orbital_forest said:
much experimentation with 2cb proved the best way to take it for a good experience was orally,especially on the tail end of an mdma experience. throw those two together with some nitrous and your body might turn into a pyramid.
snorting it HURTS,is incredibly mentally distressing,but it gives some INCREDIBLE visuals,where you cant tell where anything is because there is 5 of everything and they are all moving. when you snort enough to see the hieroglyphs,they tend to be silverish with purple outlines,very digital and ugly.
i consider myself very well versed with 2cb,having consumed it over 30 times this year. thankfully i ran out a few months ago and could not continue the abuse pattern. ive learned alot about myself through 2cb.
I agree orally is probably the best route. I've insufflated and taken it orally a number of times, and holy MOTHERFUCK it burns when insufflated. I'm not joking here. Its like snorting something that is smoldering.
Erowid says the insufflated doses are about 3x stronger than the same amount orally. I believe this.
I insufflated 8mg once, and it was enough to give me a susbtantial head change (whoooosh), color enhancement, some patterning and shifting of objects. The rapidity of onset scared me a little bit. Orally it takes a good hour to and hour and a half to really kick in. I was seriously affected 10-15min after insufflation.
28mg (HBr salt) was the next trial, orally this time. For some time, I thought nothing much was going to happen and actually got pretty dissapointed. Then out of nowhere, I realize that colors seem pretty vibrant. I don't get much color enhancement from other drugs... a small amount from mushrooms. But this effect kept getting stronger. When I reached the peak I was blown away. Everything was beautiful! So colorful! Everything colored looked like an image with a saturation filter on it. A truly remarkable effect.
I saw soft, smooth patterning in the carpet. When I walked around I didn't see it so much, unless I looked down at my feet. Then the carpet would seem to go out of focus in a fuzzy radial distortion around me. My carpet debris all over it (lol), and the specs of lint and whatnot would leave trails in the distorted area around my moving feet. It was really wierd. I can't quite describe it.
Next dose was 15mg. I put on some happy electronic music, and sat outside in the hammock, and drank a couple of bottles of ale. Everything was perfect. I did not really get visual effects from this, but things were different in some way... softer.. a little more vibrant. I watched bugs on the fence, some birds tooling around in the tree above me, and ate blueberries. I was so relaxed. My thoughts drifted around easily and in a positive manner.
Then I tried 35mg, and here, something happened. I got all the other effects but now patterns, very bold color-shifting rainbow objects, appeared all over my field of vision. Things I looked at would breathe, squiggle a bit, and have moving patterns all over them. The grass looked bizarre beyond description.
I have since tried 35mg with MDMA. And then abother day some MDMA (full/heavy dose), 30mg about an hour in, and 25mg about an hour after that, along with plenty of nitrous (and some hash/pot a few hours before any of this began).
This second combo experience, I should really write a trip report on, as I'd consider this to be the second +4 experience I've ever had. I surged, and surged with waves happiness. It was overwhelming. I'd get up, and try to go to my tent. I was hallucinating so strongly (colors, rainbows, shifting shapes in the air) it was hard to see where I was going. I began to get really confused at this point, not knowing where exactly I was. I'd carefully try to walk in a straight line to get to the tent, and then end up somewhere completely different.
Anyway, I eventually got back, and got into the nitrous. This was something else. Nitrous always sends me straight into hyperspace when I'm tripping, and blows me away on MDMA. But this time it was as if everything stopped when it kicked in. I had no idea what was going on, why, how.. just completely gone. It felt like I was a color on one end of the spectrum. I could feel it, see it (all over my field of vision).. then.. nang... nang... nang... Nang.. Nang.. NANGNANGNAGNANGNAG
!!!... My color began shifting down the spectrum and repeating, faster and faster. It felt increadible! The most concentrated feeling of happiness and wellbeing I can remember. Each color shift changed the feel. So amazing.
When the stuff wears off, it wears off pretty cleanly for me. There's not a long comedown.
On the downside, I sometimes wish it laster longer. It also does not seem to be very deep mentally unless I take a lot, and even then its nothing compared to LSD, mushrooms, etc.