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Oct 20, 2017
hi is there many difference between mdma and 2cb ? i found a vendor online and he hold me 2cb is a replacement. Has any one try it ?
There are some very notable differences. I'd say that MDMA is primarily an empathogen with psychedelic tendencies, whereas 2c-b is a psychedelic with empathogenic properties.

2c-b isn't quite as friendly and easy going, and it's quite visual. It can be pretty weird - sometimes in clubs I'd sort of feel superior to everybody around me gurning their faces off, like the vibe didn't quite match.

But at the same time, 2c-b is 100% my all time favourite clubbing drug. Much cleaner and more focussed. But you need to get the dosing right and it isn't for everyone.

It is a very beautiful experience though.
2cb is literally one of my favorite drugs ever and according to shulgin, based on his studies 2cb is actually one of the safer recreational drugs on your mind and body but there is a huge difference between mdma amd 2cb, mdma is more lovey and euphoric and some people have very mild hallucinations but with 2cb at an oral dose of like 25. Shit can get real weird. REAL weird. For me 2cb has the general nice kinda warm feeling like mdma but visual similar to lsd although 2cb has a predominate blue and red look to something and your peripherals, at least that's what happens to me and 3 other people I know that have taken it. Its like a 3d movie from around 2005 how things are slighlty blurry but have red and blue outlines around them. Thats at a little bit of a heavy dose tho and remember, its real easy to take too much by accident. Imo 20 mg is a good starter dose orally. If you decide to insufflate it, go under 10 mgs your first time and to get a good idea of the feeling your nose will get, its like putting hot sauce in your nose with more of a chemical burn
Long story short tho, not even the same ball park as mdma.
I'm interested in 2CB because I want the empathogenic effects without the speedy effects of MDMA. I have several issues including severe paranoia so I avoid LSD like the plague as a bad trip is very likely so it concerns me to hear that 2CB is like LSD. I do not want open-eye visuals. Right now I'm starting to have second thoughts of switching from molly to 2CB. If mdma is "friendly and easy going" and amplifies the slightest negative stimuli into full-blown panic attacks then it sounds like 2CB will fuck me up far worse. Noooooo thank you.
^Probably best avoided then.

I gave a guy some 2c-b and about an hour later we were having a conversation and smoking a cigarette when he suddenly went "so what's with all the cameras then?". I was like "errr... sorry??", at which point he proceeded to expand upon how he 'knew' we were all watching him with cameras and he could see an eye on my forehead. I ended up having to try and convince him that things weren't a tv show.

2c-b is generally gentle, but it can really catch people with an anxious/paranoid predisposition off guard. I've heard of it happening quite a few times now. And open eye visuals are pretty much a given.
2c-b is an amazing substance. Its easier to abuse due to the tolerance developing slower. LSD you'd need 2x and 2c-b you'd probably get 80-90% of the original dose effects.
Shit, so is oxytocin the ONLY purely empathogenic drug out there then? mdma - empathogen with amphetamine effects, 2cb - empathogen with LSD effects. Cant a guy just get the loved up feelings without the baggage?
Shit, so is oxytocin the ONLY purely empathogenic drug out there then?
Maybe a pure empathogen could just amplify the suffering we feel (empathetically) for other people on this planet, and now that may not be much fun ;) Or if you're a glass half full type person, then maybe there would just be more empathy for the other people feeling good, which seems like a lot of the time how MDMA ends up working..

I think the amphetamine like euphoria associated with MDMA is important for its desirable effects and even empathogenic qualities, and although much of the oxytocin release is downstream of the serotonin release, it appears the effects on norepinephrine play a big role in MDMA's desirable effects as well. So you may get very similar effects out of a pure serotonin releaser (MDAI) with less adverse consequences with regards to overuse, but I'm not quite sure.
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Cotcha, you are right. When I viewed porn on ecstasy, I actually felt sorry for the actresses, feeling they were being exploited and I shut off the video because it was an overall negative experience. I know it is a double-edged sword and I often wondered if I'm feeling more depressed now (after doing mdma) after 8 years of being a latent catatonic because I am a recluse WITH empathy where the unexpected effect is feeling sorry for myself and thus depressed.

But I'm not sure about that because I injected some oxytocin when I first joined this site and the after-effects were overwhelmingly positive. All my anxiety was gone, I felt slightly happier and the behavior of others around me changed. Everybody suddenly started acting more sociable and friendly. The problem is pure oxytocin can only be injected and the drug dies very easily if not refrigerated at all times. It is why I abandoned that shit in favor of MDMA. The person I bought it from didnt bother to pack it with ice when shipping it so it lost most of its potency by the time I got it. I had to slam all the vials at once the second time to get any noticeable effect and I accidentally busted one vein in the process.
I really wish oxy could be consumed like mdma.

Btw, is 2cb a stimulant?
^It has stimulating properties. No bruxism etc, but an energetic push.
^It has stimulating properties. No bruxism etc, but an energetic push.

Can the energy/euphoria felt be compared to coming up on LSD? I personally don't have any experience with 2cb, but I am curious as to the body load and visuals.
Personally I wouldn't really compare 2cb to MDMA at all, maybe 20-30% similarity. There are definitely times I get a "rolling" feeling with it at higher doses (usually also combined with mushrooms and potentially coke) but not even close to he empathy like MDMA. From what I've read, MDAI may be a good choice
Can the energy/euphoria felt be compared to coming up on LSD? I personally don't have any experience with 2cb, but I am curious as to the body load and visuals.

Kind of. LSD is also stimulating, although 2c-b is perhaps more so. But maybe that's just more obvious because it's less overwhelmingly psychedelic (generally, dose depending). It's kind of just got an energetic wakefulness to the experience. It can be quite visual, although obviously this depends on dose.
Kind of. LSD is also stimulating, although 2c-b is perhaps more so. But maybe that's just more obvious because it's less overwhelmingly psychedelic (generally, dose depending). It's kind of just got an energetic wakefulness to the experience. It can be quite visual, although obviously this depends on dose.

Honestly sounds fun, but a bit too intense for me. I'd probably stick to a low dose if ever offered.
You already need a low dose of 2CB to get the normal effects. I'm guessing a low dose is even lower, something like 10mg.
2cb is nothing like mdma.

It is most like 2ci, 2ce etc. These are hallucinogenic drugs with some properties like an entheogen. This doesnt make their effects like mdma though.
2cb does have etheogenic qualities, but it is a hallucinogen in every sense.

Best way to describe the apparent relationship between 2cb and its effects seemingly like mdma is: imagine you have taken LSD many times.
Now imagine one recent trip in particular really seemed to rock you from a empathy and oneness feeling.

This example isnt uncommon and would never result in LSD being descriibed as an entheogen, but is more closer to the experiences one will have with 2cb.
Thanks for the explanation. Wikipedia does say one symptom of 2CB is excessive smiling and giggling? Is this true? Because that part sounds similar to MDMA.
Thanks for the explanation. Wikipedia does say one symptom of 2CB is excessive smiling and giggling? Is this true? Because that part sounds similar to MDMA.

Yeah it can be but I get insane giggles on the come up of LSD typically
LSD does that? Strange. Oh well, I'm not going near 2CB after everything I heard here. Add this to your harm reduction success list. :p
LSD does that? Strange. Oh well, I'm not going near 2CB after everything I heard here. Add this to your harm reduction success list. :p

What exactly is keeping you from it? Pretty mild and always a good time from my experience