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2cb and underlying health problems


Feb 5, 2010
Hello all.hopefully im posting in the right forum,
just signed up,partyl because i have some questions regarding 2cb and the kidneys, i found very little on the internet about the interaction of the two and my case seems fairly specific so i would like to be sure before taking anything,so im due to have my left kidney removed within the month,i have hydronephrosis and a lot of scarring on the ureter and from the last doctors visit i was informed it has been functioning at less than 10% for the last few months, primarily due to a weakness in utero, and most likely exacerbated by drug use(ketamine, mdma and ''pills'' and alcohol) i am aware of the links between kidney damage and k and have since ceased taking k completely, dont drink anymore but still take mdma occasionally and have taken lsd aswell to no adverse effects.the mdma use does lead to some abdominal pain and swelling in my kidney and honestly i know its not a great idea,but have continued, i recently aquired some 2cb and am really exicted to try it, i am however worried about about the effect it may have on my kidney,so i was wondering if anyone has any personal experiences or any information or advice for my situation.i know i should probably just take it easy and have some patience but thats easier said than done ;)
thanks and any info is greatly appreciated
Why don't you take it easy for a little bit?

For real it's not worth the risk. There hasn't been enough research on these compounds to be sure. These chemicals haven't been tested enough on humans to be sure of their effects.

Take a pass on this one, wait until you have healed completely before dosing again.