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200 mg methadone cold turkey...fuck

I just did a count and have 30 exactly. Swim "lost" maybe 10 or so. But these were all given to me for my cluster migrains. Literally though. Daily optical migrains that turn into a puke fest
Bla bla. Still doesnt mean I ain't a junky.

I just feel like there's a lot of animosity just because I have a "pile of pills" and "I'm dumb a dumb kid" mentality from a group of people I've used for help since... Lets see 2005 or 6 my account was activated? I don't touch my methadone now because I wanted to GTFO of my
System before I really started tapering. The half life was doing me in the butt. I literally was still feeling my dones for 6 days after the fact.... While on probably 300
Mgs of oxy
Hey, Oxy IR is terribly short acting I'm afraid. I'd taper with OxyContin or whatever the long acting ones are called now in the us. Seriously forget the roxys and get an rx for oxycontin pref OP so you can't abuse it easily cos you seem to be lacking in the self control department and your brain seems to be convincing you're worthy of dire sympathy for this ordeal you're in.

This is of course assuming you're not an alt on the troll. As you suddenly started saying SWIM at the end, very troll-like if you've supposedly used this site since 06.

It's not that extreme, and you have been taking ridiculous amounts of oxy, far more than would be needed to reduce the withdrawals. Is this your first kick? Sounds like a lot of whining from someone who has all the comfort meds in the world.
Not thaaat ridiculous.* Fetches tape measure*

To call withdrawing from 200mg of methadone with 5.4g of oxycodone and who knows how much xanax to ease the landing 'cold turkey' is hilarious. You don't know what rough is at this point.

Well sounds like you have it all figured out. You certainly think you do anyway.

Good luck. Hope it works out for ya.
Lol yea sounds like it eh Mr S.

I couldn't taper with a bottle of oxycodone that's too difficult that's why methadone was made really is to make tapering easier with a long half life things with a short half life are a pain to taper and quit.
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If you were still feeling the methadone why were you taking the oxy? Felt like wasting it?

There's no jealousy here, but if you couldn't figure out how to get off painlessly with the stockpile you've got, you aren't too bright. There's animosity because you had more oxy on hand than most here could imagine and instead of tapering with it you were doing 300mg a day and complaining that you didn't feel perfect, well guess what, withdrawal doesn't feel great. You could have had an easy withdrawal but you wasted it. Calling this withdrawal cold turkey is laughable.

Doing oxy does absolutely nothing to get the methadone out of your blood faster, where did you get that idea? Methadone still has the same half life regardless of the other opiate. If you wanted to get it out of your brain faster you could take that buprenorphine you've got. That'd accelerate something.

In all seriousness, though, I should hope that the reason you didn't take the subutex is because you didn't want to go through precipitated withdrawal, not because 'partial agonists aren't your thing.' It's wonderful for doing a quick taper.

After 11 days without methadone you're probably getting close to the point where you could do a quick suboxone taper. Add another 72 hours of colds turkey and then take a tiny sliver and see how ya feel.
Lol yea sounds like it eh Mr S.

I couldn't taper with a bottle of oxycodone that's too difficult that's why methadone was made really is to make tapering easier with a long half life things with a short half life are a pain to taper and quit.

Ha exactly. That is the entire point of methadone.. the long half-life aids in the whole tapering process, making it much easier and effective. If oxy was a great drug to taper with, they'd use that in in patient detoxes... ha. But it's not.. and they don't. But whatever I guess.

If you were still feeling the methadone why were you taking the oxy? Felt like wasting it?

There's no jealousy here, but if you couldn't figure out how to get off painlessly with the stockpile you've got, you aren't too bright. There's animosity because you had more oxy on hand than most here could imagine and instead of tapering with it you were doing 300mg a day and complaining that you didn't feel perfect, well guess what, withdrawal doesn't feel great. You could have had an easy withdrawal but you wasted it. Calling this withdrawal cold turkey is laughable.

Doing oxy does absolutely nothing to get the methadone out of your blood faster, where did you get that idea? Methadone still has the same half life regardless of the other opiate. If you wanted to get it out of your brain faster you could take that buprenorphine you've got. That'd accelerate something.

In all seriousness, though, I should hope that the reason you didn't take the subutex is because you didn't want to go through precipitated withdrawal, not because 'partial agonists aren't your thing.' It's wonderful for doing a quick taper.

After 11 days without methadone you're probably getting close to the point where you could do a quick suboxone taper. Add another 72 hours of colds turkey and then take a tiny sliver and see how ya feel.

Yup. Spot on.
Just came off 300 - 450mg oxy a day habit last week...last oc was a week ago sunday. Used methadone in the past...although never daily for fear of the problem OP described...withdrawal hell like no other. Anyway, if the methadone is now out your system, have you considered suboxone? I got ahold of the 8mg strips and, at first, I thought they sucked but now I'd like to kiss the feet of the guy who invented it. The key is to get the dose right...too much and you'll be laid out feeling lobotomized. Too little, and you'll still be sick.

It's your choice if you wanna wait the 18-24 hours or so that's suggested after your last oxy dose or just take your first dose when you wake up morning after last dose...you're risking some precipitated withdrawal, which is what I got. However, I personally would prefer a 2-3 hour exorcism to 12 hours regular withdrawal. Pick your poison.

I started waaaaay too high dose with 2 full strips. Like I said, 2-3 hours of hell...cold sweating, hot flashes and generally just feeling completely fucked up. Then, I was able to pass out for like almost 2 days (second day took 1 whole strip)...still waaaay too high dose). First 2 days, was sleepy as hell and had no appetite...felt lobotomized still and depressed as hell but NOT sick. Finally, day 3 took half strip, was normal...couldn't fuckin believe it...normal (physically). Anyway, have tapered down since then and am clean and feelin great a week later.

It's worth a shot if you haven't tried it...it's the weirdest thing...I felt in the beginning just like when I got outta prison...tells you something about physical addiction...fuck that shit...never again!
I was on methadone from 2005 until 2010. I was at 210 mg a day. Plus I would go home and eat 6 to 8 40mg methadone wafers. So I was actually doing over 500mg of methadone a day. I would still get up in the morning sick is a dog withdrawing. To be honest the only time I could "feel" my methadone is when I smoked weed. Methadone to me is liquid handcuffs. I never thought in a million years I would be able to come off of it. BUT I found Suboxone/Subutex. If you really want to quit that is the way to go. I honestly got sick and tired of being sick and tired. And no I never heard of a doctor prescribing opiate to come off of an opiate. So yea he must be high. I wish you all the luck. With my experience I came down to 70 mg one day and when I was taking my dose I realized that moment I'm done I'm never coming back. And I never did. They say to go on Suboxone you need to be sick and skip a few days. Like I stated above I was always sick in the mornings anyways. So the next day I was on Suboxone. I can proudly say I have not had methadone since 2010. The suboxone helped like a miracle. Now for my anxiety and sleeplessness I am prescribed Klonopin and Ambien at night. Thank God for those.
I was on methadone from 2005 until 2010. I was at 210 mg a day. Plus I would go home and eat 6 to 8 40mg methadone wafers. So I was actually doing over 500mg of methadone a day. I would still get up in the morning sick is a dog withdrawing. To be honest the only time I could "feel" my methadone is when I smoked weed. Methadone to me is liquid handcuffs. I never thought in a million years I would be able to come off of it. BUT I found Suboxone/Subutex. If you really want to quit that is the way to go. I honestly got sick and tired of being sick and tired. And no I never heard of a doctor prescribing opiate to come off of an opiate. So yea he must be high. I wish you all the luck. With my experience I came down to 70 mg one day and when I was taking my dose I realized that moment I'm done I'm never coming back. And I never did. They say to go on Suboxone you need to be sick and skip a few days. Like I stated above I was always sick in the mornings anyways. So the next day I was on Suboxone. I can proudly say I have not had methadone since 2010. The suboxone helped like a miracle. Now for my anxiety and sleeplessness I am prescribed Klonopin and Ambien at night. Thank God for those.
Ive also been on methadone for many years, but due to my addiction, I have never taken my script correctly and run out early each month, some months, I run out like 14 days early, I am too familiar with the terrible methadone wds! When I can afford it, I supplement during the times Im out with Heroin, it seems the past year, all my money each month has been going to cover the cost of heroin for the times Im out of methadone...Im not 100% sure, but I do know I would like to cut down on methadone use during the month, does the subox kick in pretty good once the right time has passed since last opiate dose, or do you even feel it?

Few years ago, I came across a subox tab my connection had, I got it and took it 1 day after no methadone or H, and I cant remember it really doing anything, I remember I upset about wasting the money.
Well sorry for pissing you guys off. I need more self control but I swear to you the oxies weren't doing shit and I was so fed up with methadone and the longevity I thought switch to short acting and tapering would easier. Sorry for the stupid thread. Sorry for having terrible self control. And sorry for even bringing this up.
It's not a stupid thread and I don't think people are pissed off. More incredulous at the phrase "cold turkey" I believe. I mean, to me cold turkey would entail going off opiates with no taper and no opiates to replace them with. I think you could have an easier time using the subs to taper. I imagine you must be feeling pretty rough. Have you taken any of those methadones? Hang in there buddy! <3
OP...try to work the subs!!! Once you get the dosage right, all it takes is a little patience and you'll be feeling GREAT without having to go through withdrawal hell. You're gonna feel like Andy Dufraine escaping from Shawshank...trust me, it's worth a shot! What do you have to lose? A few miserable days on methadone? ;-)
Well sorry for pissing you guys off. I need more self control but I swear to you the oxies weren't doing shit and I was so fed up with methadone and the longevity I thought switch to short acting and tapering would easier. Sorry for the stupid thread. Sorry for having terrible self control. And sorry for even bringing this up.

Dude nobody is pissed off at you, and it's not a stupid thread, this is you asking for help, which is the first step toward recovery. Going cold turkey doesnt mean taking 180 roxi 30s and having "hundreds" of benzos to cushion your fall. Do you know how many people would kill to have those meds to comfort withdrawal? We are just saying (for most people) that you can't taper down from Methadone with OxyIR, it's too short acting, and the self control you need with them is rarely seen, especially for us addicts.
You could use your Subutex to taper off the Oxy IR mess you got into, but once you reach a low enough dose of Sub to jump off, you are STILL going to experience w/d. No way around it.

Get some kratom, read the Megathread on how to use correctly, and taper with that, IMO.