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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(25C-NBOMe/250 µg) First time: Sapho Juice


Sep 20, 2006
I finally got to try this new substance, that by the still few reports, promised some genuine novelty in a field in which most substances have been variations on the same themes since Shulgin's time (not that there is a pressing need for novelty, as a few of these are satisfyingly close to perfection). Not having found solid consensus on dosage, I decided for a conservative dose, of 0,25mg, for the first time.

Wetware: male, 24, 70kg, previous experience with lysergamides, 2C's, mescaline, DMT, 4-substituted tryptamines, 5-MeO-DMT, ring-substituted amphetamines, ketamine and 4-MeO-PCP.

Preparation: I got 25C-NBOMe hydrochloride as a salty white powder with a few slightly darker colored granules. I took demineralized water (I don't know whether that's necessary but I wanted to be on the safe side) in a pipette and gently inserted it through the ziploc, trying to open it as little as possible. I washed the walls of the baggie until all the substance was submerged, then I added water to a 1mg/ml ratio. I shook the liquid until most of the substance was dissolved and transferred it to a container where I shook it for a couple of minutes. Almost all of it dissolved, save for the few, minute darker colored specks. Fortunately, these quickly settled on the bottom. I pulled my dose from the surface, as at the potency of this substance, one of those little specks might have been enough to blow me into the next century.

I lay on my back and poured 0,25ml of the liquid into my nose. That came to about 6 drops, and it was already difficult to keep it from flowing into my throat where it would be probably wasted, so I would not try a higher dilution.

I started to feel altered within 10 minutes. In the first 45-60 minutes, time was already dilated as I started to flow with the trains of thought that came to life from within my expanded consciousness of my life and reality, and as I resurfaced, the hours had not kept up with me. The come-up was somewhat turbulent, something I think is pretty much unavoidable with anything of psychedelic value, save for perhaps DMT. I compare it to the degauss function on a CRT monitor; reality is shaken and minced together, and as structure and unity begins to reform and agglutinate from the chaos, it converges towards the norm: superfluous baggage and detritus gets winnowed away and the essence is left fresh and purified. It had been a while since I had got my clock cleaned, and I wallowed in the cleansing torrent.

Afterwards, the main body of the trip settled; and as I try to characterize it, I think I should try to define the concept of 'cleanliness' that I think is relevant to this substance and to what I appreciate in psychedelics. Their main appeal to me is as thought enhancers, for whatever I would like to think of, be it fun, spiritual meditation, intellectual or personal pursuits; their power is to expand the field of my consciousness and allow me to build and process more complex structures in the sandbox of my field of attention, a temporary overclocking. However, many of them are imperfect: they introduce static, general fuzziness, distortions, propensity for thought loops, aside from the interference phenomena that are an artifact of higher doses. These are impediments to whatever work I want to put my nerves to, and like the minute imperfections in the Hubble telescope, they can totally throw off the focus of the final image that the process is aimed at. Cleanliness, as such, pertains to the perfection of the lens through which one sees during the trip, and to the clarity of the resultant image and more importantly, the information that can be resolved and put together from a high resolution image as opposed to a murky, blurred, blotted together chaos. Far from me the thought of commoditizing the psychedelic experience, for it has great depth and variation in content, but for the specific thought enhancement use, I think this parameter is very important.

I can say that this substance is among the cleanest I've done, maybe the cleanest in a specific sense. I've tried to classify the general effect of the other classes on cognition, not counting the higher dose effects which converge towards the same end; and this is the best I could come up with: DMT enhances the definition of perception, sensory or emotional / intellectual; it makes the world appear more defined and clear. 4-substituted tryptamines have a bit of this higher definition effect, coupled with an intensifying effect. They turn up the saturation on the world; colors are richer and purer, emotions are rawer and more intense, the entire world is more real. Lysergamides have the higher definition effect of DMT without as much intensification, but add a certain stimulant effect; I focus more on the dynamics of the world, its evolution and interdependence through time. I see it in 4D, as a dance weaving itself together into the past and future, adding the extra depth of time to the present-focused view of DMT and 4-subst. tryptamines. PEA's have an intensifying effect without higher definition, and add an emotional energy, a drive to love and enjoy the alive world they lay before me.

Where does 25C-NBOMe sit compared to these? It seemed to me to have a unique purity, in that it served only to enhance my cognition, and do so in a clean manner, without the propensity for thought loops of tryptamines or the fuzziness of 2C's. It expanded my field of attention and processing power in an eminently usable manner, without any distractions. In the few hours of the trip, I recapitulated and expanded my entire worldview. The experience was just a +2, and there may be a lot of fun and / or spirituality in higher doses, but based on this low dose I can say that it shows great promise to be the best class of substance from an utilitarian point of view: a general purpose thought enhancer, clean and usable. And for this alone I think I'll use it a lot in the future.

The visuals consisted of color enhancement, slight distortions, with CEV's reminiscent of standard 2C visuals – arabesque patterns made of neon colors. However, given the level of the experience, the visuals / mindfuck ratio was pretty high and shows promise for higher doses.

I started coming down after about 4 hours and I was pretty much sober after about 6 hours; slight psychedelia and faint CEV's persisted until about T+8 when I fell asleep.

Now, the next day, I feel rested, fresh and 'centered' – stable and in touch with myself. This is a far cry from the next day burned out feeling of stimulating substances - 2C's or lysergamides, and I think it is very important for the ultimate usefulness of a psychedelic experience. The insights experienced must be integrated into daily life, and if the next day one wakes up hung over, as after a night of delirium, it is all too easy to discount as just a trip and forget the thoughts the day before; if one is gently brought back to reality and the psychedelic experience seamlessly weaves into reality, it is much easier to keep one's lessons and make them a part of oneself.

I look forward to trying it in a higher dose, maybe also 25D if it turns out to be different enough. For now I think I've found a very useful substance.
Great description of a way psychedelics are working with our perception <3

thanks :)
yes thank you rigacrypto!
the clarity of your writing is fitting tribute to the molecule here praised!
Greatly fulfilling report. And a prior advanced reflection on the pattern of thoughts brought by psychedelics makes this shared experience even more useful.
Thanks for comparing it to other substances too, it always helps being able to put it in perspective with other personal experiences everyone can relate to.
You're all welcome. It's nice to be more on the cutting edge for once and report on a relatively untested substance. Normally I lie back and wait for experiences to accumulate and the winner substances to arise before I go and try them myself.

And it appears someone has edited the title. I had written the dose as 0,25mg - or 0.25mg or 250mcg. 25mg could be a once in a lifetime surprise - literally.
Tally Ho

Digging this report. A nice lucid description which sheds light on an interesting substance. Your words would portray the psychedic experience quite well for someone who hadn't used any before.
I would love to give it a go, but for the precision required to dose sensibly. Cheap scales may become a recipe for danger with this one. Take care folks!
very nice well written report.

having recently aquired it, im anxious to read others' reports on it.

so in the end the experience was around 6 hours? sounds in line with other reports, though some say it lasts 12h
Yes, BOM-CC (for short) also gave me the unique feeling of clearness and purity.
I did a few times (25C-NBOMe) 500µg per nose, using stuff like a drop on a neutral sweet pill od a small size.
fantastic experiences!!
Absolutely no body load or any other side-effects ))