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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(2c-p Amp, Pentedrone, Cannabis, Alco) - Experienced - how i became omnipotent

I had some problems before, right after i've started doing speed and trippy stuff
After i ate around 300mg 2c-E in a period of 4 months, tried lsd and started smoking weed on regular basis and did lotsa speed, i got hppd of some form, peoples faces started morphing when i wasnt on drugs, streetlights at night had huge hues and stuff, but the most annoying was the music
It never stopped. I had to listen to music in my head all the fucking time and its was mostly just chorus of one song, that would play over and over and i could barely think straight. Also, when having sex in dark, my girl would become something weird, at the end i didnt even know she was a human. If i closed my eyes i'd get something like asian beuilding with strange music and things crawling around, close again and something else would show.
But that was two years ago (when i was 16/17).

After a while that stopped and now i feel fine, i can think straight and music is gone.

thanks for all the good wishes, i dont feel like going to happyhouse anytime soon
i knew i could have serious problems, thats why i took 50 (i was planning to take 80), now that its done, i dont think i'll trip on 2cs for some time
like that time i've snorted 20mg of 2ce and expected something around 40 taken orally, but i was just waiting the whole trip to really start, though i was tripping it wasnt as intense as i expected. Kinda like reading the same book twice, i cant really do it.
therefor i think i'll lay down psys for some time (also no moneys lololo)

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I don't, thats why i've taken drugs that night. I think drugs should be taken for fun, not to actually change something in your life. I like trippy stuff, because its like a video game for your mind.

Yeah that's how I used to look at psychedelics as well, until I took too much acid and pretty much lost my mind for a night. The biggest mistake to make with psychs in my experience, is to do heaps in your early days, think you're a hero and you can take anything, and then learn in a very fucking real way that these drugs connect you to a reality that is far more significant than your single brain among billions on the planet and that they go beyond anything your imagination can concoct.

You may not believe me now, but wait, you will. No one ever forgets that night that shit just gets waaaaaay too real. I learned my lesson the hard way and the higher you dose, the harder you fall.

By the way Rainbow, when we say you end up in the psych ward, this doesn't mean some mild hppd man. People faces morphing when you're not on drugs are the least of your worries, believe me.

When things go south on a very heavy dose of psychs, they go straight to hell.
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why the bad vibes bro?
im probably never again taking such a big dose of psys, 50mg of 2cp would be like what? 1200 ug lsd?
i havent gone mad after this shit, why would i laterz? if i would believe you now, that thing would just bugger me when i'd do psys again and if you are having a hard time taking high dose psys doesnt mean everyone is condamned to go nuts someday
trust in science bro, not them things in your head