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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

25i-NBOMe ~ 1500mic


Apr 6, 2014
Hi All,

I thought I would share my very first trip report with the community, apologies in advance if it won't be in the usual/expected format.

First of all I have to say I grew up in an era where you actually (more or less) knew what you were sold, and the qualities of E's ($,$$,dagobert,superman) Speed and most importantly LSD (cycling hoffman, Cat, double wizard etc...) were great. Nowadays I am off bad things and very rarely use drugs, but I still like tripping from time to time, I guess it will just stay like that for the rest of my life :)

I am a great fan of shrooms, and I just love LSD. It's so much fun and laugh, and then the great philosophical thought at the end it's just awesome. Except coming down, but you can ease that by popping a couple of Vals.

Anyway to the point. Why am I telling all this? because my first experience with 25i-nbmoe was at a goa party (bought before the party) where I was mis-sold this stuff as LSD. A little twist to the story that I also drank a Golden Teacher/Atlantis truffle tea combo as I had long been thinking about trying the two together. It was an epic fail, as the trip was just somehow weird. What was really weird, that when the shrooms worn off I was still high from something I was seeing stuff but not like on acid, and what really scared me the most my mind was clear I could clearly talk to people I know about what was going on around me yet I was still fucked up. And then in the morning when I went home I saw these weird fractals when I closed my eyes and couldn't sleep, so I had to reach out for Dr. Vals again to fall asleep :) It wasn't a great party at all and I was very confused of what happened to me as it was anything like it before. Also I felt very very down for few days after.

Anyway my younger brother is a breed of new generation, and he experiments with these exotic stuffs and I tried 5-meo-mipt, DMT. He orders the stuff from a site and so far the quality was always good. I can't say I like 5-meo much it was ok, and DMT scared me a lot, as when I smoke it, it pumps up my blood pressure to 180 and it's just very aggressive stuff (a few good tiny hits while on shrooms are good though). I always wanted to go to South America for an Ayahuasca trip in a shaman-controlled environment but now I am not sure :/

Now to the real point. He got 25i-nbmoe from the same place, we diluted it in vodka an started the experiment to discover our tolerance to this new stuff. I know it doesn't make sense but we started with a small dose (400mic) and then redosed in small quantities ended up taking ~1500 mic together. First used makeshift blotters, then just simply sprayed the liquid under our tongue from the syringe and kept it there for a while then circled it around in the mouth cavity like if it was a mouth wash. Again it was an experiment to see what the tolerance is as we read a lot on this stuff, and we were very cautious about it. For like others it kicked it like an E then nothing really happened for 2-3 hours so we kept upping the antes until the giggling and stuff finally started. Then I had all sorts of movements in my peripheral view and a bit of waving and colour blurs going around. Then my bro went para, I was ok giggling and feeling cool and wanted to take more but since he didn't, I stopped too. Few hours went by and some came up and I was still feeling weird and went para myself a little bit, but it wasn't anything like on acid, the visuals weren't so intense and what freaked me out that I was completely organised I could think logically while still feeling high and seeing things at the same time. I know it sounds stupid but we didn't smoke any weed as I am completely off it as I just got sick of it (it happens to me from time to time that I am off for shorter longer or periods, sometimes for even years but then I always fall back :) )

It wasn't until this point where did I realise, that this was the stuff what I was sold as acid before the goa party. All the time/effect patterns matched up and the shitty morning feeling was identical. I think I don't like this stuff as it messes with my mind, and somehow expose my real normal self to the madness it brings, unlike with acid or shrooms where you don't know what the hell is going on, where you are or who you are, and you just go with the crazy flow of events. I don't think this does any good to your mental state on a prolonged basis, and I can't feel that universal satisfaction and inner peace like after a trip on acid or shrooms.

I am not sure if this was because of the experimental small doses or this is the nature of this stuff, I would welcome any view on this from experts, but at this point I think I will cease any further experimenting with these things and advised the same to my bro. Also I promised myself I will no longer buy chems as these days everything is shit (as far as my place is concerned, which is not USA or Netherland) and will keep to shrooms only. Shrooms are great I love them, but I love(d) acid even more as I think that brings the real fun. It's a pity I can't know what shit one will sell me next time so I think it's better just not to take it at all anymore. (I heard it's prolly because they caught that guy in Canada who'd been pretty much supplying the whole world with LSD)

The overall conclusion is, I don't think I will try 25i-NBOMe again and the rest will probably goes down the drain (still hesitating so wpuld be good to get some advice)
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what freaked me out that I was completely organised I could think logically while still feeling high and seeing things at the same time.

This doesn't sound that unnerving.

This doesn't sound that unnerving.


Well it was to me. All I was trying to say that this is some very very strange stuff, that I never experienced before. Honestly I thought I went skizo or something, as long after the peak I was hearing noises in my head and seeing stuff running around me then these endlessly zooming fractals when I closed my eyes, while felt totally normal. I think if we had started with a high dose straight away the trip would have been much better, but the comedown is still scary.

I had a bad trip on acid before, I took mescaline where I was honestly praying after 10 hours to let it be over, and took so much shrooms that I could only lie on the ground in the middle of a forest with tremors all over my body and completely out of my mind, but I was never ever so scared in my life that something irreversible happened inside my brain...