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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

4-AcO-DMT - Semi Experienced - Birds flying high, you know how I feel...


Bluelight Crew
May 6, 2010
Already wrote this somewhere else, and my mind is still recovering, so I'm just going to quote it. Not much in the way of time-keeping since this was a very intense experience, but anyway.

Dosage: ~30-40mg (eyeballed)
Duration: > 15 hours (still tripping very lightly)

Dosed the rest of my 4-AcO-DMT (Psilacetin/O-Acetylpsilocin) last night. Turns out there was more left than I thought, like 2x my last trip which was pretty intense. Me being foolhardy like I am, I dosed the entire lot. The equivalent to about 5-6 grams of dried Psilocybe Cubensis. Within 30-40 minutes I started tripping, lightly at first and my pupils were already huge so I thought it was going to be be a short uneventful trip due to tolerance. By the 1 hour 20 minutes mark I was tripping pretty hard, about as hard as the peak of the last trip - usually 1 hour 20 minutes is when I start tripping. CEVs were very very intense and lifelike, changing with the music, I still remember the first few CEVs since they were so intense, the first thing I saw was some beer bottles morphing into each other, and a tiger jumping out of one. Then the OEVs began to get more intense, everything was rippling, moving, morphing, colours ran across the walls and the ceilings, waves of love rippled around the room.

I remember looking at the bottle of water by my bed and the water shined with the colours of the rainbow, shimmering and dancing in front of my eyes. Then things started to get a bit more intense, I was listening to Klaus Schulze and it felt like the music was creepy, borderline evil, I looked at my TV and it seemed to be glaring at me, trying to scare me, its edges morphing in hideous ways. I changed the music to Santana, things got better, I felt that same love moving over me again. I continued listening to music, admiring the OEVs and CEVs for what seemed like forever.. I'm not sure when the transition happened, but suddenly I found myself sitting in an awkward position, stuck in a loop, the same train of thought repeated itself for around 4 hours, I couldn't move, I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything, all I could do was roll around and mutter random things like "Why?", "Stop this", "I am trapped in eternity". This was truly a ++++. It came in waves, so there were moments when I could bring myself to think just a little, it was still way too intense to comprehend, but at one point I managed to pick up my phone and write "Rapidly becoming insanity". I don't remember much after this, I just remember that around 5 hours into the trip I finally managed to figure out how to sign into MSN, hoping by telling someone I was in a loop they might be able to get me out of this mental trap. I told my ex, told her I was insane, and she tried to calm me down a little, it sort of worked, the insanity become a little more blissful. Then, as we were talking, the sun began to rise, rays of light lit up my room and I was took in by the beauty of it all, speechless, I remember writing something to my ex on MSN like "Sunrise is amazing", since I couldn't form full/proper sentences quite yet.

I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but somehow I managed to accidentally switch MSN off, maybe it just got too intense again, once again I was trapped. I remember sitting up, leaning forward so my face rubbed against the covers of my bed, the covers were made out of eyes, real eyes, this did not seem like a hallucination. The walls were covered with strange colours and patterns, my covers kept changing into different things, at one point they were covers, then they were eyes, then they were a desert, then they were a mirror, the possibilities were endless. While I did feel completely batshit insane, there were moments when I realised this insanity was utter true ecstasy, what shamans have craved for thousands upon thousands of years.

Time continued to pass, my awareness of its passing was non-existent, I would just look at the time on my phone, see a time, and it would mean nothing to me, just strange swirling shapes, all I knew is I hadn't actually been tripping that long. I still had no concept of me at this point, my ego had been shattered entirely, gone forever, or so it seemed. However, over the next few hours, I slowly descended from complete insanity to just intense tripping once again, like the start however the OEVs were a little less life-like (though this may have been due to the fact that it was no longer dark and so everything was lit up).

Eventually at about 7:30am, 7 hours after dosing, it felt like I was awake again, I was still tripping hard but I remembered who I was. I looked outside, several hundred birds were flying around, dancing in the wind, I switched on my MP3 player, noticing that it was 50 songs past where I thought I stopped listening last night, so I must have listened during my peak when I was unaware of what I was doing - I put on "Feeling Good" by Muse, and this describes my entire experience. I watched the birds flying outside, one landed just outside my window, it looked inside at me, just as the song went "Birds flying high, you know how I feel..", it was then I was sure, these birds were putting on a show just for me, for my re-entrance into the human mind, for I had pulled off something spectacular, I had been over the edge, I had left this world.. and I had come back, in one piece, better than ever. I finished the song and then listened to some Bob Marley, my OEVs were now of Bob himself singing the song, and I thought about how he understood the world, like no other, and how it is such a shame that we lost him.

At about 8:30, 8 hours after dosing, I decided to watch porn. After I was finished I devoured some chocolate I had by my bed, drank about a litre of water, and then fell asleep - not waking up until 2:30PM when I was woken up. At this point I checked my pupils, STILL pretty big, I still had very mild visuals, in fact, even now, at almost 4pm, 15 hours and 20 minutes after dosing, I can still feel it a little.

I was reborn, all my worries have vanished, and I have gained a true confidence in my being, in my soul, it was like my soul was sick, and now it has healed. Seriously, if there's anyone here who hasn't tried a 5g+ shroom trip, whether that be with shrooms themselves, synthetic Psilocin, or Psilacetin, do it. It's mad, it's scary, it's horrible, but it's also so fucking beautiful, and I can honestly say it was the single best experience of my life.

It's hard to stop writing this, there's so much to say, but yeah, that sums it up, utterly brilliant.
Wow dude, now I'm 110% keen to try 4-AcO-DMT :) Great report by the way.
Wow that sounds pretty intense. I have dosed up to 25mg myself, and am considering doing 30mg next time. My experiences with this substance do not seem to come anywhere near what you experienced - it makes me feel like I have been missing out. Now I look forward to trying a higher dose. I know how you feel about the thought loops man, I always get them on shrooms/4aco, its so hard to get yourself out of it once you're in it - but I find having someone else there really helps with that.
Im glad that you enjoyed this intense experience