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4-AcO-DMT - how is the comdown and how do you feel the next day?


Jun 11, 2006
Hi Guys,

Trying 4 Meo DMT for the first time tomorrow night. I will stick with a 15mg dose since it's my first time.

"Most" drugs i do i feel awful/depressed on the comedown, where some people may not notice anything.

Acid - horrible
Mushrooms - horrible
2-CB - bad
MDMA - horrible, horrible, horrible

You get the picture....
We only do a substance once every 4-6 months. I

Should i expect the typical "as soon as it starts to wear off i will get bad thoughts and feel like shit"?

I don't smoke week, so that's not an option.
I do have demeral, Valium and Oxy but i don't like taking any of it as it makes me dead tired the following days. I save those for after MDMA nights where I NEED IT.

The other questions is will i have any "hangover" effects the next day after 4meodmt? Again i'm usually stuck on the couch for the next 2 days after taking acid, mushrooms, etc etc not exactly feeling the greatest.
I assume it will be the same?

I haven't touched shrooms in 2 years (even though i have a huge bag full in my freezer). The only thing my girlfriend and i do on shrooms is watch our 3D TV. I'm looking forward to taking the 4meo and watching a couple 3D cartoon movies....assuming it's the same type of mushroomy buzz.
Do you mean 4-AcO-DMT, which indeed is mushroom-y and has 15 mg as a fair dose? 4-MeO-DMT is not really a typical psychedelic, I've don't remember having seen it available anywhere and it's psychoactivity is not even really checked very well AFAIK...
Maybe you are getting your names mixed up, for example with 5-MeO-DMT. However 5-MeO-DMT is not usually taken orally and via other ROA's it is much more potent than 15 mg.
Unusual comedown effects on a range of quite different drugs. It sounds like that's likely to be more down to you than the drugs taken, in which case it probably won't be any different until whatever's behind those feelings is resolved. Can't say anything about 4-Meo-DMT as I was surprised to see that title, not something I've ever seen before, or any references to it.
If you do in fact mean 4-ACO-DMT then I can say that I've never had any discernable comedown, there is however a period of about 45 minutes where I'm not tripping but also not sober at the same time if that makes sense. If you mean 5-MEO-DMT then there's also no real comedown, unless you consider confusion and a feeling like "what the fuck just happened" a comedown. I'm really surprised you got any sort of comedown from mushrooms though, no surprise MDMA made you feel like shit, LSD can kinda make me tense and cause insomnia and I've never taken 2c-b, although I've heard it's one of the smoother 2c's, but if you got a horrible comedown from mushies then I honestly don't know if you will with the two chems I described. For the most part though 4-aco-dmt has had less bodyload than shrooms but also a bit more anxiety on the come-up, obviously YMMV. I also have never heard of anybody coming in contact with 4-meo-dmt so I'm fairly certain there's a misunderstanding somewhere.
It's hard to answer questions about comedowns when I don't agree at all with the premise that LSD, mushrooms and 2C-B produce bad comedowns. After DOB or mescaline I do feel tired and I can get a headache but I'm pretty sure that most people actually feel great coming down from mushrooms. They don't call it an afterglow for nothing.
That said most effects and after-effects from 4-AcO-DMT should be closest to those of mushrooms. The chemicals are almost identical, though the 4-AcO-DMT can be slightly protracted by comparison.
Sorry guys, yes its the Synthetic Mushrooms - had the chemical name wrong!
Thanks for the replies - i can't believe people don't get comedowns?
After LSD and Shrooms i feel horrible.
I can't sleep, restless, just feel really bad.
If you really do get comedowns from those chemicals I don't see how 4-aco-DMT would be any different for you unfortunately. It seems like tripping might just not be for you.
"Most" drugs i do i feel awful/depressed on the comedown, where some people may not notice anything.

Acid - horrible
Mushrooms - horrible
2-CB - bad

Awwww dude. That seriously fucking sucks, psychedelics are the most beautiful chemicals it sucks you get bad comedowns from them.
Really weird to hear you say that Soli & Captain!

I for one have had grating & brutal come downs from mushrooms, LSD, and various phens. It isn't everytime and I think it is very strongly correlated with sleep, blood sugar levels, and physical activity. Nonetheless, I've been there. Now the OP sounds a little unique in that he has lasting aftereffects that don't sound reintegration - related, but we shouldn't discount the whole premise of his question.
Goes to show you how variable this type of stuff is, I experience the opposite of a comedown on most psychedelics, lasting mood lift and afterglow. I can see how LSD may have a bit of an edge at the end though, I get pretty stiff and restless after a heavy trip but usually wake up feeling great and ready to integrate the experience with a clear head. I should mention that I never pull all-nighters on trips (sans the occasional mini aMT binge), preload with magnesium, and snack on fruit throughout or before my trips, grapes are a great trip snack that keeps your blood sugar in check.
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No come down from 4 aco dmt at all. High doses can be an ordeal and the come on intense but I get a nice after glow. 2cb can make me irritable though. MDMA just horrid, feel drained, depressed mood, etc. etc. Mushrooms tend to make me feel a little sketchy but some strains have almost 0 negative after effects (ie z strain, philosophers stone truffles).
Maybe tonight i will go in with the attitude that when it's over i will get this amazing afterglow.
That being said im shocked to hear people don't have feel bad after! Everyone i know is typically in the same boat as me.
Maybe your drugs are not what they are supposed to be or it could easily be psychosomatic. I don't discount that others can have bad after-effects for whatever reason, but it is still nigh impossible for people who do not, to answer your question.
Yeah that's weird, some psychedelics I get a comedown from, but most of them I get the opposite, the aftereffects are part of the reason I do them, I feel just loose and happy and it's easy to have a healthy perspective on things, just great. Especially something like mushrooms.
If I have a troubling trip or am dealing with some shitty feelings then often my comedown can be a little depressing, but nothing unmanageable.
Just smoke a huge joint and lay in bed and wait until I pass out with some chill music playing or something, or distract myself with video games
Thanks for the replies - i can't believe people don't get comedowns?
After LSD and Shrooms i feel horrible.
I can't sleep, restless, just feel really bad.
That sucks man, I personally can fall asleep on the later end of a mushie trip, and once I got used to the insomnia lsd gives me, I came to love "Comin' down, a sunny day." It sounds like no matter the drug you'll not enjoy coming off of it.
mushrooms have the worst effects but the best after glow for me. like you have to pay a harsh price just to get that amazing afterglow. and the harder you trip the better the after glow but the worse the trip itself is
Mushroom trips certainly can be rough, but they can also be beautiful, positive and amazing even if they're strong. Set and setting determine nearly all of this. I have had both very intensely negative and intensely positive, life-affirming trips on mushrooms.

One thing is for certain though, the afterglow of mushrooms has ALWAYS been positive for me, just a wonderful state, even if the trip was horrific.