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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(25i-Nbome/ 600ug)+(hydrocodone/ 10mg) First time combo: Naked Ape


Mar 23, 2015
This is my first trip report and first bluelight post.
Hopefully my writing isn't too scattered or noobish to read haha Well here i go!

Okay, so just to give a little background I am a student who is fairly skinny with a bit of an average health. I have had a fair amount of experimentation with substances which includes (in order): amphetamine salts, Cannabis, Salvia Divinorum, Morning Glory, DXM, Cocaine, DMT, Mushrooms, MDMA, Harmaline, 25i-NBOME, AL-LAD, Ambien, Alcohol, Alprazolam, Hydrocodone, LSD, and there’s a few missing from that list that have escaped my memory at this moment. (I just counted this recently too . . .) I tend to delve into psychedelics more than anything so everything else on that list is kept to minimal use if ever more than once.
The occurrence of this trip is what you could probably call the result of an impulse decision. It had been raining for the second time in forever in California. Because of this, I made a trade at school with a friend who had obtained a whole bottle of Norco. He gave me 4 10mg pills for some RC’s I had at my disposal. (I can’t get over how well developed the symbiotic relationships among students are.)I ended up taking one of the WATSON 853 pills soon after this trade was made. I’m fairly sensitive to them so it doesn't take much to give me an effect which I can be content with. By the time school had ended I still felt comfortable and cozy due to after effects. For a while I spent time with friends in the rain at Sonic (the fast food restaurant) till they all departed. As I sat there at 5:30 watching the cars go by, I contemplated taking a second Norco. I figured “what the hell” and popped it in my mouth.

T+0:00 I decided I would go to a Mexican market in the area and buy some steak, soda, sauce and etc. During this time there were still no apparent effects. I got home, cooked, and made myself a burrito with guacamole, rice, and steak. About an hour had gone by when I felt a warm blanketing feeling come upon my body. I was on my second burrito. While eating it I was thinking about how 25i and hydrocodone would mix. It sounded like a weird idea considering that one is an opioid and the other a psychedelic which are way different, obviously. I remembered reading about Timothy Leary’s Eight-circuit model of consciousness and started thinking about how Opioids activate the 1st circuit and psychedelics activate the 6th-8th. This made me curious so after I finished eating I went up to my room to go check if anyone had done it before. To my surprise I couldn't find anything when I googled it. Not on Erowid or bluelight. I wanted to know.

T+1:30 I went to my stash and pulled out my tabs. I cut off only half of one which is supposed to be 1000ug although I recon they were probably around 1200ug because of past experience with tabs. I shoved it up in my gums and waited while listening to some Talk to Animals. I began to feel a bit cold. This is normal for 25i. My temperature regulation goes a little bit nuts. It’s not terrible but, made me uncomfortable. This was actually a bit unusual on a low dose (I ended up getting effects that were as intense as taking a whole tab later) My room may also have been cold but I’m not sure. My thought processes also raced a bit.

T+1:50 I was coming up faster than I usually do. I tried to play my guitar but it sounded way louder than it should have due to my altered perceptions. The Norco was at full effect and now the muscle tension crept on. When I was thinking about how the two chemicals would mix I guessed that the hydro would relax me and completely dodge the muscle tension, fidgeting, and other effects that make my antsy during my 25i trips. Boy was I wrong. The tension came with full force. There was all this this tightening of my neck, my back, my legs, just everything. There was something about it though. Something different that just completely baffled me. Instead of reducing the tension, the opioid made all my muscles feel fuzzy and comfortable AS THEY CLENCHED UP. This was such an awkward position to be in. Even with this fuzzy comfort I still felt cold. I was a walking contradiction.

T+2:10 It got too cold and I decided that I was going to take a warm shower. I went over to my closet to get my cloths. My mind was roaming and I wound up going back and forth to my closet then my bathroom several times to get everything I was going to wear. I remember that at one point I just stood in the middle of my room staring at my bed completely forgetting the task at hand. I was pretty amused when I realized this.

T+2:20 I went into my bathroom and shut the door. It was really odd to all of a sudden be in a smaller room but the Norco was in effect so it didn’t really bother me. So before I went in the shower I stared at myself in the mirror. I watched these pastel colors twist around my face in triangular spiral patterns. These patterns would tighten up and duplicate making a finer texture then revert to their original basic state over and over again. Also, color of the spirals came from the surfaces that they were on. In my peripheral vision there were these waving motions that acted as a sort of frame.
This visual activity absolutely mesmerized me and I began to transcend into a dazed meditative state. Going deeper and deeper into it, the next thing I noticed was the bathroom fan gradually getting louder. It continued until a point where the sound almost seemed to break. It fractured into bits like those made by a computer. As if the 25i was circuit bending my audio input. These sounds were moving closer to me then further in a slow but steady pace.

T+2:35 I got a bit lost and kind of snapped out of my trance to look around for a reality check. The surfaces of the bathroom started to shrink and expand in a sort of rapid breathing similar to that experienced on other psychedelics except this was more focused on small details (like where walls met and where there was litter on the floor from my cat’s box). The morphing of the surfaces was way less mechanical than 25i has ever been. Usually it behaves very systematically (some of you may have experienced the same thing) but this time was different and I fell in love! By the time I was done soaking in all that was going on before my eyes, I realized that the sounds I had heard earlier were forming an organic feel of their own. If I hadn't known better I would have thought I found myself stuck in the middle of an intergalactic highway.

T+2:40 So now that I was in the middle of space traffic standing as a naked ape, I shuffled over three feet (what seemed like miles away) to my tub. I turned on the water and I passed my hands through, trying to find a comfortable temperature. I found that temperature was no longer something I understood. My body could not regulate for crap at this point. This is where a seemingly small predicament of mine of mine blew out of proportion. It was larger than any idea my mind could grasp in that one moment when I had realized what had just happened. I broke at that point. I could not understand how to measure the temperature so . . . now that I had no preference, temperature was a realm of infinite possibilities. Within seconds my mind was trying to measure every other intoxicated environmental feedback that I experienced in the moments before. I was trying to find the perfect perspective of these experiences just like I was trying to find the perfect temperature of water earlier. This was going on for every small detail I could remember. I had entered a loop and my mind was now in what I can only describe as a mess for the next 4 hours . . . If there ever existed an archetypal embodiment of the word “mess” . . . that’s what it would be.

T+7:00I took an hour shower and got lost in the internet while looking around at hallucinations up until now. I felt so fried that I gave in to my exhaustion and went to sleep
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Note of its effects on my psyche (noob understanding): So getting back to the topic of Timothy Leary’s Circuits of consciousness I think I may know what happened although my theory might be a little speculative in nature because I do not have an advanced understanding of Leary’s work. So psychedelics for the most part dissolve or allow access to metaprogramming of ourselves and give us an understanding of the infinite as a concept. In early stages of life the first imprint to be made is on our bio survival circuit which is influenced when we take in projections from the outer world, persons, or places (etc.) and begin to decide whether they are OK or NOT OK. When the world or other source of projections is OK the individual develops what Robert Anton Wilson has described as infophilia, in which case the individual is constantly searching/ wanting more information and content. The NOT OK imprint does the opposite and causes infophobic tendencies. Generally one does not get stuck on the extremities of having either a NOT OK or OK imprint but instead is somewhere in-between. This circuit, as I mentioned earlier, is said to be activated by opioids.

Now, why is this all important to properly describing the psychological effects experienced in my trip? Well I think that the 25i may have let my consciousness expand into many multiplying thoughts. Pretty much a fractal of thought processes. &The hydro pushed my consciousness to try to decide what perspective of my ideas were ok or not okay even though they kept multiplying and changing. I could not decide how I felt mentally although my mind was trying to grasp a comfortable way of thinking.

(Disclaimer: these may just be dumb 25i thoughts but I thought I might entertain them.)

Hope you enjoyed reading :)
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Nice report, thanks for sharing. :) So the dose was actually ~600ug of 25i, right? For some reason the thread title says 1200ug. I'll change it.
Yea, I had typed in the wrong dose and couldn't change the thread title so thanks haha new here
I enjoyed the report, super descriptive! Being a light weight, did you find any nausea from the hydrocodone? I'm a light weight myself and anything above 15mg gives me terrible nausea!
Thanks :) and I don't really get nauseous from hydrocodone. I've taken up to 30mg but most of the time i like to dose 20mg and re-dose 10mg throughout the day if i can(Note: no opiate tolerance, use once in a while). Tho there was one time i did which was a day that I smoked too many cigarettes and dosed on an empty stomach.
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