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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

25D-NBOMe First time - 2.4 mg


Jun 5, 2008
25D-NBOMe First time - 2.4 mg. No Title...

*I took a very large dose. Having never experimented with compound before, this is very foolish, but I had faith I'd be okay. Start low. Gradually build up. Then practice methods of titrating dose, perhaps. That's what I'm going to do, if I decide to experiment again.

[I did try to put times down, but as can be expected, it's hard to put it down past a certain point, and so is the experience. I could try, but I want to keep this concise for read-ability. I may decide to bring more thoughts to this, later, if I feel compelled.]

[edit: tried to edit in a title, but doesn't show up. i prefer no title.]


~150 lbs, 6 feet/183 cm
30 years old

2.4 mg, ~200 mics, ~400 mics


Have sampled 2C-E, 2C-D, and DOC for relative psychedelics use. 2C-E and D were used quite a couple of times, and DOC once or twice.
LSD, Mushrooms, AMT, 4-AcO-DMT, HBWR seeds
Nitrous (once, or so)
Others, including opium, a few pain-killers, xanax, valium, an amphetamine.
First altered state experience other than alcohol, and nicotine, and perhaps some more "natural" modes of state-altering occurring (and when put to sleep in surgeries, and dental stuff/nitrous and other drugs, when younger), occurred while using Dramamine pills. I ate 17 of them. Not a great experience, but it intrigued me, and I think I found Erowid and Bluelight due process. I became very interested in LSD.

I would not say I am a heavy user of any of these, except Cannabis, and have an interest in psychedelic experiences/drugs, which I occasionally get to entertain.


Prior to this experience, in the day I had been cleaning my place to make room for myself, for the night. My most recent experiences have been with others, and have went well. This one is different. I'm alone, and it's on a different class of molecule.

I purchased a stereo system for my television- something I had been considering doing, but in hindsight may not have been the best option... but it was nice in the experience.

I spent a couple of hours getting the right cords and everything, as it didn't come with all needed... I was slightly stressed.

Initial plan was to finish everything up, and then dose- but decided to dose before, feeling I'd just come into the experience.


~8 P.M.=T+0- I have brushed my gum-line, a little hard. Some blood produced. I place three 800 mic blotters on the wound/upper gumline. 2.4 mg.

T+10 minutes- An alert was felt in this time, definitely. Probably at 5 minutes or less. I have taken out the trash, and noticed visuals already. Nothing much, but definitely altered. Walking is difficult. I start to feel the vasoconstriction. The left side of my body has an especially hard time with it. Feels very strange. I wonder how it feels to be de-fibbed, in that instant (electrocuted?)?

T+13 minutes- I'm back up in my apartment, and pacing around. I'm trying to find something to enjoy, but I can't get over the fact that I just ate some chemical that I would have rather not. That's how I felt at this point. Everything yelled "mistake"- but I did try to exercise myself gracefully.

Did try to take my heart beat, and found it too difficult/"impossible".
Had a very real feeling that it would be totally normal for me to go to the ER, and ask for help. My mind was very clear at this point (but in a state of anxiety/panic, but trusting that that's what it is, and that the side effects, like similar psychedelics exhibited in form, will pass.). The effects were mainly physically-felt in origin...

It didn't help, that I was going, all day, up until that point, and suddenly I'm trying to put on the brakes?

I error.

The trip definitely made me mind my body.

Sometime around T+20 minutes, I stripped naked, and laid on the floor, trying to get comfortable. I had been sweating. I continued. My AC was running. Soon shut it off, and changed positions/locations, perhaps. Took look out the window, but I know I went back to a cocoon- if I could, for some time.

Muscles twitched all over, like waves, but this went away when I relaxed on the floor.

I think I stayed there until T+2:30-3 Hours. I was just trying to wait out this uncomfortable period, that I was having trouble handling. I needed to relax. Dosed way high, way fast. I don't even think I had it on my gums 20 minutes, maybe not 15, before spitting it out

I advise those trying this chemical to start low, as has been advised- that I foolishly disregarded.

After I got up from laying down, I think I showered at some point, thought really hard about some things, tried to smoke marijuana- but my body rejected the smoke.... pain signals through my left side. Did have some before this one in mind, but wasn't satisfied with the draw quality of it- rolled too little. Was difficult to do.

After attempt with larger joint- to smoke, and rejected, tried my pocket vaporizer- an all glass piece that you have to manually heat with a lighter, just right. Suddenly, after having it a week and not being satisfied with how it hit/the experience, I really enjoyed it. I understood the skill, the finesse, and the intake of this herb became a lot more enjoyable. My body didn't reject the vapor any more than it did regular breathing, which hurt anyways still sometimes.

Lots of teaching. Seeing.

Paid a lot of attention to letters, and characters, and words, and my thoughts just came out- and to me, they were like kinetic. It was all. I remember 2C-D touched similar areas, with language/characters. Once, on that, I saw characters appear on my skin, while looking in the mirror. I saw these characters form, and they became rather static... as if I could take my eyes away and put them back again, and the same character would be in the same spot (and mirror, and directly at skin). They seemed like a language I knew before I knew english, or a language from a reality that is under this one, a first language, at least relatively- That's how it felt... like something I learned a long time ago- though not a long time- as a child, in a ways this feeling. I recognized the symbols- they evoked a definite "familiar" feeling about them. My entire body seemed starred with them, written all over it, and their placement was just right. Everything was placed with purpose, function... some way.

This didn't go quite there- that I noticed, in this experience, but definitely enjoyed typing in the PD thread some bits of my stream of consciousness, and writing briefly, physically, on a notebook sheet that I had been using to roll weed on. Got a lot of enjoyment out of writing.

A concert ticket's letters/numbers all jumped out at me, in ways I found special.

Lots of reflection about Life, Death, Girls, Family, Friends, and Others.

At times I felt I was/was in a star/"black hole"... singularity... process...
Quantum singularity (literally and figuratively). This felt very similar to something experienced on DOC, and perhaps LSD, and other drugs, too, but those two come to mind. DOC did first.


At Approximately T+8:30 HR, additional ~200 micrograms.

Minor visuals, grinning, good feelings. Humor. Play halo. Am playing rather well, and enjoy it. Vaporize more marijuana. Might have listened to some music. Began that sometime earlier.

Two-Three hours later, possibly, I take an additional ~400 mics.

Activity is once again noticed- this time much more prominent. Within first five-ten minutes again an alert. I still see things moving (heck, I still do, many hours later, sort of- wouldn't say it's actually moving). More mental effects this time, too. Goes very well with vaporizing marijuana. A lot more gentle, as expected, but still strong, considering I just dosed not long ago. I imagine had I taken another 2.4 mg I'd be ... out there. Just to comment on seeming tolerance, or lack of. Of course- the effects wouldn't be the same, but I found it easy to re-dose, and much gentler.

But not as deep- but much warmer.



T+21 hours, or so: As I had dosed again in the morning at around 5-530 A.M., and again at around 7:30 A.M., or 8-8:30 (I forget, yea.), I was still going, a little. Very subtle, but there. Sometimes, impressively active, still...

I decide to vaporize some marijuana, and have the thought to do an I-Ching reading. I ponder my question, as I heat the glass. It comes quickly- It is a similar question that I always ask, but with more dimension, perhaps. The hexagrams I drew were, once again, right on the money. As my method has only been by a deck of cards, the way I happened to draw them, I just stopped shuffling, after quite a bit of it. It was very natural, at this time. I decided to take the card closest to me the top of the deck. This was simultaneously with deciding to stop shuffling, as I felt the card- my first action taking to put it somewhere, but as soon as I felt it, the feeling changed. Put the card down.

Hexagram 22. What has been called "Grace".

I read about it in my book. The words hit me. Many would, but it was on the subject. In tandem with the next card that I pulled, which happened to be the bottom-most card. I had micro-glanced it accidentally. I didn't to my knowledge register anything, but I felt I should take it. It was a decision, but when it came time, it felt right. I considered that I already chose it, in the very slight glance in the corner of my eye, that the fact that I considered it, was enough to rest on that one.

Hexagram 3: "Sprouting" is one name.

Lines of change, and the information offered in regard, hit on my state, precisely. I'm too afraid to act on it, and it even included this, saying I was too reserved, and that she recognizes me, and doesn't see me as I seem to see myself- as not having anything to offer her (in respects, but this feeling is definitely about, frequently.)

The question I asked was something to do with Yahweh... the general Idea was to give me something resonant- something I know- that I know what it means. And something Yahweh would tell me. I just wanted him to tell me something. One of the easiest to read, but also the freshest in memory.


Some other thoughts about stuff that happened/Retrospective:
The one time I went outside, after tripping out on the floor for hours, I could definitely see it had a lot to offer visually. Not that I didn't see it in here, but out here, there was a lot more to see.. different. Stars, moon, lots of color, trees, lights everywhere. I took some seconds to witness- it was all very intense, and nice, but made my way back inside, where I must have wrote, and paced around tripping. I was pretty much enjoying it, by T+3 HR, or so, on, but still dealt with negative side effects (vasoconstriction/and or pain in my left side of my body- something I get sometimes anyways, but was a lot harder to ignore, and easier to aggravate, seemingly.).

I would definitely say it was another peak experience. Much of what was experienced I don't feel like approaching right now, precisely, of course- as it would take a lot of time to, perhaps only very crudely, explain any of it. If you want any of that, I have a post in PD- a stream of consciousness, of sorts that I updated throughout the trip. Not that it really covers it, either.

I would attempt to experiment again, but at a lower dose, and titrated, introducing as gradually as I feel I should, starting small, "introducing", to minimize these side effects, and to allow me to better work with/accept it. I am curious if I can get it right, to where I won't feel what I felt this time. 2C-E, I had a few really, really good low-dose trips on it- that were good feelings, and everything, so I imagine this stuff could do well at a lower dosage, introduced gradually, or this high of a dose introduced even more gradually.

I imagine there could be a better setting, and I could have entered the experience differently, to ease things as well. I feel I missed a lot, because of the intensity of the side effects for much of it. Later redosing with very small doses proved effective as a pleasure enhancer with manageable side effects on it's own, but those could have been residual.

There was jaw tension with this chemical. I didn't feel as fluid on it as I did on other chems (like, my ability to move, and dance, fluidly, with things), but I am only able to compare to tryptamines, as other phenethylamines aren't fresh in memory. But, I don't remember them being as "fluid", either. But it could have been the dose, too, really... Very high, for me.

The following day, 8/29, I am feeling okay, in regard to anything that could be involved with tripping, and the vasoconstriction pain/feelings didn't carry over. And, in-fact, the headache that I have had for a week or so prior, has diminished. I can't claim that 25D-NBOMe had anything to do with it, but the timing coincided. I had thought that it may have been allergies, or pressure changes in the environment, or the weed I was smoking. I also did around a 40 hour fast- which is the longest I've gone. I felt I could have gone longer, but having to work today, I wanted to get back to it.

I have decided to attempt to vaporize only- anymore, when using cannabis.


I found that I was more irritable the following day.

Had increased mucous production, which made my left sinus/ear feel full for some time. I wonder if this could be an allergy. A second trial with a very low dose proved the same effect. It is not dose-dependent. I do know that certain psychedelics, including LSD, can cause increased mucous production. I experienced it on LSD, just not like this.

I should have maybe allergy-tested this compound before going for 2.4 mg. I wasn't thinking. Don't ask.
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