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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(2C-E - 28mg oral) - Enjoying chat with old buddies, nature, music and sensing


Aug 20, 2011
Title: Enjoying chat with old buddies, nature, music and sensing
Substance: 2C-E
Dosage: 24 mg 2C-E dissolved in water, another 4 mg at T +0:40
Personal data: Male, 85kg, 178 cm, 28 years old , athletic, exercise daily, often back pains and undiagnosed ADHD and cyclothymic (slightly bipolar), some anxiety and depression episodes
Medications and addictions: Piracetam 1600mg daily, multivitamins, fish oil
Set & Setting: Our usual private house deep in the woods, no people nearby, nice relaxed mood
Rating: 8/10

Previous experiences:
* 25i-nBOMe (x1)
* 2C-B (x4)
* 2C-C (x2)
* 2C-D (x1)
* 2C-P (x2)
* 4-ACO-DMT (x2)
* 4-AcO-MiPT (x1)
* 4-HO-MET (x3)
* 5-APB (x1)
* 5-MeO-MiPT (x1)
* Alprazolam (x5)
* AMT (x1)
* Amphetamine (x1)
* Armodafinil (x1)
* Codeine (x2)
* DOC (x4)
* DOI (x1)
* Dichloropane (x4)
* Etizolam (x6)
* Kratom (x4)
* LSD (x4)
* MDMA (x1)
* Methoxetamine (x8)
* Methylone (x3)
* Modafinil (1 week)
* Shrooms (x3)
* Salvia (x1)
* Weed and hash (many times)

Substance appearance: slightly tan crystallized powder
Closest previous trip: three days festival with 5mg DOC, 4 blotters LSD, 50mg AMT, 1 drop liquid LSD and 25 MXE 1.5 months before
Tolerance: None
Sensitivity: very low, extreme hardhead to most substances
Addiction potential: average
Main effects: mood lift, energetic body load, slight visuals, slight non-troubling stupidity aka mind fog, green color enhancement, extreme music and sound appreciation, appreciation of nature, erotic feelings
Side effects: none, very clear substance
After effects: feelings of freshness and appreciation of environment, a bit of nice calmness next day, some mood swings subsequent days
Shulgin scale: **

T +00:00
We arrived at the our usual tripping place, house in the woods, using bicycles (not a long distance, around 10 km). It was pretty warm summer evening, but the weather was rainy, no sun at all. We set up the music system (very old, still using cassette tapes) and put some supplies we brought on the shelves and in the fri dge. I was planning to take 30mg, but my friend Panda being alarmist as he is, convinced me to take less. Some time before the trip I took my usual antioxidants: ALCAR, ALA, vitamin C.

I took 1 granisetron pill and 24mg of 2c-e dissolved in the alcohol/water solution, measured by syringe. Granisetron is 5HT3 selective antagonist similar to ondasetron, usually used to reduce nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients. I knew that 2c-e can cause nausea due agonism of 5HT3, so I used granisetron to avoid it. It totally helped, I did not feel any body load or nausea during this trip.

Coyote and Panda took 15mg of 2c-e each, they dissolved it further in the cup of water, slowly drinking it during hour or so. They also took ginger extract capsules to prevent nausea. It helped Coyote, but Panda still felt some nauseous episodes, not many, though.

We slowly started to prepare sauna by moving firewood and lighting it, Coyote gave me very clear, simple and exact directions to avoid misunderstanding, because obviously he understood I will be affected soon.

T +00:40
I started to feel relaxation, sleepiness and dream-like state, very similar to the effects I felt on 25i-nBOMe come-up. I had trouble concentrating my vision and looking, and this continued through all the trip, but note, I have very bad vision and wear very strong glasses, and probably have some level of ADD, so I have this problem often.

During this time, I went to take a piss, but Panda told me “Don't take more of the substance”. This caused me to take another 4mg, because, WTF he is giving advice without being me, and not knowing how I feel? I always feel underwhelmed a little, because my visuals are always very weak and I don't experience much anxiety/deep feelings/mind clogging. The only time I could say trip was really strong is when I plugged 47mg of 4-ACO-DMT, so I think now, that I need two times more then dosages recommended for most people.

T +01:30
Effects started to peak, I think I had peak around T +2 – T +3. Overall, experience was extremely soft, comfortable and easy, no extremities: euphoria or anxiety. I had one anxiety episode on come-up, but it was so small, I really can't call it this, I would use the word: “doubt”.
Also, I did not feel any strong emotions or complex feelings, like people sometimes can get on 2c-E. To me and Coyote, 2C-E caused something akin “celebration” feeling, when you are in party setting and everything is mentally sparkling, grand and ceremonial. Substance also made me pretty stupid, but I did not care about that, because sometime before the trip I had a week interesting feeling of calmness and “I don't care attitude”. I remembered it and reproduced it before trip in my mind, so I was not bothered by anything, very useful thing in trip.

Sometimes, I tried to analyze deeper issues in my life, but it was totally not possible, because all I could think was:”Is it really important?”. And the answer is mostly: no, it is not. Live now, enjoy what you have now, because anything can happen in life, and you will not be able to predict it. Some people care about aging, family, death etc. I know I am not very talented or hard-working, and I doubt I can change it, because I become tired very quickly when doing something, I can't concentrate much, and overall my health is not that good. So I should settle for what I have and just do things I can.
Also, I pretty much know my life is settled in a way, and I don't think it will change in a major ways, but even then, who cares: it will happen anyway, why over think it now?

T +02:00
I turned on “Disrupt – Foundation Bit” album and enjoyed it very much. It is electrodub, pretty simple music, yet good fit enjoying emotionally under psychs, because of deep bass and overall positive sound.
After that we listened to the some avant-garde jazz cassette tape. Coyote told us he bought it ten years ago, listened once, did not appreciate it. And now its time had come, finally, because it sounded pretty interesting. But honestly, I think any more or less complex music would sound nice on 2c-e. Only when Coyote turned on some old lo-wi punk I was not able to enjoy it, all other stuff was interesting to listen to.
Also, very fun thing to do was tinker with accordion we had. Coyote can play it a bit, but me and Panda can't. But this did not stop us just making weird sounds with it and listening to these deep lengthy tones. Panda later liked it so much, he brought this accordion everywhere, and even tried to bring it inside sauna.

Overall, we did pretty much nothing, speaking slowly, laughting, having a good vibes and a smooth flow. Sometimes we were walking a little. For example, Coyote has shown us a small trampoline where he jumps on his offroad motorcycle, and a bench near it, where his wife and kid are usually sitting, watching him do it. Bench was old, with green paint, that peeled off in many places and lichtens covering it. It looked awesome, very detailed and green color was very pronounced. It was noticeable also on other things, like grass etc. For some reason 2c-e associated for me with green color even before that, or I may be rationalizing post factum.

We returned back to the our table under the tent, and there Panda exclaimed: “Don't tell me you don't see roof of the tent all covered in psych patterns (form constants)!”. He is never able to understand other people think and feel different, something we all humans suffer from, but not to this extent. I calmly explained to him, that I barely see patterns at all, but what I see certainly looks very beautiful and interesting.
He also gave me a cone he found, asking me to look at it closely. He is fascinated by cones, and in this one, being altered, he saw a lot of beauty and patterns. I did see just a cone, something he was very worried of for some reason.
I went to the Sauna a few times to get more firewood inside the stove. I had no problem doing it, but at this point I feel pretty confident in psychedelic states, esp. under phenethylamines, that are not clouding mind as much as tryptamines.

Coyote taught me something I strongly agree on: good stuff to try on psychs is doing something you usually do, and try to see the difference, how you perceive it and feel it now, being opened to the world.
So, when I put firewood in the stove, I felt like I’m worker in the steel factory: it was very hot, the door of the stove was hard to open, because it did not have a handle and was hot, and firewood was hard to fit into it because of the dimensions of the door.

When I was going there and back, I stopped for many moments, and experienced great joy of just breathing, smelling and hearing nature around me. Breathing was very easy, and I had energetic body high, something I felt on 2C-C, too.

Smells were very weak, but felt like flowers in bloom, better than any fragrance. Later, I was not sure, what else I can do, and Coyote suggested riding my bike, something I always wanted to do while on psychs. I did it, but once I left to house in the woods, I was not sure I can go very far, otherwise I can get lost. So I stopped almost instantly and just stayed in the dark forest, enjoying myself for a few minutes. Note, however, I am never afraid of the dark or unknown places, forests and the like, because I always feel I am pretty strong and have GPS with me, and I don't feel like I can meet something dangerous in the forest (no big predators in our forests).
While I was standing there, I felt some erotic feelings, just making some tension in my lower part already felt very nice, like an electricity charges going through erogenous zones. Something I always wanted to do is have sex on psychs, but due to strange circumstances I never did it. But I am sure sometime I will.

During this time I also had thoughts about how my lifestyle is something weird/dark by common standards, but I don't see myself fitting into society anyway, so to hell with it. I thought about how I am often scared and anxious about my choices, and I don't want to be anymore. If this will finish badly, me being lonely when old and not achieving anything people usually accept as success, so be it. At least I can enjoy my life as it is for now, that's a lot for a person that is anxious and depressed often.
I thought about feeling I experienced under 25i-nBOMe, feeling of the being transcendental at current moment through dance, and living it to the fullest and this feeling became strong again.
Probably, this is just the thing many people experience on psychs: feeling how nice is to live, but it is manifested in different ways. For me it is how I described: it does not mean I will do something really stupid or reckless, like doing hard drugs, but maybe I will be a little more happy and content with myself, and will not worry that I do drugs anymore or that I am not as easily accepted in the society as some people.

T +03:00
We went to the Sauna, finally, at least me and Coyote. It was pretty hot inside, something around 75 degrees Celsius, Coyote usually uses temperature lower than that. But it did not feel hot, and we did not feel any increased body load and felt perfectly comfortable, except that I often have pain in the upper part of the back now, and only exercise helps. When we got outside, we went swimming in the pond (with pretty cold water, mind you), and after that I experienced extremely nice feeling of freshness and relaxation. It is always so after sauna and swimming, but in this case it was even brighter. Note, it was dark outside already, and the water in the pond looked black and scary, but it did not cause any bad feelings, maybe because I am good swimmer and this pond is very well known and comfortable to me.
Panda finally joined us later, as always, not sure if he is more comfortable inside or outside, or what he should do anyway.

T +05:00
By this time, effects were already very light, and I think in need I would be able to do any activity, if not very complex. We left Sauna, brewed some tea, and had easy-going and slow discussion. It was enjoyable conversation, sometimes about more serious and hard topics, but it went pretty smooth anyway.

Panda blamed us for going to the Sauna and swimming in the pond, and not staring at the trees, how he suggested.
When Coyote (and me) was mildly trying to ask him, why he is worried about what we are feeling, he was not able to answer.

He has a magnitude of mental problems (IMO) and one of them is projecting own problems and hang-ups to other people. He is always worrying and thinking he is missing something and needs to change something in his life, become not depressed etc. This time he was thinking me and Coyote are not paying enough attention to our surroundings, something he is worried about himself, I suspect, because he constantly misses what needs to be done and seen. Panda believes that psychedelic experience must be perceived be concentrating on your own thoughts and feelings. Coyote believes this will lead just to mental loops without any sense or value. To persuade Panda, Coyote told him to try taking psychedelics alone, and decide if he likes the feeling, and if he gets something out of it. I doubt Panda will follow this good advice, though.

Panda also told us how he is totally confused with life, has no idea, how to act and speak with others, have episodes of depression lasting for months. I knew this already, obviously, but Coyote never thought of that, because he himself is pretty calm and happy man and it hard for him to imagine life of someone anxious and depressed. Panda also told us how psychs use allows him to handle his life and get positive energy charge after each session. This is a dangerous road, relying on drugs for existing, but it is his business.

What I don't understand, though, why Panda insists on him being right, sure and have this inflated ego thing, if he knows he is unhappy and miserable. When I am in doubt, miserable, etc, I am always try to learn from existing knowledge, be it books, internet articles or people, and I understand I know nothing and am nothing, so I must learn, and not listen to my ego, that wants appreciation and power.
It's mostly when I am in a good shape and manage to do everything I want, I fall into to the trap of not listening to others and thinking my way of living is better than theirs.

T +09:00
We went home on bicycles under the rain and in the dark. Riding was not very hard, and very enjoyable, except for the rain, feeling of air freshness dominated.

T + 12:00
I went to sleep, did not take any sleep aids, slept well for 8+ hours, but got up not very well rested. Coyote reported to sleep well in the next days and be pretty rested.


This journey was light, easy and enjoyable, despite pretty big dosage of 28mg. I reminded myself how deep Panda's psychological problems go, and that he much crazier by common standards then I am. Energetic body high and constant feeling of celebration was awesome. Granisetron or ginger extract proved to prevent nausea just fine. I liked 2c-e very much, better than its brethren 2c-b , 2c-p. B was too analytical and P had too much tiredness and head acne afterwards. I also see extreme potential in the visual part, although I was barely able to scratch the surface of the visuals.

I cannot compare 2C-E to tryptamines or LSD, too much difference, but can say how it does remind me of 25i-nBOMe and 2C-C in some aspects. Coyote said it was very similar to the low-dosage LSD (2 weak blotters) he took recently.

Overall, I cannot say I like one substance much more than others. I think I am one the these people who enjoy variety and always new experiences in life, so I think I will continue my psychedelic journeys, trying all substances I will be able to acquire. I certainly have my favorites like LSD, 4-HO-MET 25i, but I really think people should also try to understand and enjoy things that are not that easily accessible and require getting used to.