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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

The horniness factor with this is fantastic for me and my other half. After a few lines, we indulge in some very raunchy sexy time for at least 7 hours. It turns us into sex crazed animals, however, everyone is different in the way in which they react to chemicals.

Mrk9 - If you're struggling to obtain an erection, may I suggest a research chemical powder called Acetildenafil. Seriously this is top class boner powder and not expensive. I'm sure if you searched for it you could find it with ease.

Start your dosage of Acetildenafil at about 20-30mg (up the dose by 5-10mg after 1 hour if it hasn't given you the desired results) 40 minutes before you take 3-FPM and you WILL get a boner, it's magic.

Don't take lots of this stuff though, try and keep at or around 50-60mg.

Best Wishes

Milz x
3-FPM crystalized and powder:

Consistency of crystals is rocky and a little bit sticky whilst powder is fluffy and sticky.



are you gonna smoke the crystals?

I'm not consuming the substance but SWIYs pet will report back soon.
Sounds very good MilzyWilzy!

Is it possibly to control the erection with both of substances?
The horniness factor with this is fantastic for me and my other half. After a few lines, we indulge in some very raunchy sexy time for at least 7 hours. It turns us into sex crazed animals, however, everyone is different in the way in which they react to chemicals.

Mrk9 - If you're struggling to obtain an erection, may I suggest a research chemical powder called Acetildenafil. Seriously this is top class boner powder and not expensive. I'm sure if you searched for it you could find it with ease.

Start your dosage of Acetildenafil at about 20-30mg (up the dose by 5-10mg after 1 hour if it hasn't given you the desired results) 40 minutes before you take 3-FPM and you WILL get a boner, it's magic.

Don't take lots of this stuff though, try and keep at or around 50-60mg.

Best Wishes

Milz x
Very very bad advice when it comes to harm reduction. Cardiac issues. Don't do this if your life is precious to you!

E.g. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21796081
This is a relatively common problem when combining PDE-5-inhibitors with monoaminergic stimulants.
Wow, quite a lot has happened since I last visited this thread, let alone contributed.
Could someone compare this to 4-MPM, fluorolintane, cyclo-methiodrone, and the sorts? Preferably with nasal, oral or vaped as ROA.
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I Highly doubt ANY place in the UK is synthing 4-mpm.

What your getting is a mixture of banned chems and unbanned chems mixed and then saying it's 4-mpm

The best ROA (short of IVing) I've found for this is using an old nasal spray bottle with an aqueous solution of 3fpm. Almost no sting (does not compare to snorting *at all*), yet very effective and very discreet. Even delivers a *little* rush. I'm using it about every other day as "better than coffee"-coffee-replacement, once in the morning.

Guys how do you keep your erection on this drug? My thingy becomes dead after I use about 100 mg...

That's quite common. Most stimulants are vasoconstrictors, which is probably the main reason. I believe there's a secondary mechanism which is purely psychological: your thoughts are too fast and too fuzy to relax. And relaxation is THE most important prerequisite for an erection. Taking stims about an hour before attempting sex helps.

I can second the qualities of acetildenafil (but you can get tadalafil and sildenafil quite a lot cheaper if you know where to look).

I have used Viagra countless times on stimulants

Yes it's going to increase the danger to you.

If ur aroused for long enough u can get an erection without
Very very bad advice when it comes to harm reduction. Cardiac issues. Don't do this if your life is precious to you!

E.g. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21796081
This is a relatively common problem when combining PDE-5-inhibitors with monoaminergic stimulants.
The "risk" of this combination is frequently cited, but I've never seen it sufficiently supported. Your link itself actually suggests that it is the first case report of a complication from the combination of sildenafil, amphetamine, and alcohol.

Personally I'm not convinced. Consider that the first line of treatment in a medical setting for hypotension associated with pde-5 inhibitor overdose includes vasopressors like dopamine or norepinephrine. Consider also that pde5 inhibitors are commonly administered as a treatment for pulmonary hypertension.

There is also no medically recommended contraindication for pde5 inhibitors with prescribed stimulants like adderall, Dexedrine, etc. In fact it's relatively common in the United states for doctors to prescribe viagra alongside a prescription stimulant, if erectile dysfunction emerged as a side effect.

---To be fair, we're talking about medicinal vs recreational doses here, so this doesn't necessarily suggest that there is no interaction but rather that any interaction that exists confers little risk at an appropriate medicinal dosage of each drug. Whether or not this risk remains small at recreational doses of the stimulant is an open question. Given that stimulants decrease perfusion through vasoconstriction, while pde5 inhibitors decrease perfusion through vasodilation, it doesn't make much sense that their negative effects on perfusion could be additive.

Basically, I can see how a stimulant could worsen perfusion in a hypotensive crisis (via worsening tachycardia and subsequently decreasing ejection fraction), but I can't see how this would occur absence of extreme hypotension. It seems much more likely to me that your case report describes an interaction between the alcohol and the pde5 inhibitor (hypoxia from respiratory depression and low perfusion from low blood pressure), while the amphetamine served to worsen its consequences.

If you've seen significant research to suggest otherwise (ie. To demonstrate/support a mechanism, rather than just concurrent use), I'd love to see it, because its been bugging me for a while that a belief in this interaction is accepted so readily in drug communities yet is so absent in the medical and scientific community.

Personally, I would assume that low doses, sufficient to relieve stimulant vasoconstriction, should be relatively safe, while doses intended to have a pro sexual (ahem, pro bono I mean pro boner) effect might be more risky.
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The "risk" of this combination is frequently cited, but I've never seen it sufficiently supported. Your link itself actually suggests that it is the first case report of a complication from the combination of sildenafil, amphetamine, and alcohol.

Not even amphetamine, but cocaine. Cocaine has a bunch of very complex pharmacological actions (sodium-channel-blocking, action on sigma-, kappa-, ndma- AND d1-receptors etc) compared to other drugs.
Not even amphetamine, but cocaine. Cocaine has a bunch of very complex pharmacological actions (sodium-channel-blocking, action on sigma-, kappa-, ndma- AND d1-receptors etc) compared to other drugs.
Good point, I glossed right over that. Cocaine's local anesthetic action confers cardiotoxicity through a mechanism entirely separate from its pressor effects.
All that doesn't change the fact that PDE-5 inhibitors seem to be cardioprotective through various mechanisms. The two drugs sildenafil and cocaine are most definitely used daily by millions of people. The fact that all we have is a measely case report to support the thesis about the dangers of the combination does indeed indicate this combination might pose less harm to the heart than cocaine alone.

That being said, seizures seem to be the primary concern since sildenafil has proconvulsant properties. However no increase in cocaine induced seizure mortality could be seen when combining the drug with sildenafil.
I Highly doubt ANY place in the UK is synthing 4-mpm.

What your getting is a mixture of banned chems and unbanned chems mixed and then saying it's 4-mpm

Really doubt a large UK vendor is going to risk selling banned chemicals right now. Heard it's shit anyway.
The vendor your talkig about Is pumping out so much shite at the moment eg cyclo-methiodrone.

IMO 3fpm is the best stim out there -

Untill this legal cathinone is released.
I've come to the conclusion that 3fpm is actually pretty shit it just goes no where. Takes half a gram to feel anything WORH while

Then it's almost like a chem that doesn't know what the Fuk it doing it's like a man dressed in a dinosaur costume, yeah it might scare the little kids but it's a fuarking man in a suit at the end of the day.

I say this as yesterday I did a gram, kind of enjoyed it kind of didn't, today I've done 0.2 of a half of Flake. N straight away for. The of set euphoria rushes, confidence,.

N then I think why did I ever bother with RCs in trying to find the next mephedrone and there all average to shit.

One key of Columbia. Flake BOOOOOOOM