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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(3-Fluoromethcathinone a.k.a. 3-FMC) First time: Getting acquainted.


Jan 1, 2011
Being a fan of the beta-ketones for the past year and a half, I have collected enough data thru experience to know what I like, what dose for mood and setting, the side effects, charistics, quality etc.. I have my favorite along with a few of the ketone family I like to indulge in time to time. So I thought I was done with the research, the gathering of harm reduction, suppliers, the risks, the gambles and so forth....
Untill last week.
Before then, I was happy with what I knew and I have felt no need to do anymore "research". For some reason I was in the mood for something different and decided to try out some 3-FMC. I had interest in 3 -Fluoromethcathinone in the past but couldn't find a supplier I liked at the time. It has been banned in a few states, here in America, and it's current legal status is soon to possibly come to an end so I figured I would try it while it was around.

After I recieved my 3-FMC, both me and my lovely lab assisant took 3-4mg allergy test.

The next day was the experiment. Dosage's varied apon studies, but there was a few that stuck out to me as trust worthy. I simply wanted to test the threshold and futher more get a good feel for recreational use safely, without over doing it. My lovely lab assisant also wanted in on this research project. All dosage's insufflated and it went a little like this:

18:25 sighhill: 21mg burns nose just a tad but nothing too bad. Taste sweet and some what familiar. Would almost think it was cut with a little sugar if didn't know supplier better. After a few minutes maybe mild stim feel.

19:23 assisant:23mg Described it burning and numbing to the nose, but less than mephedrone. Mild up within a few minutes.
19:34 Stimulation felt after dose drained.
19:50 Calm and pleasant.

19:47 sighhill: 32mg . Had eye wobbles shortly after dose but it came and went quickly, within a minute. Decent euphoria. Not too heavy and not speedy at all at the time. This dose stirred up a nice, almost rolling effect. Feeling relaxed but also antsy. Wanted to get out and do something. Euphoria came quick, steady, and unexpectingly to a wow of a peak.
20:15 Leveled out to a not so intoxicated or "fucked up" euphoric state.

19:57 assisant: 28mg-Burns throat. 4 minutes later a heavy gravity pull is described but doesn't last long nor does the slight bit of euphoria.

20:28 BOth sighhill and assisant ate dinner. No problem with eating on this stim.

21:00 sighhill: 23mg. A come back up is felt but slowly fades away

21:38 assisant 41mg-Starts the speedy stim effect with chatiness
21:47 Back to heavy body feeling with mild eye wobbling.
assisant 45mg "Burned like fuck!"
"All in all clean, very light and short lived. Not worth the time."
*Must mention my assisant takes SSRI's which lessens effect when taking most beta-ketones in the past.

24:10 sighhill:32mg got great euphoria back in 15 minutes. A comedown didn't seem existing on this particular night, though sleep didn't come easy.

To me the euphoria was great in the low 30mg's but the duration was short as well. Well worth it and has a chance of being the new favorite after some more experimenting is done. *Have taken 3-Fluoromethcathinonea few times since writing this and the low 30mg's is a good dose for me. Above mid-40mg's may be over-stimulating, leaving a speedy and aggrovated come down.
I have given this one a try along with 4-fmc to compare the differences. Niether one of them could even come close to the euphoria that 4-mmc gave me so I only used them for a week or so. One thing of note is that 4-fmc never made me feel sketchy which a plus.

Nice report!
Well it's almost a completely new feeling of pleasantness for me. I almost want to say the same type of euphoria I got from Buphedrone but much more of it. Haven't had buphe in some time now so it's hard to say.
I agree that it doesn't give near the euphoria of mephedrone. It feels cleaner, seems less toxic, and no hangover with a decent nights rest. It also takes less than mephedrone. A 30-35 mg dose and maybe another 2 hours later. So 70-120mg's to the 300-500mg's of mephedrone (redoses included.) I love the effects of mephedrone but hate the comedowns and dirty hangover that hits me about 36-42 hours later.
Have you tried bombing a higher dose of this otherside? I'm curious but of course don't want to push it. Especially knowing how irritable I react after insufflating high to mid 40mg's. Remind's me of coming down from a long night of doing good blow back in the day.
I bombed 100mg of 4-fmc but never bombed 3-fmc. I never did get around to trying buphedrone...how does it compare to mephedrone/flephedrone?
Buphedrone was nothing like either. At the time I was really looking forward to it being a potient stim with just a pinch of euphroia. Looking over the few notes I could find, two 50 mg doses insufflated 20 minutes apart gave a nice, self controled euphoric state. I remember bombing 100mg and getting the same results. I never went further than that. I noted random, sudden increase in heart rate along with chest pains that were unfamiliar and worrisome. Over-all, I was disappointed it lacked the speedy effect I was wanting at the time.

On the other hand-
Buphedrone gave my assisant the effects most commonly reported for some reason. She was really chatty and work motivated. I let her have most of it in return of finally getting the lab nice, clean, and organized. I might still have .1 or .2 left so now I'm curious.