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3 days off Oxycodone


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I’m 3 days today. Although I’m using kratom 1.5 grams 3 x daily just because it helps and I had a stockpile of it from last year so I’m not really clean but I feel proud of myself. Proud of the money I’m saving and proud of the fact that, I can finally begin the process of working on myself and transitioning back to living life in a better direction then spending 15 dollars a day for a buzz that didn’t even feel like it lasted 15 mins.
Oxy is not sustainable financially for most people, and it's a tricky hole to have to climb outta because the duration is short and its widely available if you know the right people, so the rapid w/d plus the temptation of access makes oxy kind of a bitch to kick.

Although the rapid withdrawl is also positive since once you're over it you're over it it isnt like methadone which can be hell on earth and takes a long time to return to baseline sobriety.

Good luck going forward man. I'm really glad I dont take opiods anymore.
Yeah I’m in that predicament I can get it any time I want it and I have the cash flow to support it. But why would I? My cars 20 years old... and becoming a pain. I wanna help the less fortunate, I wanna make something of myself which money sometimes allows better access to those goals. I can’t lie I love the feeling of pain meds. But I was treating emotional pain with pain meds made for physical. I figured it’s time, it’s time to try my damndest and be a man and use my struggles as a testimony for others suffering. I plan on using the weight bench at my house once bubble guts are gone. And really trying at staying away from this shit. I deserve more outta life then being a slave to something every morning of everyday
Oxy is not sustainable financially for most people, and it's a tricky hole to have to climb outta because the duration is short and its widely available if you know the right people, so the rapid w/d plus the temptation of access makes oxy kind of a bitch to kick.

Although the rapid withdrawl is also positive since once you're over it you're over it it isnt like methadone which can be hell on earth and takes a long time to return to baseline sobriety.

Good luck going forward man. I'm really glad I dont take opiods anymore.
Working out really is the best medicine for getting past opiates and feeling good again without them.
That’s how I got clean off heroin when I finally did it. I hit the gym, and hard. Those sleepless nights I’d get my ass down to the gym at midnight and sometimes workout for hours and hours on end. Once you associate it with a natural endorphin high you’ll want to do it more and more.

And don’t feel bad about using Kratom. Right now that is infinitely better than oxy and will be much easier to kick in the long run. Every day you continue to use oxy is another day it digs it’s nasty claws in. There’s not much as bad as oxy wd mg to mg in my opinion.
