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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(3-MMC 100mg + Methylone 75mg) Relatively experienced - Unexpected and wonderful


Jan 22, 2012
Hi, I'm an early 30s male / 75kg ish. Recently I have been taking advantage of the sunny weather to go to the park after 100mg of 3-mmc (which I consider a minimal dose, no real stimulation, just a nice background contentment), smoke a small joint and drink a cider reading a book. I find 3-MMC excessively moreish, so I shouldn't be doing this on weekdays, as almost always redose later, and have work the next day.

Anyhow, today I went home a bit earlier than usual from the park (about an hour after coming up), due to my phone battery running out. I picked up the 75mg extra 3-MMC i had previously weighed up cause a redose was inevitable (again, a tiny dose!). However, it appears I am an idiot, and had random other drugs laying around my house, because what I actually took was 75mg of Methylone. Given I'd done 120mg of Methylone the day before (also to go to the park) with essentially minimal effects, I was disappointed with this. I continued wanting more 3-MMC, but in a feat of almost superhuman restraint I put it away.

Now, 100mg 3-MMC and 75mg Methylone seem to be ridiculously small doses to me, so it's almost inexplicable that I was half blown away by completely unexpected feelings of happy contentness and tingly joy! I spent quite a long time marvelling at how fantastic this felt, and how I'd never have even considered mixing these two.

Anyhow, I've mostly written this up because it was really surprisingly nice, and cause I am curious as to whether anyone else has tried this combination, perhaps at a more reasonable dose? I seriously do not believe I'd go higher than 120mg 3-MMC and 100mg Methylone if the effects I've experienced are not just a random freak adventure! If not, I definitely recommend it, although as we all know, mixing drugs is generally a bit of a risky thing, so dose low! Also, in spite of how totally nice this was, the craving to do more 3-MMC never went away.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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The craving to do more 3-MMC 'never' goes away. Anyhow, sounds like an interesting combo, one I'd try if 3-MMC was still around!
wasnt 4-mmc and methylone also a really nice combo in days past? no experience with the mmcs myself but id think this would be the case. iirc.

cheers! and thanks for the report!
Anything regarding 3-MMC and somebody with 5 posts sounds like a fucking advertisement, sorry. .
^This. Many of these "rave reviews" that come out when a new drug is introduced turn out to be shills.
I believe this report though. I took 150mg meph with 100mg methylone and it was just balls to the wall rushing euphoria. The meph/meth combo was infamous and very popular.
I don't doubt the meph + m1 combo is kickass, but OP is talking about 3-MMC (meph = 4-MMC). Could very well be a true story, but I just get a bad feel for some reason.
I'm familiar with the difference in the two cathinones; I just believe if meph and m1 were so good together that 3-MMC probably shares the same synergy.
Ahh, gotcha. I'll wait for a few more 3-MMC reports to trickle in from Bluelighters before making further judgments. If OP is legit, this compound might really be the next big thing.

I read somewhere that 3-MMC was a common impurity/cutting agent in pre-ban 4-MMC--something about it being more potent and addictive than pure meph or smtg. If that's true we've probably all sampled it already!
I've tried 4-fa and methylone, and I've never liked it. Until the delicious happy phase of the 4-fa has worn off I feel no inclination to try the methylone, and after that all i get is uncomfortably stimmy and warm. I get mostly the same unpleasant effects with MDAI + 4-FA too, which is why I was so surprised at the 3+mmc + Methylone combination working so nicely together.
I'm not a shill, but I don't expect anyone to believe that :) however if you happen to have these two laying around, I'd recommend it. And then post here to back me up :p
Re-Reading this thread, I didn't think I made it sound like a 'rave review'. It's just an unexpectedly nice combination. If you like the two substances separately, then I think you'll find they are more than the sum of their parts when combined. Mostly I was just surprised, because 75mg of Methylone wouldn't affect me whatsoever...
Have anybody tried mixing this with post-ban meph? I wonder if it gives that great pre-ban feeling, proving it is true that 3-mmc used to be inpurity in pre-ban stuff...
Anything regarding 3-MMC and somebody with 5 posts sounds like a fucking advertisement, sorry. .

Well you're mistaken because I've tried 3mmc and it's the best RC on the market right now if you are trying to get like MDMA. And mixed with Methylone it is absolutely amazing, even better than 4-FA/methylone, which i also loved that combo...but the 3-MMC/Methylone combo is more hardcore. I also like the 6-apb and methylone combo but it has a bad comedown for a little bit.
I Tried this combo yesterday it's not the best in fact if it wasn't for the Methylone I feel there wouldn't of been a buzz. I have read mixed reviews of 3-mmc people saying how fantastic it is others how bad it is so thought I'd try it for myself I had a line in the morning it was delivered to see how I reacted to it because it was my first time using 3-MMC I have taken methylone a few times and was comfortable about how far I could push it.

A few hours later I guesstimated 100mg of the 3MMC and 120mg Methylone mixed in a rizzla and threw it back with some juice, I also have a small line of 3-MMC (45mgish)

0.25 - 45: It Starts: Feel the bomb kicking in and I think to myself...It's Fag time!

0.45 - 1 - Feel an uncomfortable pressure feeling (Thinking back now I it felt like someone squeezing my head or something trying to get out of my head) I drink some water and hope I feel better before I have to walk to my friends. I listen to some music mainly the Disco Biscuits before setting off in to the freezing cold..

1 -1.5 - Pain in my head has gone and forgotten about and I'm walking to the bus stop trying not to slip on all the ice.
I Manage to catch the bus in one piece, put my music in my ears and text my mates.

I make it to the bus stop call my friends and find out that I'm the first one there (as usual) I don't mind. I walk to the bar and order my drink the barman touches his noes as if to signal there was something there (I no the barman fairly well). I nod at him and take my drink to an empty table and look at my noes through the camera on my phone. Oops there was something there. My friends turn up and we chat and chat and chat.

2 - 4 - I'm chatting a lot and getting lost half way through a sentence as methylone always seems to do to me, slight jaw movement from time to time but nothing that was impossible to hide. (my friends didn't ask if I was on anything which they would of if they suspected anything)

I laugh but it feels fake even though I find what someone is really funny (I have had this problem whilst on speed before). We go for a walk in the icy weather. I feel very very very cold at this point and notice that I am sweating and my hands are clammy. I complain that I'm too cold and need to go back to the pub for 'Something Hydrating'

4h - 7h - After getting back to the pub I realise I must be peaking.

I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror look at my pupils which were like dustbin lids. I remember thinking to myself 'You look well scruffy man' and saying out loud ''I Know''

I walk to the toilet stalls where I proceeded to pee. I didn't find it hard to pee but getting my little man to pee where he was told was very hard work and did the opposite I found this funny and entertaining for a short time until I decided it's easier to just pee on the floor. I put it away and I feel warm liquid running down my leg.Damn.

I get back to my friends we talk about work and life, I tell them a bit of pee ran down my leg. They laugh and don't seem to believe me. I notice how dry my mouth is and turn to drinking Rum & coke (previously I was drinking larger) this seemed to help my dehydration.

We have another drink I have another line of 3MMC roughly 70mg which easily went up my favourite nostril and I head home.

8h + I'm home. Starting to come down now and I'm at home and very glad to be. It was far too cold outside and feared hypothermia. Soon after getting home I take my coat off and realise I'm really sweaty. I grab some juice and listen to music I feel some tingles through my body when certain songs come on but nothing like I would on XTC.

The come down is fine and effects have worn off completely after about 13hours


I had a fun day but never needed the 3-mmc it is weak stuff I'd probably say a 50mg line was like drinking 2 cups of coffee at a push.

I will not buy 3-MMC again It's just a waste of money and there are much better things out there that are cheaper that will get the job done more efficiently.
Ive realized 3-mmc is nothing too special unless you have some weed to smoke with it. Without weed, it's much lighter of a roll. Has anyone ever tried 3-mmc + ETHYLONE?
I feel like 3-MMC is nothing special no matter what you pair it with. Actually I take that back. The horrific reek of semen that it has is pretty special.
You probably had bad/low quality 3-mmc then. Because paired with Weed, methylone or 4-CMC, it's amazing. On par with a classic MDMA roll, hours of rushing euphoria, eyes rolling in back of your hea, etc. It's actually better than any MDMA you can get now a days.
I tried the 3-MMC and methylone combo a few times, actually basically for 3 days on end until they ran out, because it was really euphoric, very nice combo. I didn't find 3-MMC very exciting on its own though, it felt like just some pretty basic stimulation to me.
On its own I think 3-MMC was the most boring drug I've ever done. And that fucking smell haunts me years later.