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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

30Mg Oxycodone + 30 Mg Ritalin - First Time

Abused Tampon

Jan 22, 2013
Hey guys, my dinasour recently got his hands on 30Mg's of Oxycodone and 30Mg's of Ritalin. He heard that NDRI's synergise with opiates nicely, and has hence decided to make a little experiment out of trying the combination first hand. It should be noted that my dinosaur is opiate naive, he only takes opiates on rare occasions (6+ months apart) and hence has no tolerance.

Dinosaur is a Kickboxer, he keeps himself in very good physical shape. Dinosaur uses drugs sparingly, he has only tried MDMA once, has never tried Amphetamines and only gets high around once every 5 months on either an opiate or simple weed.

My dinosaur first started by ingesting 30Mg of Ritalin sublingually, then adding the whole 30mg of oxycodone orally approx 10 minutes after. The purpose of this was to theoretically get some Dopamine re-uptake inhibition going before the Oxycodone set in to maximise the overall experience.


T:00:00 Dinosaur dropped 30Mg of ritalin under the tounge and swollowed after it had all been completely dissolved by his saliva and no granules or powder remained.

T:00:10 Dinosaur Crushed 30mg of Oxycodone and sipped on a glass of warm water, finishing up with a swig of orange juice.

T:00:25 Dinosaur is noticing increase in heart rate from what he suspects is the onset of Ritalin. Feeling fine overall. If anything a bit anxious.

T:00:45 Dinosaur is now starting to feel the Oxycodone creeping up on him. His nose and cheeks are starting to get pretty itchy. Dinosaur is starting to feel VERY good.

T:01:00 Dinosaur says everything feels AWESOME, the euphoria feels a little different from taking Oxycodone alone, but much improved. Dinosaur is having the time of his life playing some video games with a friend, dinosaur says he felt extremely sociable at this point and could discuss any topic with enthusiasm. Dinosaur says he physically feels VERY comfortable, classic warm-blanket opiate feeling on his skin.

T:01:30 Dinosaur feels like he hit a peak, he is feeling AMAZING. Dinosaur says this is the best feeling ingesting a substance has ever given him in his life, and even rivals feelings of extreme happiness when sober (ie. Completing his degree after years of study, winning $50,000 ect.) Dinosaur says the euphoria feels very natural, the opiate is providing an organic like happiness whilst the Ritalin is allowing dinosaur to keep his wits about him. Dinosaur can think clearly and effortlessly about generally anything (Unlike other experiences where dinosaur has ingested ONLY Oxycodone). Dinosaur says he feels a little bit of a physical buzz, he says this is a tactile feeling and feels somewhat akin to the sensation of pins&needles (Kind of a pleasurable numbness) however extremely mild in comparison to actual pins&needles.

Dinosaur says this peak continues for another hour.

T:02:30 Dinosaur is feeling good, but is no longer buzzing as hard as he was previously. The physical sensation he was experiencing previously is now starting to fade.

T:03:10 Dinosaur is experiencing a noticeable decline in euphoria, although dinosaur says he was surprised at how smooth and gentle this decline felt.

T:04:00 Dinosaur is feeling very close to how he normally feels every day. He has noticed that there are no feelings of acute depression or classical *comedown* symptoms. Dinosaur can still feel a feint opiate buzz if he focuses on the feeling, or if he gets up to go do something that requires fine-motor movements (Making himself a sandwich)

T:05:00 Dinosaur is back to normal. Feels exactly how he felt before ingestion, although a bit tired now since it is now midnight. Dinosaur would like to note that he did not feel the urge to re-dose at any point during this experience.

T:08:00+ Dinosaur can no longer psychologically or physically feel the effects of either drug. Although dinosaur is experiencing a lasting feeling of content (Kind of like self acknowledgement that some sort of milestone (or thirst) was achieved/quenched and that he is more than pleased with the lasting results).


Dinosaur would say that this combination potentiates the effects of Oxycodone while adding the benefitial effects of Ritalin quite nicely. The synergy dinosaur experienced was not exactly what he expected, he thought he would be in more of a "Wanting to party" mood, rather than a "Comfy and relaxing" mood, although this did not take away from the overall experience, dinosaur says he would not recommend taking this combination if one where expecting to "Dance" for any duration during the high (ei: Club setting, Music festival). Dinosaur also noted that the overall Opiate high from the Oxycodone was cut short. He suspects that this was due to rebound effects from the Ritalin wearing off, causing his VAT to become very efficient at Transporting excess dopamine from his dopamine recepticle clefts. Hence resulting in the Oxycodone only lasting around 4 hours (Although this is just dinosaurs theory, and dinosaur is no neurologist)

In conclusion dinosaur told me that the overall high was extremely enjoyable and the joy experienced was alot like the joy dinosaur felt back in his childhood. Dinosaur said imagine being 6 years old again, it is your birthday and you are opening your new presents, you begin playing with your new toys and marvel at their strange dimensions and mechanics. Your imagination runs wild with all the possibilities your new play toys have come with, and for that brief moment you lie outside the worlds reach, nothing can hurt you. This is what dinosaur said the Euphoria felt like.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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With that kinda tolerance a 30mg Oxy sounds dangerous. Ritalin might've saved you there.
Tell your dinosaur to be careful.
Cool. I was googling dinosaur, thought it might be slang for something. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
I know that its an old one, but for someone reading this: even for opiate naive people - 30 mg oxy is not that dangerous amount. It wil at maximum bring the volunteer to trow his guts out.