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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

250mgs-350mgs of Kief in 3 cups of Tea


Feb 26, 2017
19minutes and :30 seconds left at 11:00 a.m. into activation of the THC [decarboxylation] of approximately 15mg-30mgs of kief plant matter.
Will be putting this into a cup of Tea WITH an average teaspoon of organic virgin unrefined TASTY coconut oil.

Decarboxylation [THC activation] finished at exactly 11:20 A.M.

11:24- mixing Tea/ hot water, and 15mg-30mgs of [kief]with coconut oil

11:26 - First sip of Tea

11:29 - tea /heat feels euphoric, great, and comfortable.
11:30 - slight head change, experience with this substance [ingesting kief] I can feel it already hitting Me but no way near peak.

11:32 a.m. - just finished the cup of Tea. That was lovely... Approximately 15mg-30mg of KIEF was just consumed.

11:39 a.m. - GREAT rush of energy, good focus, and some psychedelia.

11:40 a.m. - interesting head high [slight dizziness but nothing over whelming], could provoke anxiety but has a grounding buzz to it
and Music affects mood in a slight-moderate way.

11:56 a.m. - just smoked a good J and lets just say... the tea and the joint complement each other VERY WELL and potentiate each other.

12:21 p.m. - flowing and soaring

12:45 p.m. - stating to feel stoned and comfortable... Very comfortable.

1:05 p.m. - definitely have a groggy and heavy feeling. Stoned.
If i Had to get up and walk a ways, I would say "no" or it takes a very long time to get up and going.

1:07 p.m.- Very content and comfortable. *yawns and stretches*

1:17 p.m. - pissed the fuck off cuz i feel like im being pushed to do a million things at once.
Cannot decide if I should be responsible or fuck off.

1:23 p.m. - starting to get visuals and feel like i am tapping into a kind of consciousness

1:39 p.m. - telling it like it is

2:15 p.m. - well... that was trippy.

2:35 p.m. - food tastes 3-5x better than normal and some colorful ROYGBIV spectrum CEVs... "blips"

2:41 p.m. - smoking a well rolled and papered joint


3 p.m. - Decarboxylation [THC activation] complete!!!!

3:05 p.m. - enjoying another cup of Tea. [15mg-30mgs KIEF]

Got it all down in a minute and 15 seconds

3:08 p.m. - Going to work and smoke more weed before I write more

3:10 p.m. - that Tea's warmth makes You really feel good

5:12 p.m. - feeling a great sense of focus and energy getting work done.
Also feeling more comfortable in My own skin and physically relieved. And somewhat more compassionate.


5:13 p.m. - 200- 300mgs of KIEF is in the oven decarboxylating right now.

5:30 p.m. - smoking weed seems to be a lot more enjoyable and potent. Very nice. :) 💨

5:40 p.m. - eating dinner with another cup of Tea. HOWEVER, This will be an additional 200mgs-300mgs of KIEF this time.

6:12 p.m. - I am tripping... Making the impossible... Possible.

6:23 pm. - smoking two joints.
the sky and sunset looks so vibrant and there is 150ug LSD visuals in the sky and I did not any acid Today.
The tree's silhouettes on the sky and sunset looks so cool. Crazy Level 2 trails. Very tripping and surreal.

7:48 p.m. - yeah... i am basically tripping.

8:17 p.m. - feeling very stoned and heavy.. and tired. Difficult to get up.

9:28 p.m. - this feels a lot like an LSD come down. Just a lot more comfortable and lethargic.
Very errie and creepy music. Halloween vibes.

9:39 p.m. - starting to feel very comfortable and tired... I think I am done typing for the night.
I will check back in Tomorrow.

10:43 p.m. very comfortable, relaxed, and light on My feet. This stuff heals.
I'm going to bed.

6:45 a.m. - waking up feeling very well rested and slept stronger than I normally do.
Not feeling as hung over as I thought I was going to be.

A very special treat that I am grateful for. Looking forward to what Today is going to bring.

I hope You all find something worthy within this CANNABIS HOME MADE EDIBLE TRIP REPORT!!!!
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Interesting report however your dosage is very unclear.

You seem to be confusing kief dose with thc dose (thc dose will obviously be much smaller than kief dose)
Thanks. A lot of people respect this kind of stuff.

Wish I saw more of it around these parts....
Well I'd say that you got respect here because you earned it, you posted a report about your experience and it was yours, and shared some experiences like we do in here. :)
Everyone here loves a good trip report mate. You know why other things you've said have garnered the responses they have.

Interesting stuff though. I haven't done edibles in ages. I think I'd still rather smoke my kief.
I way prefer eating it to smoking it. So much chiller and more relaxing (unless you take too much), more opiate-like in the body. Smoking it tends to bring on anxiety way more than eating it, for me. Eating it gives me a perma-grin and I feel really good and it lasts for ages.
Hmm. I guess I haven't had the gall to risk using any of my weed for edibles in some years. Too many times I've tried and failed to make effective edibles. So to be honest, I don't even know what an edible high feels like.
Oh damn I think you'd love it. It's hard to make them yourself if tyou don't know the strength of your weed though... lots of times back in the day I would either make them not strong enough or WAY too strong. With the legal industry (and that stuff getting spread all over even where it's illegal), these days I can always find edibles that have a known dosage. I like 20-30mg of oral THC. You might like more as I'm sensitive. Too much edibles is overwhelming, but if you don't have too much, it's way more medicinal.
It is a cool report Heatless. I knew you had at least a 500 word essay in you. :) I've only had kief once from a friend that grows. But now I am very interested. I can not wait till full legalization. Kief sounds right up my ally. Once legal and not illegal to grow I want a grow guru to show me some things. lol

And it doesn't matter what a person did in the past. It only matters what they do going forward. I think if people knew that then going forward they would be present in all their actions. Good report.
Everyone here loves a good trip report mate. You know why other things you've said have garnered the responses they have.

Interesting stuff though. I haven't done edibles in ages. I think I'd still rather smoke my kief.
Care to explain? or PM Me?
Smoking it tends to bring on anxiety way more than eating it, for me.
I can vouch for that. I use both homemade edibles and vapor daily. The cannabis edibles are not my favourite because I prefer the more powerful psychoactive and transcendental high I can achieve with vaporizing consistently from day to day and even hour to hour.

The edibles work much better if you don't vaporize at all and get your tolerance down and just dose once a day with reasonable days ideally later in the evening to really notice to transition and effect of the edibles.

I only use the edibles daily for digestive support for which they are amazing and literally keep me alive. I dont like the added lethargy and muscular heaviness of edibles though vs vaporization.

But I don't get ANY anxiety from edibles. It's just so smooth and easy. Vapor on the other hand does greatly affect my anxiety, depending on my physical condition also in relation to the actual nerves themselves, mindset, and of course those comes into play.
Too much edibles is overwhelming, but if you don't have too much, it's way more medicinal.
Compared to smoking cannabis, 100%.
However, vaporizing is an entirely different matter, and is exceedingly more medicinal than smoking. Also has numerous advantages over edibles, particularly for supporting heart health and function having a very Direct transportation and access to the lungs and heart.

Vaporizing weed literally saved my life one time when I had a nasty viral infection in my heart and edibles were exacerbating the symptoms in a sort of intolerance type reaction.

I had to completely stop the edibles at the time and I wasn't vaporizing for about 3 weeks during which time my heart was going crazy daily and I really thought I was at risk of damage or death it was really scary.

Then I started vaporizing again and instantly my heart function normalised and was controlled until the infection was completely clear with no damage done. I since learnt of a specialist heart hospital in Israel which leads the frontline in research and treatment into heart disease, who use cannabis vaporization as one of their primary revolutionary treatment methods for heart conditions.

The amazing thing about vaporizing is that as long as you have good quality Herb and a decent enough vaporizer the conversion and delivery of a medicinal actives is extremely efficient and effective without any skill or knowledge being required.

Warehouse it is not so easy to make the most effective edibles, not just psychoactively but in terms of transference of the plants full potential healing properties.

Eating cannabis when well prepared is no doubt remarkably medicinal. But I I know that the majority of people are completely unaware as to how medicinal vaporizing cannabis is certainly compared to smoking but standing by itself and also in relation to edibles it is both complementary and different in its actions.