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2C-P scraps


Bluelight Crew
Aug 15, 2003
5-MeO-AMT is for many people just a lacking chemical.. But that doesn't have to mean that it'll be the same for you. An 18 hour duration is very exaggerated btw, this nearly lasts 12 hours, coming down is another thing, but weed or some benzo's get rid of a cracked out feeling you may have in the end..

I would just stick with oral ingestion. As you said, this is really uncharted territory, except for some reports on the net.. That doesn't mean it's okay.

About the 2C-E, that's weird.. Are you sure that what you have is 2C-E? Have any of your friends taken a dose or something from the same batch? Did they experience the same you did, or did they have a "normal" experience..?
I'll repeat my observation that 2C-E seems to be highly variable, even for one individual. I've had one mind-blowing experience with it (18mg), two pretty good ones (16mg and 20mg), and two very mediocre ones (18mg and 20mg). As you can see, the dosages do not correlate, nor were set and setting all that different. I can't explain it, but sometimes my body just knows what to do with 2C-E, and sometimes it doesn't.

2c-p sounds somewhat interesting, but I think I can wait for it.
I have to take alot of 2ce to feel anything. 30+mg when most people trip real nice off 10-15mg
Sorry I know this isn't the topic of the thread, but since we're discussing it - I found my first 20mg 2C-E trip to be VERY mild compared to what I had heard... even boosting it an hour or so later with ~8mg more didn't help much. Next time I'm trying more like 30mg and hoping for better results.

As far as 2C-P - I'd be interested in trying it out, but I would REALLY rather not deal with the company I'd have to go through to get it, so I don't think I will.
[can't ask this here, sorry. please, read the forum guidelines before posting again... there's a HUGE link at the top of the Psychedelic Drugs forum]
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ER0X said:
I have to take alot of 2ce to feel anything. 30+mg when most people trip real nice off 10-15mg

There are definitely questions as to the potency of some bathces of 2C-E that circulated. Some may not be as good, and thus the reports of some needing 30mg to trip may be related to that. I found 16mg to be similar to at least 250ug of LSD.

That could be. But also at least a few people I know that report they have high tolerance to research psychedelics are either 1) tripping more than once per week, 2) using other strong drugs such as benzos, g, speed, or opiates on a daily or near daily basis or 3) both, all of which could just as well explain it.
I too have noticed that there are a few people on this forum that take unreasonably high doses, and I believe that it is because they trip way too often. it's like their becoming desensitized due to their constant exposure to drugs.
When you say mind stumulation, is it a psychedelic type of stimulation, or more like an amphetamine type stimulation?

2C-P is around...

From PiHKAL:

DOSAGE: 6 - 10 mg.

DURATION: 10 - 16 h

(with 12 mg, orally) Slow and even rise. At five minutes to seven (suddenly the clock time makes no sense at all) I am at a 3+ and feel that I have not yet plateau'd. Erotic was excellent. Music good. Eyes-closed imagery very different place than usual experiences. Slow, calm, strong images from an area that has no apparent connection with usual waking world, yet underlies all of it. A cool, wise place which has its own rules. All emotions and feeling available, but there is a cool perspective which informs all thinking. Talking superb and fun, and it was possible to feel our bodies healthy and full of determination to remain so, despite obvious faults and self-indulgences. Could do a lot of learning with this material, but probably not a group thing. It would lend itself too easily to hypnotic power-games, and it would be too easy to open up the shared consciousness level, which would be frightening to a lot of people and bring about necessary escapes such as sickness. Excellent feeling the next day.

There was one report of an experience in which a single dosage of 16 mg was clearly an overdose.

Any one with experience of this -great- stuff ?
"It would lend itself too easily to hypnotic power-games, and it would be too easy to open up the shared consciousness level..."

man, I don't liek the company that offers it. I saw how they treated another bro of mine, and took 3 months to refund (do a charge back) to his credit card, after 3 months of him waiting for either product or money back... it was really bad. I don't particularly like that company, and I hope some more agreeable research chem companies begin bringing 2cp.
Yeah.. I think the reason that this has been a hot topic lately is that *crappy unidentified RC reseller* sent emails to everyone telling them that they now have this chem in stock.

I have to imagine that everyone here is talking about the same place, even though forum guidelines preclude names. The place in question sold me some bunk 4-HO-DIPT, so everyone on this board is probably wise to shy away from them.

Seriously though.. 6-10 mg, with 16mg being too much? I sure hope you trust your scale and phisiology.

Now, its almost time for me to right up my 2C-D trip report.. now THAT is a substance who's time has come!
After that, I started to feel more like I was just plain ol' trippin', which I don't particularly enjoy, and I could tell that it was going to last for a long time.

All in all, a mixed bag.
> I don't think we'd be messing around with
> the TMA series as the TMA-2 thru TMA-6 are
> all schedule I as positional isomers of TMA.
While TMA is a amphetamine analog of Mescaline (ie 3,4,5-trimethoxy-A, where A is the amphet), it automatically falls under US Federal law as a Schedule I substance. That's why TMA-2, and all the other positional isomers of TMA, are automatically scheduled. But don't be fooled by me saying it's the amphetamine analog--that doesn't imply that the amphetamines aren't phenethylamines. All amphetamines are phenethylamines.
> Also, I wouldn't write off 2c-p simply because
> its another 2c or that it didn't get a dazzling
> review in pihkal.
Fuck what Shulgin wrote in pihkal on the substance. In my expierence, most 2C's tend to be similar. I guess I will have to check out 2C-P to see the truth. I have personally disgareed with shulgin on many subjective effects, ect.
> Just look at what people are saying about 2c-d
> which Shulgin labeled as "tofu".
I, for one, don't give two shits about what Shulgin think's of the properties of a substance. After all, this is the guy who started the whole 2C-B+MDMA hype. Plus, Shulgin has always been a bit of a body high type of guy, as opposed to myself, who enjoys the mental aspects more.
> While the 16mg mg 'overdose' trip report is
> an indication of a low margin of safety, Shulgin
> also mentioned a bad experience that someone
> had on 30mg 2c-e, which would imply a low
> margin of safety for 2c-e too.
At this point, there is not sufficient evidence to back up any claims of a threshold of safe doses for 2C-E, or 2C-P.
> Really, many of the psychedelic phenethylamines
> have a low margin of safety.
Agreed. The dosage threshold/max for these chemicals has not been estabished mainly because of lack of the avaliablity of these drugs.
While TMA is a amphetamine analog of Mescaline (ie 3,4,5-trimethoxy-A, where A is the amphet), it automatically falls under US Federal law as a Schedule I substance.


Look at (d)(13). 3,4,5-trimethoxy-amphetamine i.e. TMA is specifically itemized as a schedule I substance. It has nothing to do with that it is an amphetamine analog of Mescaline. Mescaline is (d)(20) on that list.

That's why TMA-2, and all the other positional isomers of TMA, are automatically scheduled.

As I said in plain english: "TMA-2 thru TMA-6 are all schedule I as positional isomers of TMA". Sorry if thats not clear to you. The link above under section (d) says that positional isomers of the compounds on the schedule are inlcuded in the scheduling. Therefore because TMA is itemized TMA-2 thru TMA-6 are also schedule I. It has nothing to do with mescaline.

But don't be fooled by me saying it's the amphetamine analog--that doesn't imply that the amphetamines aren't phenethylamines. All amphetamines are phenethylamines.

Thanks but I don't need the chemistry lesson.

Fuck what Shulgin wrote in pihkal on the substance.

Yikes. Calm down. I was responding to what someone else said in this thread about pihkal.

In my expierence, most 2C's tend to be similar.

Thats not my experience at all. I've done 2c-t-2, 2c-t-21, 2c-c, 2c-b, 2c-i, 2c-d, and 2c-e and I find they have a broad range of effects. In terms of what I've experienced could losely group them as (2c-t-2, 2c-t-21), (2c-c, 2c-b, 2c-i), and (2c-d, 2c-e) but thats about it. 2c-d, and 2c-e are the best I've tasted so far and are the only ones that I find to be strongly and deeply psychedelic.
Forgive my ignorance, but just how does one UTFSE when the word you are searching on, 2c-p, is too short for the search engine? Is there a trick to this other than using the full chemical name?