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25c-NBOME addictive behavior


Apr 8, 2014
A little while ago I noticed that when taking 375mcg blotters of 25c-NBOMe, I didn't experience the typical anti-reuse effects that psychedelic, and 25c usually have. Due to the fun of each experience, combined with the extreme euphoria and the somewhat spiritual, but non-intrusive psychedelia I found myself using these doses every week or so, how I would a typical drug. For a while I thought that I was fine as psychedelics are not supposed to be addictive, and I've used higher doses of 25c before and I didn't have these, I just attributed it to wanting to have fun and/or exploring myself. I soon realized that even though I was not taking it every day, I was still exhibiting addictive behavior. I enjoy 25c-nbome, I think it can be very spiritual if you are in the right mindset when tripping. I took a break from all 25c for a bit, then when I found a good opportunity, I decided that using a higher dose would likely exhibit the deterring effects of psychedelics. I was right, ~800mcg is what I use at this point when I am looking to trip, as I know if I use 375-400mcg I will be tempted to do it again soon after.

I don't beleive in the NBOME hate train, people say it isn't very spiritual, and I disagree. I do agree that a lot of it's appeal is that it is a very inexpensive LSD replacement, while I personally look at it as a whole new psychedelic, with similarities to LSD. I also don't agree with NBOMEs being regarded as way too dangerous for people to be using them. People who overdose on NBOMEs are usually people who are misinformed on the danger of higher doses, insufflating it, or combining it with other strong stimulant or vasoconstrictive drugs. I think NBOME otherwise is a relatively safe compound in the right hands. This doesnt really make sense in this context, but you should understand the point: "drugs dont overdose on people, people overdose on drugs".

All that said, be careful with lower doses, if you start to get cravings for it, decide on a larger dose.
I don't mind honest dialog about 25X-NBOMe chemicals. The agents of significant harm post fabricated information about chemicals they have never used. I only mind people promoting dangerous drugs with fabricated information in order to sustain their source of income. This is murder and these agents of harm have immunity from deserved retribution. So, don't misunderstand my sentiments.

Many people have used hyper-selective 5ht2a agonist without immediate harm. This isn't evidence of them being "relatively safe". As compared with other serotonegic psychedelics 25X-NBOMe chemicals have relatively high lethality. Documentation of the many deaths and physical complications begin on page 14 of this report: www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/4_19_review.pdf

I used these chemicals frequently without harm many times. Having quit using it I won't consume hyper-selective 5ht2a agonist again. My last experiences consistently resulted in lasting physical complications.
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I don't really understand the distinction of "hyper-selective 5ht2a agonist"

some have declared that this permanently damages the receptor sites, but mine seem ready for more in a couple of days (I am also a low-ish dose person (300mics average))

the selectivity to 5ht2a is not what makes this compound dangerous.
there is something not well understood about it's phenethylamine tweaky side which jacks the sympathetic nervous system to the moon, and this is not IMO a 5ht2a type of result.

In any case, I treat it as a psychedelic stimulant (sympatho-mimetic similar to ecstasy but maybe better in some ways (eg eye candy)) so you have to be cautious in dosing as you would with speed coke or other stimulant.

there probably have been more deaths per user in the ecstasy user population than the nbome user population.
the difference is in the nature of the ignorant behavior of the users, for ecstasy the ignorance is trustful newbie-ism and evil drug suppliers.
for nbome users it is the assumption that the blotter contains lsd which is safe (physically) at any dosage, and nbome is not ever safe in mg and poly mg quantities.
I don't really understand the distinction of "hyper-selective 5ht2a agonist"

some have declared that this permanently damages the receptor sites, but mine seem ready for more in a couple of days (I am also a low-ish dose person (300mics average))

How often do you dose? Dosing about every two days might cause some neurological changes over time. You mention in other posts the NBOMe chemicals are orally bio-available in you. Maybe it influences the way your liver works, that could be the cause of oral bio-availability. You should consider tapering if you decrease your frequency of use. Test the waters, who knows what you might discover.

the selectivity to 5ht2a is not what makes this compound dangerous.
there is something not well understood about it's phenethylamine tweaky side which jacks the sympathetic nervous system to the moon, and this is not IMO a 5ht2a type of result.

Do you have objective evidence about this? LSD, 2C-B, and Psilocybin are less selective and have proven safer. I used to respond well when I used NBOMe chemicals. Now I have complications every time I use them. These complications occur with other selective 5ht2 agonist.

In any case, I treat it as a psychedelic stimulant (sympatho-mimetic similar to ecstasy but maybe better in some ways (eg eye candy)) so you have to be cautious in dosing as you would with speed coke or other stimulant.

This is odd. I experience selective 5ht2a agonist as bitter and non-euphoric. What you describe is the sensation of something very sweet and euphoric being released from the depths of your body. What makes you respond differently than me?
How often do you dose? ...

This is odd. I experience selective 5ht2a agonist as bitter and non-euphoric. What you describe is the sensation of something very sweet and euphoric being released from the depths of your body. What makes you respond differently than me?

I visit this substance family around 2 times per week (25-b,25-c,or 25-i/ nbome/nboh) - sometimes once per week and then switch to some lsz which is more tolerance limited but more exotic and less tweaky.

again my dose is ~1/4 tab in general, so that may relate to different ranges of effects, when I take more than 1/4 (more than 300mics) I am usually not happy about it, and will probably have to lie down then run to the toilet (the sympatho-mimetic gut acceleration), then lie down again, cover up, and then take off the covers, as my temperature fluctuates, but at 1/4 tab I am sociable and enjoy the results and none of the difficult body stuff.

It is so different at higher doses, obnoxious even, I am amazed by the concentration on the blotters, they are coming out between 1000mics and 1500mics, most of mine are 1200 mics (as claimed by the vendor) - many people need more than me I guess, but at some point it must switch from "sweet to awful" dosage wise.
Its the small doses of 25c which are so euphoric. I noticed however that 25i is not quite as euphoric. I also found that 25i was fairly toxic - hppd, short depression. 25c however has proven safe to me even at 1.5mg