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Phenethylamines [2C-B Subthread] Dosage & Methods of Administration

2-CB Experience

I have previously consumed 2-CB, three times before (starting at 15 mg working my way up to 20 mg on my last experience). My last experience was pretty astounding in terms of the visuals. Colours of the room swaying around like a tie dye t-shirt or watercolours, morphing and intense CEV's. Okay, so me and my girl both had 20 mg each last night on empty stomachs. However last night I only felt like i'd taken 15 mg or less dose, only seeing slight patterning in the carpet really. Where as my girl was just tripping out very intensely having an amazing time. I shouldn't have a tolerance as I keep use a month apart at the least. So my thoughts were does set and setting apply greatly to 2-CB, Like with other psychedelics? Any help would be appreciated.
^ Yeah, set&setting definitely apply to 2C-B. But are you sure that you correctly measured the doses? Also, do you take any medication(like antidepressant or antipsychotic)?
There is some gobsmackingly good quality See Bee powder doing the rounds in the UK at the moment so can totally relate to the astonishing visuals. Never known visuals like it from just about anything before. But I also noticed that they can be variable even with the same dose. Tolerance may well be an issue in my case on occasion (well, it definitely is on occasion really) but that wouldn't account for every situation.

All psyches are completely intertwined and strongly affected by S&S. CBeebies is no different. Even the same setting and (subjectively) a pretty much identical set with an identical dose can show a surprising degree of variability. Just one of those things. If you up the dose (redosing works fine with 2C-B, in my experience) then the visuals almost inevitably follow. But otherwise it would be down to the balance of probabilities as determined by S&S, I'd say. The probability of mindblowing visuals tends to be pretty high with decent quality Sea Bees though.
Yes, the dose should have been spot on for both capsules. We both found though that our emotional state didn't alter too much, unlike previous experiences, until we had a few spliffs. After this we both went into the most intense fits of laughter either of us have ever experienced, and at one point i could visuals my thoughts as an endless corridor with 2 doors at either end and what I chose to say would flow through these doors, essentially allowing me to see how my thoughts were linked together. So, actually, I guess it was a pretty great experience looking back on it, just different.
Yes, the dose should have been spot on for both capsules. We both found though that our emotional state didn't alter too much, unlike previous experiences, until we had a few spliffs. After this we both went into the most intense fits of laughter either of us have ever experienced, and at one point i could visuals my thoughts as an endless corridor with 2 doors at either end and what I chose to say would flow through these doors, essentially allowing me to see how my thoughts were linked together. So, actually, I guess it was a pretty great experience looking back on it, just different.
Experiences can vary drastically, be it from your set and setting, the foods/drugs you've consumed, to your expectations of the upcoming trip. Our expectations sometimes are just one of those things that leaves us left a little disappointed once in a while. If we don't just let ourselves fall into the ride we've already chosen, it's not to hard to fall into such a state of mind. I will say, I am kinda prone to such thoughts, so I do have periods of trips, especially acid where I may accidentally fall into such a state of mind. Its never anything terrible, but it can put down the experience where I'm just making it a bit duller.

Sometimes it is nice to have some sort of short acting psychotropic that can be used on to of an trip. DMT is one of my favorites, especially since the cross tolerance between DMT and other psychedelics is minimal. Ketamine, nitrous, or weed (of course don't combine nitrous and k, apparently there has been to be some neurotoxicity involved with that combo)
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^ Yeah, set&setting definitely apply to 2C-B. But are you sure that you correctly measured the doses? Also, do you take any medication(like antidepressant or antipsychotic)?

no i am currently not on any anit-depressents or anti psychotics, i guess it must have just been set and setting, however, both of us felt much more 'intense' after 1) sitting up and 2) after a spliff. MUCH more after a spliff. in a good way though. like cider and ice, 2-cb and bud should just go hand in hand. I GUESS I'll just have to go into my next experience in a different set and setting, despite last nights being pretty much perfect (my own home and nice day out).

I have previously consumed 2-CB, three times before (starting at 15 mg working my way up to 20 mg on my last experience). My last experience was pretty astounding in terms of the visuals. Colours of the room swaying around like a tie dye t-shirt or watercolours, morphing and intense CEV's. Okay, so me and my girl both had 20 mg each last night on empty stomachs. However last night I only felt like i'd taken 15 mg or less dose, only seeing slight patterning in the carpet really. Where as my girl was just tripping out very intensely having an amazing time. I shouldn't have a tolerance as I keep use a month apart at the least. So my thoughts were does set and setting apply greatly to 2-CB, Like with other psychedelics? Any help would be appreciated.

Yes, the dose should have been spot on for both capsules. We both found though that our emotional state didn't alter too much, unlike previous experiences, until we had a few spliffs. After this we both went into the most intense fits of laughter either of us have ever experienced, and at one point i could visuals my thoughts as an endless corridor with 2 doors at either end and what I chose to say would flow through these doors, essentially allowing me to see how my thoughts were linked together. So, actually, I guess it was a pretty great experience looking back on it, just different.

um, well
well, um
Sometimes you get a more powerful trip than expected and sometimes it's weaker. There are a lot of factors involved, there is always some unpredictability... You might just attribute it to set & setting, sure - that covers a LOT of territory if you realize it. We are not always equally sensitive to suggestion either, it can have something to do with what you experienced lately... if it opens you up then you can get a different trip than when you become introverted or something like that.

Merged already if you don't mind.
I just took a very, very tiny dose of this stuff. I put all the powder I had in a capsule to save for another time, then rinsed the dish in water and drank it. Very few visible particles at all, I didn't expect to even feel anything from it. But I am higher than a kite! Is it possible to feel at <2 mg? This is just insane!
IME, it is entirely possible to become sensitized to the effects of low-dose 2C-x, depending on your own dosing habit (for tolerance) and existing neurochemistry.

Someone unaccustomed to looking for the specific acts of the drug might not notice it, or not be able to distinguish it from placebo.
I just took a very, very tiny dose of this stuff. I put all the powder I had in a capsule to save for another time, then rinsed the dish in water and drank it. Very few visible particles at all, I didn't expect to even feel anything from it. But I am higher than a kite! Is it possible to feel at <2 mg? This is just insane!

Careful to mark that capsule. I've read some crazy stories of people mistaking their remaining stash for a pre-measured dose. 8o
Careful to mark that capsule. I've read some crazy stories of people mistaking their remaining stash for a pre-measured dose. 8o

Well. I wasn't going to admit this but since you brought it up.

I've ordered a .001g scale but it hasn't arrived yet. So I used my .1g scale to get an approximation of what I had, knowing that it would not be super accurate. I measured the powder at .2g. "Oh," thought I, "I have around 20mg. Cool." I debated taking it right then and there, but I wasn't having a very good day so I thought it might not be the best idea to trip, so I put it in a capsule to save.

It wasn't until several hours later that it dawned on me, .2g is 200mg, not 20mg! I sure am glad I didn't pop that capsule.
Hehe. A vaguely related cautionary tale...

I did measure mine correctly but unfortunate circumstance and sloppy packaging meant I ended up with a 300-500mg dose surprise just a week or so back. Turned out to be sublime but could have been horrific. Moral of the tale being to measure your *things* accurately (natch) and make sure they are very well sealed if you are at even the slightest risk of being in a situation that requires you having to swallow large amounts temporarily in the assumption you will shortly be able to recover them with no problem. Yes you can usually throw them up with almost no hassle if all goes well... but all does not always go so well and can give you quite a surprise. Mine turned out to be a pretty good surprise somehow. I doubt it would always work out so well...
Wow. That's quite the dose. 2C-B was found to be safe at about 100 mg in PiHKAL, but 300-500 mg is a while different matter. It's good to hear that it didn't seem too dangerous physically. Did you have any tolerance to 2Cs?
I did indeed. Should've mentioned that too. Rough tolerance ratio was ~100mg for a "standard" dose of the same batch of 2C-B. My standards tend to be pretty high to start off with though. Hard to define but I had tolerance most would consider to be high-very high but even so that was one hell of a trip 8o

The visuals at that level deserve the Nobel Prize for Godliness though :D

There was also 100-200mg of 2C-D in there. But no more than 500mg max in total of both leaked, imo. The remnants were available the next day and there was definitely some of both left... but wasn't too keen on probing the poo deeply enough to say for sure how much was left...
I'm wondering if 20mg of 2CB, taken orally, would be a good starter dose (at a music event)? I haven't tripped in a long time, but this seems like an easy drug, no?

Also, any input on whether mixing 10mg of 2CB & 100mg of MDMA powder is a worthy combination?
this is good news :)

That's a second from me. Brilliant news.

Hehe. A vaguely related cautionary tale...

I did measure mine correctly but unfortunate circumstance and sloppy packaging meant I ended up with a 300-500mg dose surprise just a week or so back. Turned out to be sublime but could have been horrific. Moral of the tale being to measure your *things* accurately (natch) and make sure they are very well sealed if you are at even the slightest risk of being in a situation that requires you having to swallow large amounts temporarily in the assumption you will shortly be able to recover them with no problem. Yes you can usually throw them up with almost no hassle if all goes well... but all does not always go so well and can give you quite a surprise. Mine turned out to be a pretty good surprise somehow. I doubt it would always work out so well...

The visuals at that level deserve the Nobel Prize for Godliness though :D


The remnants were available the next day and there was definitely some of both left... but wasn't too keen on probing the poo deeply enough to say for sure how much was left...

Haha =D

Funny, thank you. :)
After extensive Googling, I have determined that 15mg would probably be an optimal starter dose in a club setting. Any input on this? I don't have any built up tolerance to hallucinogens and have only been doing MDMA here and there.