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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(4-MeO-MiPT / 30 mg) First time: Niiiiiiiice.


Bluelight Crew
Nov 30, 2009
Date of experience: 02.04.11
Time of experience: 23:30 - 5:30
Compound: 4-MeO-MiPT
Dose: 23 mg followed by 7 mg after 30 minutes
Gender: male
Weight: 58 kg
Height: 184 cm
Compounds I take daily:
[space] Piracetam - 1200 mg
Phenibut - 750 mg
Vinpocetine - 10 mg
Noopept(another racetam) - 15 mg[/space]
Time from the last recreational substance usage: 1 day, it was 20 mg of 4-AcO-DMT - I didn't like it, but it is the whole different story.
5-methoxy-tryptamines I've tried(and loved:)): 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-DALT, 5-MeO-MiPT, 5-MeO-MET.

Initial setting: my room.
Initial set: everything is alright, I am in a positive mood, had enough sleep today. I have no motivation for work or study, and I am bored a bit, so I decide to enhance my evening with some (hopefully) mild MeO experience.

T-0:15 I weight out 30 mg, but unsure if I dare to take whole dose.
T+0:00 I consume ~23 mg of 4-MeO-MiPT dissolved in ~100 ml of water. As for the most compounds, taste is chemically bitter, but quite tolerable. My stomach is empty, but I had light meal 90 minutes ago.
T+0:02 I eat some chocolate syrup to mask the taste, and and then put on headphones.
T+0:05 Some visual activity is noticed, very similar to 5-methoxy-tryptamines: darkening colors, increase of static, thick gray lines - this is what I call 5-MeO fingerprint. When I take psychedelics, I usually can feel something in my system within few minutes, but this is quite fast even for me.
T+0:09 Visuals are quite mild, but I think that they are distinct from placebo or my usual HPPD-like state.
T+0:16 Colors become even more darker, and typing posts on bluelight becomes more difficult - I am a bit altered, +1.5 maybe. Body feels nice, but it is not body high. I can easily blur my vision, which is another sign of alteration.
I have a telephone conversation with my girlfriend. No problems with putting thoughts into words, mood is lifted up. She's in another city, she's alright, and we exchange some funny nonsense, as we love to do. Actually, I love to tell nonsense more than she, but this doesn't really matter to this trip-report :).
T+0:32 I am at +1.5 only, and no negative side effects are felt, so I decide that it is safe to take additional 7 mg dose, so my total dose becomes 30 mg.
T+1:05 Taking shower was really pleasant. Doing everything is niiiiiiiiiice. I am at +2.5, but no visuals. This seem strange, but I had a hypothesis. I put on headphones again and listen to Godhead for a while. I put off headphones. I put on them again. Aha! It is synaesthesia, and it is clearly distinct from my sober synaesthesia. Listeting to music, I notice all initial visuals + waving, blurring and very, very occasional patterns. And none of these visuals when music is turned off.
T+1:50 Eh, last 40 minutes were really boring. I felt nice, everything is enhanced, like someone casted a spell "+2 to liking everything, +3 to enjoying everything".
T+2:10 The peak effects are gone, but I can clearly feel the compound in my system. I am wondering what to do and I go to the room of my friends.
T+2:15-T+3:50 These is amazing 85 minutes. I am in my friends room, and unlike with other psychedelics, my thoughts are well-connected, I am quite talkative, and feel emphathy. The effects of compound are back but not to the original extent. We talk about various stuff, watch a lot of funny youtube videos. Absolute niceness.
T+4:10 I had a phone call, which made me anxious. Argh! I try to calm down, but I need anxyolitic.
T+4:40 I am approaching baseline, but still feeling 4-MeO-MiPT. I take my usuall 3 mg of Melatonin and unusual 1 mg of Phenazepam before going to bed.
T+5:15 Can't sleep. I am calm, and not anxious anymore, and sleepy. I just can't. 4-MeO-MiPT, Phenazepam and Melatonin create unique effect, and I have strange urge to write something artistic. I rarely do this, but now this strange desire takes over me.
T+6:00 I typed 5k characters, and my inspiration is gone. Finally I can asleep.
T+6:10 I think, it is the point where experience actually ends, I am sleeping.

I slept 10 hours, and woke up refreshed, feeling both 4-MeO-MiPT afterglow and benzo dumbness.

Overall, The compound heavily reminds me of 5-MeO-DALT, there are some differences, but I am not sure if I am able blindly distinguish these two. 4-MeO-MiPT has less side-effects, less bodyload, less GI discomfort and even less psychedelic effects. But 4-MeO-MiPT is more pleasant.
I liked it more than 5-MeO-DALT, and I am going to experiment with this compound in the future.
I would be sort of interested in this chem if it is mellow like 5-MeO-DALT. Good report and thanks for sharing :)
Do you thing my report worth submitting it to erowid?
Yes I think that all well written reports should submit. Here at Bluelight we are getting a great collection of trip reports to give good trip report writers another place to share.
Well, it is a bit concise but on the other hand reports on this specific compound are very rare and you make a good effort to try and describe the effects even though it seems hard since they are uncommon or subtle, hard to put your finger on apparently. Pretty pervasive though is how I read it. Submit it for sure.
But you may not get a star for it. Whatever! People who are wondering about this compound will thank you for it. The only report I ever submitted to erowid was on 2-FA and I am not even really a stim fan. It is just the rareness. I will try to remember to write a report (taking notes live is good) when I get around to the rare ones I have. How much would it suck if people would start trying a really new compound an no one writes reports? There would be enough experiences at one point but still nothing to go on. I know you submitted yours already here on BL but the principle is the same IMO.

It's hard not to read euphoria when you mention the 'liking' and 'niceness' but something makes it seem pretty different than that. Would you say it is an enhancing agent above all?
^ I realize that I am not the best trip writer, and I don't expect to get a star.
Sometimes I see no point in writing trip reports at all: there are enough reports for common substances, so why write another one? And rare substances are by definition used rarely(otherwise they had enough reports already), so why write a report for substance, which isn't used by people? :D
I am not serious, but personally I fell like I would only write reports on obscure substances.

It's hard not to read euphoria when you mention the 'liking' and 'niceness' but something makes it seem pretty different than that. Would you say it is an enhancing agent above all?
I wouldn't call that feeling euphoria, I would rather define it as "pleasant sense of well-being", and it is very enjoable for me. If you tried 5-MeO-DALT, you should know what I am talking about.
And yes, I would say it is enhancing and mildly empathogenic at such dose. Effects of this substance were "linear", and it didn't bring any... (can't find right word) novelty.
I know exactly what you mean about the "pleasant sense of well-being" that 5-MeO-DALT gives. For me to call something euphoric it has to have a push to it...
opiates/MDMA/Mephedrone/2c-i all come to mind.
allium, how does it compare to 4-AcO/HO-MiPT? Or even 5-MeO-MiPT? (which for me is a very sexually oriented experience)

I find miprocetin (4-AcO-MiPT) to be very deep and spiritual, quite a lot like shrooms actually, but with it's own twist. It actually seems to be slightly more lucid than shrooms, and more intricately visual. I wonder if the methoxy substitution on the 4 position (rather than hydroxy or the acetate ester) really makes that much of a difference.
^ I never tried 4-AcO / 4-HO-MiPT, but I tried other 4-substituted tryptamines: 4-AcO-DMT and 4-HO-MET. My experience with 4-MeO-MiPT was completely different from these two.

I expected it to be close to 5-MeO-MiPT, but it turned out that it is a quite different chemical with unique character. Anyway, these two are comparable, and I would roughly equate my 30 mg dose of 4-MeO-MiPT to 4-5 mg of 5-MeO-MiPT.