24 hours after last hydrocodone dose. I still show no signs of withdrawal?


May 17, 2017
I have been using opiates recreationally for about a year. I started with 40mg every Friday and Saturday . Then by the time I knew it I was taking doses of 100-200mgs a day in a single dose. I quit cold turkey 24hrs ago not a sign of withdrawal. Is it being delayed because of the massive amounts of drugs I was taking? Or am I not gonna get any withdrawal symptoms? Thank u in advance to anyone who tries to enlighten my nerves!
It will come and eventually you might want to use it again, the first withdrawal is usually the best chance you have to get off of opiates at once and for all. It's usually much easier in the first time. You will overcome. Suggest you plan on doing new things, if you feel like doing it again, think different. This is your way out. You may feel empty or sad, this all normal and part of the process.

Good luck! Keep us posted.
It depends on how long you used for consistently. For me, I would feel withdraws pretty quick (12 hours)

Just remember the urge to use my appear again. It's important to reflect now on the use, what's it's done and why you wish to quit.

Delete your dealers numbers and do your best to stay away from any friends who used the drug in the past or who can trigger. The worst thing to do is suffer and break free, then throw yourself back into opiate addiction.

Post back, good luck!