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4-Fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) vs 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (4F-EPH)


Nov 27, 2002
Has anyone tried both of there substance?

How did they compare to each other and which was best?

Which is the least jittery?

What dose's did you use and which route of administration (R.O.A.)?

I've tried ethylphenidate many times and enjoyed it but only with benzo's cause of the anxiety and jitteryness.

For those that know their chemistry would 4F-MPH become ethylated in the liver to 4F-EPH if ethyl alcohol is consumed? Like how some of MPH becomes EPH if the user drinks before and during their MPH use or would the 4-Fluoro stop the formation of the ethylphenidate isomer?
I would expect 4F-MPH to get transesterified to 4F-EPH much the same as MPH is, I doubt that fluorine is going to have much impact on the ester group. Of course, especially when dealing with enzymes, you can't be certain, but my best guess would be it would have an analogous metabolic path. (As a sidenote, ethylphenidate is an analogue of methylphenidate not an isomer, as it has a different number of atoms in it instead of the same atoms arranged in a different manner).
I found 4F-MPH to be better all round. Having said that I got through a whole 2g of the 4F-EPH, having cracked open the bag midday last Saturday i could not stop until it was all gone until about 5 am on Monday morning, missing 2 nights sleep in the process.

Both substances are just as compulsive as their 'parent compound' Eph when snorted. I tried an oral dose of @30mg of the MPH heeding the vendors advice about its potency but did not feel a thing off that. Either it's not as effective bombed, or its completely ineffective. I certainly felt 30mg insufflated. I went straight to snorting the 4F-EPH when I ordered that a couple of weeks later. I think the MPH feels a bit smoother and not quite so fiendish. But with the oral dosing not working on first attempt, I will have to try a larger dose. Snorting the stuff it becomes unmanagable very quickly and i would imagine that oral doses would be more functional, once an apprpriate dose is discovered. I dont know why the MPH is a good deal more expensive, it does feel like the better substance, but i wonder how much of that is placebo, and down to thinking 'this costs a lot more so it must be better.'

This may be the first user experience of comparing these substances to hit the net. I searched for such last week but found nada. Yay. Go me.:\ I dont think im going to be the start of something very big, the phenidates have never been all that popular, but imo these 2 substances, especially the MPH are easily the best UK currently legal stims available (thats not too difficult atm with the competition being reduced down to the feeble Mexedrone and 3fpm which doesnt hit the right buttons for me.)
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I would expect 4F-MPH to get transesterified to 4F-EPH much the same as MPH is, I doubt that fluorine is going to have much impact on the ester group. Of course, especially when dealing with enzymes, you can't be certain, but my best guess would be it would have an analogous metabolic path. (As a sidenote, ethylphenidate is an analogue of methylphenidate not an isomer, as it has a different number of atoms in it instead of the same atoms arranged in a different manner).

Returning in style, Miss Squid.
I do love a woman who can provide scientific explanations while correcting the nomenclature of others. ;)

But yeah, the methyl would likely be the most conducive for functional use while the Ethyl acts as fiend fuel.
The F- is gonna massively increase lipophilicity so expect a less immediate but longer in duration crash than the parents.
Has anyone had any off these 4f-mph / 4f-eph, how wud anyone compare these to Mexedrone? This a lot stronger potent maybe, as I don't really rate Mexedrone, and for a decent line off each one what mg's per line wud you's say, I do find Dopamine type a drugs additive / always want to keep making lines, especially when with others, and sometimes make the lines to big aswell, end up in a jam. I used to buy Eph alot years ago, and buy big 25gs at a time as was cheap very cheap like that and was on tag and end up sniffing it all night every night, and day go college, at breaks used to sneak down ally on was to shop and back have Sneaky lines used to bring a few grams with me, and also have a 1g already fully crushed and ready to just open the wrap up and sniff a bit straight outta ta wrap. Anyway me & my friends are looking for a nice sorta mephedrone buzz or methamphetamine sorta buzz. From experience ild say normal Mph / Eph is like a cross between Normal Amphetamine & Methamphetamine, like a half way. Would anyone have any information wihich could help, I am thinking off buying 3g of 4f-eph and 1g of 4f-mph next week, as it's been dry off any type off good drone, good meth, good crystal or any type of methy sniff.
I just recently bought a few bags of each before the ban kicks in later this week. I'll deffo have done my research on both as Ive just finished for the summer and will try and post my first blue light report. Have found this site extremely helpful in deciding what to try and I'd love to add my wee own experience. Ps in past 4 hours I've 0.2g 4f mph and it's going pretty smooth so far. ?
I just recently bought a few bags of each before the ban kicks in later this week. I'll deffo have done my research on both as Ive just finished for the summer and will try and post my first blue light report. Have found this site extremely helpful in deciding what to try and I'd love to add my wee own experience. Ps in past 4 hours I've 0.2g 4f mph and it's going pretty smooth so far. ��

Welcome Dizzle. We have an introductions thread -> HERE <- if you fancy popping in and saying hello. Glad to see you posting. Hope you'll stick around. Looking forward to reading that report.

Stay safe xxxx
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I just recently bought a few bags of each before the ban kicks in later this week. I'll deffo have done my research on both as Ive just finished for the summer and will try and post my first blue light report. Have found this site extremely helpful in deciding what to try and I'd love to add my wee own experience. Ps in past 4 hours I've 0.2g 4f mph and it's going pretty smooth so far. ?

Please can anyone else give me some info on doses and effects etc with 4-EPH, I can barely find anything at all on the Internet. Any info about anything to do with this chemical would be really helpful. I've been mixing it with about 150mg nasal mexedrone (don't ask me how) (one nostril) (probably wasted a lot?) does this seem safe or a a good combo? Would any RC benzos go well with this or would it kill it? I do suffer with anxiety from drugs and in general but 3fpm was not an issue for me, 4F- MPH was an issue if I overstepped the sweet spot and its duration is insane.

Despite predictions it seems 4F-EPH actually has a much shorter duration maybe 4 hours?
Anyway literally any knowledge would be good particularly about dosages and if oral ones could work or higher dose oral mexedrone could work? I did it yesterday but wasn't able to snort that much today only did 65mg though I've just noticed my nose has now cleared pretty quickly.

From my experience 4EPH is clearly stronger than 3F. I'm not sure how to compare with 4F-MPH although I would say I think they both are strong but in different ways and the duration is much shorter on 4-EPH.

Sorry for ramble these phenidates (excuse spelling, really really make me do stuff for a long time like google stuff I never intended to google for that long I feel I'm wasting it would rather watch TV but I'm drawn to my phone and have to keep rewinding YouTube vids).

Anyway I'm new so hi everyone any help would be great, thank you. Shit I'm gonna go off on another tangent I'll just say if anyone has info on 5-Iai generally seen as quite ineffective I would appreciate info on doses and safe or dangerous combos.

Thanks a lot!

Edit: I also find I don't smoke like very much at all and I am a compulsive smoker to the point it gives me headaches. I always need to be doing something wherever it's: smoking, taking a sip of alcohol, doing a balloon, rolling a spliff I find it very hard to stay still.
Is it possible I have some form of ADHD and this is treating it? Or is it that the drugs I'm taking that mainly release or inhibit dopamine re uptake are causing this effect?

Would really appreciate opinion on that part because not drug has had this effect on me. This doesn't happen on 3fpm I don't think and I don't think it does on 4f-mph but I do tend to smoke less but that's because I usually
Overdo the dose and don't need nicotine as an additional stim. I will smoke now to see what it feels like.
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Pyrazolam for 4F-EPH and 4F-MPH

Welcome Dizzle. We have an introductions thread -> HERE <- if you fancy popping in and saying hello. Glad to see you posting. Hope you'll stick around. Looking forward to reading that report.

Stay safe xxxx

Apologies, one last question, do you think pyrazolam could be effective in reducing anxiety from well I guess phenidates in general without taking away the pleasant effects? Since pyrazolam is not sedative until
High doses. If you think this could work could you recommend a dose.

Alternatively could I even take something stronger like etizolam for the anxiety reasons above but also to experience both highs at the same time? Or will something like Etiz just kill the phenidate totally?

Thanks again! ?
The ethyl version turns me into a nerveus wreck, its fucking horrific for me.
Yeah I'm so thankful that I purchased a lot of benzos before the UK Ban of all these substances on this week.

If you don't have access to any then o would tentatively recommend alcohol I don't know for a fact this is safe but I've used it with 4F-MPH and 3FPM with no issues. Obviously don't go overboard and like I say this is just my personal experience and I haven't tried this yet with 4F-EPH. And ethyl was banned before I was able to try it.
I also constantly noticed differened effects between differened batches, one batch of both ethyl en methyl made me and my girl crack up about everything when we ordered them from a certain side lol
Yeah different quality batches are a big issue although I think lately it's improved from RC's first came out.

Iets keep this going someone must have some more experience with this, I'm sure it was anticipated to be popular. The UK ban has probably made less info available on this.

I can add that after consuming 2 cans of fosters and then taking, well stupidly eyeballed but 10mg or 15 max of 4-EPH and I felt an almost instant rush this was about 20 minutes ago. Currently feeling ok def a bit more stimulated but alcohol has seemed so far to be a positive mix, not that I know it is safe.
My general rule of thumb though is that stimulants are safer with depressants and vice versa. I know stim overdose is treated with benzos so I'm fairly
Sure of that.

Depressant overdose wise where you're looking at respiratory depression, I don't have evidence but surely speeding your heart back up could help.

This doesn't apply to all drugs but for different reasons like coke as alcohol are not a safe mix but that's because the mixture creates cocathalyne (spelling?) and that's toxic to your heart.

Speed balling isn't safe either although i can't remember why that is off hand but that's definitely true.

We don't know really anything about 4F-EPH so maybe it's not good to combine with depressants, who knows.
Just to add:

Having said that I think amphetamine/speed is ok with alcohol and I know these drugs are closely related to Ritalin and adderal, but are stronger.
I've grown to really quite like 4FMPH, I now snort it in doses of 15-20mg, that kind of dose range, for my tolerance, (I have used quite a lot of stims) provides plenty of stimulation without being brutal on the heart.

The powder is incredibly light and flyaway, more so than any other substance ive ever encountered, , so it requires a very gentle snorting, otherwise you may find yourself heaving, bringing up vomit, or at least coughing and spluttering sometimes too instantly to turn away from your lines and they all get blown away. :eek: :!

I make absolutely tiny lines and am haphazardly getting the knack of the very gentle snort without all the nasty side effects. And I'm still following Knock's advice of using a nasal spray filled with water, and making sure my nasal membranes are nice and moist, this will help with absorption, reduces any pain, and may even help protect the nasal membranes against tissue loss. I had a kind of open sore and quite deep tissue loss on one of my membranes, and it didn't heal for months, though i mostly stopped using that nostril for snorting. I thought i was gonna have to go to the GPs to get it checked out, but fortunately it started scabbing up and has now healed completely. A very lucky escape i reckon.

I could only afford to buy 1g at the end which was a real downer, it would have been worth getting at least 5g imo, which would have lasted for ages, as a very little goes a very long way.
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Apologies, one last question, do you think pyrazolam could be effective in reducing anxiety from well I guess phenidates in general without taking away the pleasant effects? Since pyrazolam is not sedative until
High doses. If you think this could work could you recommend a dose.

Alternatively could I even take something stronger like etizolam for the anxiety reasons above but also to experience both highs at the same time? Or will something like Etiz just kill the phenidate totally?

Thanks again! ��

I used to combine etizolam (just 1mg) and about 60mg of ethylphenidate, which is quite a lot but i had a tolerance, and i found it an excellent RC speedball to go out drinking on. You feel very with it but totally relaxed at the same time.

I got heavily bollocked by Shambles last time i said this for it being terrible HR. To mitigate that I would advise going very easy on the drink. It also depends on your tolerance to each of the 3 things. If you have low etiz tolerance then 1/2 a pill might be safer. Too many downers combined can be deadly. I guess any speedball is dangerous because if and when the stims wear off you could find yourself having taken far too many downers, which could have a whole range of negative and potentially dangerous consequences. So knowing your tolerance to each substance is very important HR wise. I have a pretty high tolerance to stims and benzos but a very low tolerance to alcohol, so i always try to take it easy with the alcohol, although my drinking buddy is a total beer monster and the social pressure to keep up can be hard to resist, but you have to know when to skip a round if necessary, and just ignore any 'lightweight' comments that may get made.
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Having used both I can compare them pretty well but much of my experience lies with the methyl counterpart with 4F-EPD a recent addition. 4F-MPH is a monster of a stim and will bitchslap you if you get remotely careless about dose and timing. Oral requires a much larger dosage, as should be expected from exposure to the esterases almost immediately but lingering Fluoridated metabolites long after the rapid penetration of the BBB. Intranasal is painful as fuck, though my nose is fucked already from past poor HR practices - there really is no point in raw, dry corrosive powder when a nasal spray or saline solution is much better absorbed without chemically raping your sinuses. 20mg/1ml saline was enough to give me everything I loved MPH for as a kiddy coke kiddy. Though effectiveness is lost faster than any Phenidate I had used (3,4-, EPD, IPD, MPD), perhaps the complete of the sinuses it induces helping there but not even the third dose is reached before all positives vanish, in their place only paranoia.
4F-EPH is less threatening, less jittery, less potent, but an overall better compound with much more creativity and less of the robotic edge I associate with 4F-MPH.
Anymore opinions/experiences/combo recommendations?

3FPM - for me is the best one and I think that's because it acts as either an inhibitor or releaser of serotonin whereas the other two ill now describe do not as far as I'm aware.


-no issues with anxiety for me and I often do find have issues with other drugs.

- doesn't last too long 3-6 hours snorted I believe.

- higher doses (obviously start off low if this is new to you) seem to increase positive affects with little/any on negatives.

- after affects don't seem to be significant at all.

- more leeway on dosage, sure you could do too much but IMO this is unique to 3FPM because of its action on serotonin which counters the stimulation.


-Not as much of a rush or stimulation as the other 2 phenidates I've described.

-Possibly painful to snort but tbh I only ever had a gram a couple of months ago and I had 4FPM at the same time so may have got mixed up so could be wrong.



- more rush than 3FPM and just slightly longer duration.

- if you are careful with dosages then this isn't much of an issue anxiety wise.

- more of a rush than 3FPM, probably similar to 4-MPH.

- comparitivly short duration 3-4 hours before effects fade to maybe 6 hours max.


- If you overdo it you'll know about it, not unbareable but benzos are worth having on hand for all three for these drugs.

- not as much fun after initial rush. It does make you concentrate though I can't understate that enough. Perfect example I took this 45 minutes ago and planned to watch TV not write this post that keeps getting bigger.
But yeah I would say great for concentration on a task for hours but to the extent that you feel like you need to keep doing that task when you're kinda bored but you get something out of carrying on. Forced concentration.



-very rushy at start, possibly slightly more then 4F-EPH.

- good for concentration.


- incredibly easy to over do which leads to me...

- incredibly long duration I would say at least 12 hours but after affects I would say up to 24hrs

- leading on from above, after affects/hangover are unique and nasty if you over do it. Loss of balance, weird tingle some others as well but bascslly You don't feel all there.



So for me 3FPM is great, if you like a lot stimulation then it's not so great but if you prefer a more relaxing stim then yes. I think the most euphoric effects in the right dose range come from this drug compared to the others too.


For me it's not as nice as 3FPM due its overstimulating effects but at the right dose you could probably have a good experience.
Effects are reasonably short too which I prefer however peak is short as well, I find myself redosimg at least every two if not one hour.
To be clear - this isn't shit I'm definitely finishing off my last gram.
This is very new so would recommend caution.


So now we come to the Devils fingernail.
I wouldn't be surprised if MPH actually relates to how speedy the is.
If 3FPM was a Ferrari then this this would be condorde.
Basically I don't really like this one at all but many do it just depends on what speed your comfortable and how far you want to travel. Not one to do the day before work.

However this is also the biggest dose sensitive phenidate and I did undoubtedly over do it so if you're careful you're ok.

But keep an eye on this one, the hangover is frankly impressive but not in an Einstein theory of relatively sense, more like as impressive as masterminding 9/11.
I can't be arsed to link atm but if you have a search around forums, the limited testimonials seem to have more long or at lest medium term effects like I think someone said they had numb hands or feet for a week or longer.

Sorry to add to my last post, I have pretty much always been drinking or taking benzos on conjunction with these. I certainly doubt I could handle 4F-EPH or MPH without a depressant.
Sorry to add to my last post, I have pretty much always been drinking or taking benzos on conjunction with these. I certainly doubt I could handle 4F-EPH or MPH without a depressant.

That possibly means that you are taking too large a dose. The vendor guidelines were 5-10mg iirc which may have been primarily covering their own asses.

Most members now seem to be going for 15-20mg maximum, snorted. But i agree that combining stims and downers carefully can yield some pretty nice results.