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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

2fa then mxe


Sep 9, 2014
This is my first TR here. I wanted to add it as a source for those wondering about this combo. I could not find anything about the two specifically. Take it as caution though, as amphetamines and dissociatives are a no no.
I've tried most of the common street drugs. Haven't done crack but all the other usual ones that come to mind. Most of the classic psychedelics, a few RC phenethlyamines and a lot more other random RCs. I'm very experienced with dissociatives and consider them my favorite. I do have a dissociative tolerance due to weekend use of MXE. My usuage with that is winding down as I find other things in my life that need attention. Which is good, my tolerance needs to drop. I got 2fa as a task oriented drug. Something to give me focus if I needed it and that didn't last long and wasn't moreish. I don't like adderall due to its length and tendency to make me feel kind of dumb and on edge.

2:30pm 30mg 2fa rectally administered. Slight discomfort noted. GF also dosed the same.

2:33pm first effects felt. Not too bad. The next two hours was spent potting up vegetables, seedlings and cuttings. I watched the movie Brazil. Slightly entertained. Head space was good. Calm. Focus was easy, no overt stimulation and a slight contentment. My gf noticed no effects. Likely due to leftover excrement and stomach troubles.

4:30pm the first dose was winding down. Nice comedown with no discomfort. We decided to dose again. 60mg rectal this time. Looking for a maximum comfortable dose now.

4:35pm First effects felt. Came on quick and strong. Pretty stimulated but not uncomfortable. Nothing like the more euphoric amphetamines, of which I have minimal experience with. Slight empathogenic qualities reminiscent of mdma.
Conversation is easy. My girlfriend and I talk more than watch the movie. We turned it off at some point and watch wonder showzen. I'm not too interested. Focused on plants.

5pm Potting up is pretty much done. Seedling are last. Noticing some excess stimulation and minor jaw clenching. This drug seems to come in waves. There is a periodical shift of more and less focus.

5:30pm Had to go to the store for more planting trays. Way to many plants and not enough water basins in a grow room with wood floors. I'll be glad when I can put these in the ground and give some away.

6pm Home. Coming down. Slightly irritable, depressed and sort of blank. I realize I haven't eaten anything since 11am. Have been drinking lots of water though. I eat and tidy some things up for the next couple hours. Still rtushing a little but not feeling rushed. Getting ready to go see Govinda and dance a bit.

8:30pm. At the bar waiting for doors to open adn listen to some music. Still sort of blank. My GF redosed 70mg before we left. Sipping an IPA while looking around online for specific mention of MXE and 2fa. Finding nothing. It's something I've looked for before and found minimal information. Mostly warning against the combination of amphetamines and dissociatives. Read in several places that it seems ok at the the end of an amphetamine and starting in small doses. Also read all the other things regarding why it is a bad combination. Saw something about a death but the specific amphetamine was not mentioned, nor were timing or weight of doses.

9:30pm I decide to snort some MXE. The 2fa is mostly worn off but some slight stimulation remains. Mind is still bleh. I need a pick me up if I'm going to enjoy tonight. With caution, I eyeball some 20mg and insuffilate it. During the next hour I keep cheeking my pulse and remain aware of any internal changes such as heating or cooling off, random muscular spasms or whatever may come up. I had a slight headache earlier so I pay attention to that too. The constant analysis makes it hard to know how much of my nervousness is affecting me physiologically. I try to do all this while enjoying the music, which is really good. I'm not ready to dance yet. Being cautious about my blood pressure.

10:30pm The MXE gave me a mood lift but not much in the way of effects. No serious physical problems have arisen. With caution, I insuffilate 40mg~ MXE. I recognize that the dissociation will make it hard to accurately monitor my internal state so I try to relax.

11:30pm Feeling pretty good. Dancing a little. Getting dissociated adn my mind relaxes. I try to relax further so I'm not so focused on all the potential disasters of a health crisis at a show.

12am A friend came to the show right before Govinda came one. We insuffilated more MXE. I felt pretty good about the night now. Feeling like I'm out of the water as far as danger goes so I can enjoy the night. I do keep checking in with myself to make sure things are ok. Dancing takes over and I'm lost in the music and random wonky dissociative inspired dance. I feel very calm internally. So much so that I have to remind myself I am exerting myself quite a bit. I drink water every 15 minutes or so and check in with my body.

2am Show is over. It was pretty good. I'm glad I saw it. I heard one song by Govinda before I started looking for tickets online. Good choice. I'm in and out of dissociation. My friend, GF and I talk to friends that were at the show for a bit before my pretty much sober GF drives us home.

3am I'm still stimulated and slightly dissociated. Dont feel bad at all. Hoping to get some good sleep and actually wake up in the clear tomorrow. Finally went to bed at 3:45.

The next day I woke up around 10. Felt really good. Refreshed and in a good mood. No dopamine depletion or dehydration. I feel top notch. I make breakfast and talk with my friend and GF for a bit. My friend leaves. I did some stuff around the house then sat down to write this.

Overall I would say that it was a good night. Despite the recklessness of trying this combination in public, I feel I did ok. In the future, if I decide to do something like this I'll stay home and have a babysitter. Usually I take the advice of the internet regard combinations like this and just avoid them. I knew it was not a good idea prior to actually doing it as I've done my homework on drugs for many years. Again, I was just making sure. SO now there is actually one mention online about this specific combination. This isn't to say that yes, it's fine and dandy and you might be ok if you did what I did. Everyone is different. Maybe I was lucky, maybe I was in no danger at all. Who knows. I'm just hoping that someone can learn from this.
of course, better be safe than sorry;)

On the other hand: there is no reason why I would fear this combination. I combined d/l-amphetamine, 2-fma and few other straight stimulants really often with mxe or ket. . Most times a little bit mxe before consuming the uppers-makes the experience somewhat 'better' ,imo. But also at the tail end or the comedown ket and mxe can help quite a little.

Said stimulants are pharmacologically really close to 2-FA, which I haven't tried myself.;)