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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(2C-B/17 mg) First time: Dancing colors and delightful music


Jul 2, 2010
This will be my first trip report in a while, its been some time since i last wrote one so bear with me, and excuse my mistakes.

Im in my late 20s, with a little over a year of experience with varios substances, a vast majority of them being psychedelics. My favourite would be tryptamines (mushrooms) then LSD (which i love, but is mostly for special occasions), then methylone and others, rcs from tryptamines to 2cs.

Before the trip i had been off psychedelics for around a month, and had 3 weeks prior used methylone (which i do in ~180mg dose, no redose). As a note, i must say im rather sensitive to all psychedelics, with low doses getting me pretty far, but mostly trips last quite a while for me, especially 2cs. A 2ce trip for me is at least 9h, and 2cd lasted for around 7-8.

The trip was a little planned. I knew the setting would be right for tripping (a live concert in a small pub, with a close friend and other people that would be slightly drunk), safe environment. I decided on a low dose to be able to remain in control. I also had a sober friend to take care of me in case things started to roll out of control and some benzo for safety only (ive never had to use it). The initial planned dose was ~15mg, but it was perhaps slightly higher ~17mg, due to weighing dificulties.

I dropped in my house, before the event, parachuting the powder with some water chasing it. A very light sandwich was had 2 hours prior, as well as a couple of vitamins, and a half tablet of aspirin (i had slight muscle aches due to some physical work).

T+15mins. Very first alerts. Nothing visual, nothing in particular, jsut something is happening

T+45mins. Things are definetly moving along now. I can feel my body reacting differently to the environment.
By now we had already arrived at the venue, and the main event was kicking off. Some friends were on mdma, and they were also just coming up. Seeing them smile made me smile as well, and i felt connected somehow.

T+1:20. The effects are strong by now. Slight nausea, coming in waves, followed by euphoria, but not rushing euphoria of mdxx, more like a pleasure in everything that is happening.
The music is wonderful, the beats seem closer to the hear, everythng seems right. I feel like dancing, but refrain because i feel some muscle tension. Yet i am not paranoid, nor afraid. I can get lost in the crowd and still feel at ease. Even unknown drunkards around fail to disturb me. I smile and let them be, i feel understanding.
Visually, there is only slight morphing, some wall breathing, and the paintings on the wall appear jewell like, brand new. I can almost control the way i see color, and concert lights look playful. I am not lost in the visions, but they are impossible to ignore. I am able to navigate well despite this.
Sometimes during this time i begin to see how this would be a wonderful sex enhancer. Rubbing against others during the show feels sooo right, like hte first touches of discovering a new lover.

T+2:40 The concert is finished, and i am very satisfied.
Felt in connection with the band, with the music, with the crowd. However, the hustle of people getting out is disconcerting, and i feel a bit like being alone, with some other friends (that i do not want to know i trip). I decide to leave and go for a walk home.
Speaking with people is like on all psychedelics, difficult. It can be interesting and playful difficult, but also annoyingly so. This was the former, and didnt raise suspicion from the operators of the venue.
Visually, colors continued to seem brighter, and walking home, every store window seemed like an opening to a fair ride, the lighting apparently there to entice me to just go in :) it was very playful. Every feeling towards places was enhanced. Walking by a river brought back memories of walks with girlfriends and with it the feelings of comfort and young love.
Auditory, the silence of the outside was in stark contrast with the frenzy of before. It was quite relaxing, and i could almost feel my ear muscles relaxing, or contracting to hear something.
Emotionally it was interesting, with memories being tightly connected with feelings, however it lacked the depth of a mushroom trip, i didnt feel connected with the world, more with just myself.
As side effects, i noticed an increase in yawning and slight nausea, that, again, came and went in waves, with some phlegm needing spitting. Also, I had by this point to had any appetite, nor could i drink anything other than a few sips of water.

T+3:20 Home, in the darkness, with headphones on
I decided to take a shower to clean off some of the tabacco smoke smell on me, and see what hot water feels like. It was interesting, but not as powerful as say LSD enhances a hot shower

Music appreciation was incredible. Associatated with very very clear and intricate CEVs, it made for a spectacular show. All the while I was wondering why this hadnt happened outside. Set and setting I presume.
OEV were not as strong, mainly because i was in a dark room. Indeed, i do get visuals like that on mushrooms, but here it wasnt the case. Surfaces seemed to glow at times, and some neon colors appeared around corners, but really, it is in the minds eye, closed eye, where the visual magic of this substance was found.

A big plus was that i regained my appetite. Munching on some fruit was nice, but with chocolate i was rolling on the floor with pleasure. Agian, this wasnt an incotrolable pleasure that i assume one gets from opiates, but more like the enjoyment of something to the maximum, like a kid getting the perfect present for his birthday

The erotic is tempting. Sexual thoughts come and go, and it is only because i decide to not channel this energy that i cant fully describe that part of the drug. I was just enjoying the music too much, but could easily have decided to perform, had the company been appropriate... ;)

T+5:30 The effects are slowly fading, again in waves, with nausea being the first to subside. After 1h after no nausea is felt, the comedown is evident, and i feel tired in the early hours of the morning.
Some hydration, some food, and a brush of teeth and i fall asleep without the need for anything else, ~6:20h after dosing.

Next morning i wake up tired, after few hours of sleep (work came up) and felt distracted for a few hours. Some sleep later on in the day and i felt fine, with no negative nor positive afterglow.

There are some things that i loved and some i didnt like about this substance:

-CEVs that are wonderful
-music appreciation
-mostly clearheaded
-potential sex enhancer
-appetite present in the second part of the trip
-no apparent negative hangover

didnt like:
-still some body load reminiscent of other 2cs, but muscle tension is waaay lower for me than 2ci
-nausea, though not incapacitating, it can get distracting, and i suspect it gets worse with higher doses. staggering the doses might help
-i couldnt remember everything. i know part of trips will forever remain there, in that moment, but i really wished to remember some of the patterns, and unfortunately, despite efforts to keep in mind things, i failed to do so (what i mean heere is that i wanted to remember a certain song for instance, or the way a certain statue on the way back looked like and still i couldnt remember). this happenes with other drugs too ofc, but to a much lesser extent with tryptamines and lsd for me, and much greater for 2cs.
-no afterglow. I usually enjoy the days after a trip (like mushrooms) because i feel slightly up, or still a bit in tune with music or people, but this trip left me with no such feelings.

Overall I loved this chemical. It is by far the best recreational 2c ive had, and second in preferance to 2ce for me (which is more visual and a bit more moagical for me, but i use it very very rarely). Still, for an outing I would go for an even lower dose in the future, while for a stay at home trip I could easily see myself up the dose.

This trip is also a good example that again shows that some people react just differently to chemicals. I was all but convinced that tryptamines are a far better match for my brain than 2cs, but 2cb showed me that i might be wrong. Will try it again
I always felt like the 2c's were easier on the brain than tryptamines. For the most part(leaving 2c-p out of the equation) they provide an easier trip with a little extra body load.
2c-b is one of the only 2c's I haven't sampled. Good report :)
i loves me some 2c-b. great report. you can allay some of the muscle tension with a magnesium supplement.
ive tried magnesium supplements, as well as various other supplements. they dont really work wonders, maybe a little better if you already had a slight defficiency. i feel they are better used to feel ok/not as drained the following day than anything else. thats just my experience.

2cb was indeed an easy trip, but some tryptamines can offer similar ones (like 4 aco mipt)