck me at the time as from past incarnations, I remembered them, could see them, what they looked like and what they were wearing. They were encouraging me to go deeper, they insisted that I knew who or what I really was. And then the consciousness of one of them expanded until it reached me and, with a kind of click, there was just one consciousness between us.

Half of me says, most COOL!. And the other half is infinitely grateful for the experience and the opportunity to share it here
sounds amazing, how long were the whole trips?

were you able to speak and interact with your wife ?
the trips lasted around 5 hours each...4aco-dmt doesn't have that long a duration with me, which is nice (compared to cactus, which keeps me up for about 14 hours). And yes, another nice thing about 4aco-dmt as it affects me is that I don't get so lost in the trip like might happen on 500 mics of acid, or a really big dose of cactus. I've always been able with 4aco-dmt to do things like talk to people normally - if I really want or need to. And usually I tell my wife that I'm tripping or planning to do so, but on those two nights she got home late and fell asleep fast...she never even knew even though we talked for a while.
I love the title of this report. Deep down I enjoy Star Trek although I keep it under wraps around my g/f. Thanks for this entry :)